At the end of the day, a single mother is the worst thing that could happen to a child. Single fathers are better for the child. Studies show it.
ОтветитьRaise your own biological children black man!
ОтветитьI can agree that ALL the blame shouldn't be on the woman's shoulders, but we have to be honest, it all starts with the woman. " Her body her choice". With the power of deciding whether you will become a parent or not, you will also have responsibilities. The father should be there to assist, but if you're not married then that dramatically increases the chance of becoming a single mother. Doing something as simple as waiting till marriage would make a major difference in the father being there. And if you're married then the responsibility is no longer JUST yours. It's yours AND your husband. Now of course there are stipulations to this like choosing a like-minded partner and building characteristics of a wife. But this process will not only help you, but it will help your child with another adult in the house with autonomy over that child.
ОтветитьThey don’t “stay” they leave the man
ОтветитьYou don’t have to sign up for being a single mother. Use protection and don’t create kids unless you are married.
ОтветитьWomen leave men! Let’s start there
ОтветитьFour out of five black homes ran by a single mother household! Not one piece of masculinity in the household to look after a son and daughter. Proper growth for both men and women is having both, I repeat BOTH, masculine and feminine influence. Just like life, just like nature, there’s a balance! It’s physics, it’s not fairytale! Problem is were more selfless today, thinking about ourselves! Worrying too much about how he is “a bomb“ instead of Taking some accountability maybe you have a shitty way of picking men? all I asked is just take some accountability. Maybe you’ll see some differences I don’t know I’m just saying the world’s watching. And if you didn’t care what they thought, it would show and it doesn’t.
ОтветитьThe stigma around single mothers is absolutely monstrous, dysfunctional parents can be of any marital or relationship status, so there’s no reason to single out or collectively demonize.
ОтветитьWomen control access to sex....
let that sink in.
(do not bring forced entry into this, you knkw what I mean)
If women require more realistic subsrance of character outside of status, height , sex and money from Men..they will get better Fathers.
1 requirement is that he comes from a household that had a strong loving father.
ОтветитьThat’s a lie, y’all have abortion, adoption, drop child off at the nearest fire house without questions asked. So please don’t give me that I can’t bounce nonsense.
ОтветитьThe fix is easy don’t have kids unless you are married. Less drama, less poverty and better outcomes.
ОтветитьOnly bums want single mothers
ОтветитьDont blame men for being a single mom! You chose Pookie and Ray RAY and now you’re a single mom! You had the choice to keep your legs closed and even had a choice to take birth control and abort it if you wanted to.. 😂😂😂 Passport boys, get your passports!
ОтветитьTo be honest the women are as much to blame for allowing their bodies to be exploited and misused by bad irresponsible men. Their body is their accountability. And most single mothers aren’t even married they mostly conceive children from one night stands. As for those who are married it is estimated that about 80 percent of divorces are initiated by the women while she claims the benefits. The reason single mothers stay with the children is not out of love but to use them as a beginning tool for child support from the ex husband or the government.
ОтветитьWomen stop having sex with men if you don’t see a future with them! It’s simple 😂
ОтветитьStop having kids when you not mentally or financially ready. Most women be screaming they want a baby so they can have someone to love, but be really needing therapy to heal from that childhood trauma. Keep them legs closed 🔐. Go get some therapy, get your education.
ОтветитьI find it very hard to believe that the solution to the single mother epidemic in the black community is less judgement and less shame.
ОтветитьMothers bounce too.....not as much .....
ОтветитьThe majority of Women stay❣️
Some times I wish my mother stayed.
This narrative pisses me off! Unless they're being forced, women still control access to their boby. Be better, choose better!
ОтветитьI'm not upset about the comment you just made but I'm just a little disappointed because there's a lot of women who's picking up bounce on the father
ОтветитьSo I guess white mothers DO have that choice?!?!?! YTF it's gotta be that black and white bullshit?! I raised 10 kids BY MY SELF....
ОтветитьSome of you black women wasn’t raised right yourselves how you gonna raise a child with a man there..women go somewhere and sit down..smh tired of hearing the bs
ОтветитьThe criticism comes from sleeping with deadbeats and then being mad that fatherhood doesn't change them. Stop sleeping with deadbeats. Marry before you carry.
Ответитьmen look for a woman with
brains they all have vaginas
and women look for a man with
a brain they all have ds
let’s be truthful men and women are beautiful we all need to keep your eyes off of the bodies
and more on the brain
you have to get to know someone that’s smart and intelligent you can look
good but have no common sense
come on we’re humans we are smarter than that
she’s right we all need to
look at mental health more
I was in prison for the first three years of my child’s life. My wife was essentially a single mother during that time. We were both 18 and not ready. But our love for our daughter and each other is what pushed us to be better. Once I was released from prison, we’ve been inseparable and stronger everyday as a family. And it’s all because of my wife. Without her, none of this would be possible. She deserves the utmost prestigious award in existence and I wish I can give that to her. Shout out to all the mothers.
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьKita got a point in this one mothers catch way more flack for bouncing than dads
ОтветитьThese women have a habit of picking bad boys have multiple kids to multiple fathers thinking these people that hit them abuse them a drug dealers etc a good role models and when they finally do bounce they complain it's your choice to pick these men in the first place if you had better choices you wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place
ОтветитьMuch Prayer, Love and Respect to all the single parents that's striving the right way with all that they have available, it isn't easy.
ОтветитьI have a family full of men including myself who the women we had kids with said all this too hard imma bounce but what do you expect from the pandering clown show circus
ОтветитьWell lets not have children outside of marriage. This will prevent a lot problems from happening. Communication needs to be happening before you become intimate. Especially before you get to the point of becoming pregnant. This is all preventable.
ОтветитьAs a single mother they talk bad about black man.
ОтветитьHow about just stop sleeping around and saying it's the man's fault.
ОтветитьThis is so true. There was a story in the papers 📰 about a young black woman in the UK 🇬🇧 who had 2 sets of twin boys. 1 set was 4 years old, and the second set was 3 years old.
The woman had her 2 sets of twins from age 23 with a white man. The man ups and leaves her to become a single parent while he moves on with a white woman. The young mother and her children's father were "co-parenting."
She must have been bitter and twisted that she was stuck raising the children while he moved on with his life, so she decided to kill them.
She lit a cigarette and left it burning in the house while the children slept upstairs (they lived in a council house) and then she went out shopping at 11 o'clock at night for 2 hours.
When she returned to the scene, the children's bodies were laid out on the pavement while the firefighters tried to resuscitate them, but they were already dead.
The mother stood their with a cigarette in her mouth, and the crowd of people that gathered started jeering at her. She was convicted and is now going to prison for various charges.
The father was interviewed on the news with his parents speaking fondly about his children. The mother of the children killed them 2 days before Christmas. This man affectively abandoned his children and didn't think anything of leaving her holding the baby, so to speak, but the mother obviously had other ideas.
The woman speaking is right. Black women get criticised and even mocked, despite being the ones left having to raise children by themselves, and there is no get out of jail free card for them, unlike with men.
People come into your life for four reasons; to add, subtract, multiply, or divide. You have to choose wisely." - Jalen Rose
ОтветитьAs a divorced, single mother, this resonates. It's disheartening to see society constantly criticize us for staying and raising our children, while men are free to abandon their children without the same scrutiny. We endure many challenges and sacrifices daily to provide stability and love for our kids. Thanks Kita Rose for being a voice to help shift this narrative and recognize the resilience and strength it takes for us do this alone. Single mothers deserve respect and support, not judgment.
ОтветитьI’ve noticed so much hate coming out of America towards single mothers. Such a backward view and narrow minded view (that the men seem to hold). Not all, but a lot of them. I’m glad I don’t live in America.
ОтветитьLol you raise criminals😮😂
ОтветитьAbsent fathers and bad single mothers are the reason for young black men being in prison not taking care of their children and daughters being single mothers.
ОтветитьSingle mothers literally just recently started getting real criticism..lets not cap
ОтветитьShe sound like a B---ch Its why she stuck being a SINGLE MOM in the Ghetto.. And She sound and look like she's still desperate for another THUG Bum to have another baby with. Lady, Bye!!!!!! You putted yourself in that situation and Stereotyped. Good luck raising your raggedy ass kids. Bye!
ОтветитьWith all this information out here about how hard it is to be a single mother and the struggles why are the allowing men to impregnate then that they aren’t married too? Nobody’s forcing them too
ОтветитьThat’s why black women should NEVER take a risk of becoming a single mother
ОтветитьMan like I was telling my friend, men especially black men have been on the hot seat since the 70’s and EARLIER!! They have videos on women saying they don’t need a man. All them shows in the 90’s that were criticizing men even Sharazad Ali was criticized back then for her stance. So now the spotlight is on women, women can’t handle it! Hell men know what their problem is because society lets men know what’s wrong with them. Now it’s women turn to be exploited and you’re really seeing NATURE OF WOMEN!! My homegirl didn’t disagree with me but said “we men don’t know how to shut up don’t nobody want to hear that!” And an older woman said that they just don’t want to hear it, accountability is not for us!!!
Ответитьi disagree. there’s a lot of fathers that will willing take their children full time but the mother rather struggle so she can say “i’m a good mom, no one helps me”. no one speaks about that.
if the father doesn’t want there, and the mother feels it’s too hard…there are options for the child. again no one wants to talk about those things. uncomfortable truths