People go to church to compare clothes and give themselves a temporary feeling of superiority while looking down on others who don't believe in your myths, it's hypocritical and evil
ОтветитьThere is absolutely no proper or sensible reason to join a church. It only makes good people worse.
Ответить5 good reasons to stay in your church
ОтветитьReason i left church. I have thoughts. I started thinking. Useing my mind. I open my eyes. Once u do that u dont want to go back 👭👬👪👫😘💖💕
ОтветитьYou're cute
ОтветитьYou're just babbling another nonsense here bro
Ответитьthese are great points
ОтветитьBesides the really stupid comments here, there are some pretty good (and funny) ones. On the more serious side, here's my take on characteristics of a bad church:
1 - You lack transparency. You're probably a 501c3 tax-exempt 'business.' At the least, your revenues and expenses (including all wages and payments-in-kind should be published on the web, but are not, and may even be hard to get at all. Also, all your meetings involving strategic and major operational church business are not announced and are not open to everyone.
2 - You lack humility. Your 'leaders' don't request input. You don't even put your 'leaders' email addresses on your website. Unless a person is in your inner circle, their perspectives really are of no interest. Even worse, the climate across the board is such that anything that might be considered criticism of your 'leaders' and their actions and decisions is assiduously repressed. (In my view, true servants of Christ would welcome, actually be seeking and requesting, critical input!)
3 - You lack integrity in your teaching. You compromise the Scriptures that seriously question the lifestyles of your leaders, insiders, and many of your up-standing congregants. You don't take seriously, prioritize, and provide focused and Scripture-faithful training needed to help people get beyond nominal, cultural 'Christianity,' and actually follow Jesus.
Unfortunately, just that much largely characterizes just about every church I've ever encountered.
The title of this video should be "5 lies/decieving reasons to leave your church" that's better.
ОтветитьI’m not sure how this popped up on my feed, but once and awhile I enjoy hearing views that challenge my faith it helps reaffirm my belief in God.
ОтветитьYour senses is small
ОтветитьThe sexism in some congregations and even some non-religious organizations astounds me.
ОтветитьI'm now leaving my church I've been at this one for over 6 years and had so much energy to get invovled with children ministries but keep getting over looked by people with affluence of big job titles. This has started to drain me I feel like elderly person physically and think before they kill my vibe I should leave, however I'm NEVER leaving Jehovah just the false shepherds. Thanks for your video very informative. (We all have our own opinions about EVERY and ANYTHING maturity is not to condemn but to learn that EVERYTHING doesn't deserve attention period.
ОтветитьHahaha... I better say Its bad... Because I just might loose members...
ОтветитьI would love to ask the pastor, “what is a good reason to leave church”
ОтветитьAnd I did walk out of a church. It was a smallish church and was to be a progressive church until the issue of LGBT came out. I just couldn't stand for it and walked out. My issue with church is if God is supposed to build a person in God's imagine, then if God makes an LBGT person why is it so wrong. I just can't get over that God is supposed to be love but with exceptions.
ОтветитьThe other thing I'd within the Roman Catholic church, it's said to be a sin if you don't attend mass every week and other feast days. So in a sense they're making you stay
ОтветитьWow. 6 years ago! You made a point I think I agree with that I have not thought of before. It looks like Xian churches are NOT there to meet the needs of the "flock". The church sets the direction and the flock is expected to follow. The sheep don't tell the Shepard where to go, they follow him blindly.
ОтветитьReligion is like a ponzi scheme😅
ОтветитьNow I don’t pay to Pastors every week 👍🏻
ОтветитьI'm really glad this guy woke me up
ОтветитьHurman Menta
Thanks dude
1. You are not brainwashed anymore with a book (the bible)full of errors and slaughters
2. You do not waste your time believing in a God that does not answer your prayers
3. You leave toxic relationships built on believing in a doctrine and not people you get along
4. You can sleep Sunday morning
5. You can enjoy books and your own passions and develop your own spirituality no guilt anymore to do something wrong !
Thank you for yor video 🙏🙂
I'm (an unorthodox, irreligious, polytheistic) Catholic and I left my church because of the things I begin to realize. I may not be an atheist, but what atheists say makes a lot of sense, logic and rationality. I won't give churches my money anymore.
ОтветитьI don't understand why one has to go to church to give some guy my money so that I can feel good that some god will love me for it bullshit these churches are robbing you you dumb asses
ОтветитьAnytime You Hears Budda Didn't Raised From The Dead, Krishna Didn't Raised From The Dead, Mohammad Didn't Raised From The Dead! Means It's Politics! And God Is Running For The Highest Office! Sorry God, I Voted For Shiva! 😁
ОтветитьThe last time I went to church was during covid and I stayed at home to watch it from my own home, the pastor went onto saying throughout the entire session on how you should come to church, that it's a better experience than staying at home, and how people rather have vacations than to go to church on Sundays and I'm just sitting here thinking: they aren't allowed a nice getaway for their hard work?
Ответить1.But iam learning iam getting what my spiritual needs
2.its about connecting with God not the pastor or so on... The pastor is to preach and we're listener
3. Its just you make your decision base on bible
4.we all need each other you can't just mention some pastor preach and say this not all are same
5.the problems is you're atheist but Jesus loves you and by his grace you're breathing change before its too late
Morally corrupt pastors trying to preach morality to the congregation. How ironic! It’s like do what I say not what I do. No thanks!
ОтветитьOf the 3 main religions, (Christian, Muslim, Judaism) ALL of them offer women NOTHING other than to be obedient doormats.
ОтветитьThis man is getting involved in God and Satans war.Woe to him.I have deep love for Jesus aka Yeshua and ready to give my life for mark of the beast refusal.And its comming.
ОтветитьHypocritical meetings, pastors or priests w/o worldly knowledge, me, confiding in someone about my "dark" secrets- ha. I can see why my parents hated churches. If you need a crutch then go and leave the checkbook at home.
ОтветитьThere's only one good person ever walked the face of the Earth Jesus Christ he can only fill the Ten Commandments man could not fulfill the Ten Commandments that's why I JESUS came to die on the cross for our sins there's not one pasture out there it's not a sinner. Going to church gets a bad pastor it's the church Council eventually remove their pastor. But the body of the churches the body of all of us the people are the church. The building of the structure the body of the church are his children that follow his word. I believe you're an atheist and then you trying to drive a wedge between people that's called false witness mean against a neighbor that's one of the Ten Commandments committing a sin against your neighbor slander you're stereotyping people that they're having trouble with their pastor really none of your business it's their choice to do whatever they want to do it's none of your concern. The scientists are nothing but a bunch of fantasizes come up with new theories all the time State the facts and quit fantasizing about your stereotyping scientists beliefs.
ОтветитьWhy do atheist base their , way of life on "atacking" mainly christians ? Tell something esle
All of you , i get it you reject religion , now tell me about where we as humans are going ?
Solving war , poverty , and drug addictions and other things that are clearly destroying humanity ,
People come back week after week because they are mostly mindless sheep being lead by the piped piper
ОтветитьI left my church for one overwhelming, fundamental reason: I no longer believed in the nonsensical rubbish being taught. Enough said.
ОтветитьDude u gotta meet my pastor
You’ll turn into an awesome Christian
That list feels a little gaslight-y
ОтветитьMandatory physical attendance at a church every week is a Middle Ages concept when: 1. God was our judge, not our Father. 2. Sin and the avoidance of sin is the main focus of our lives.
3. Priests and leaders of the Church were more important than the people in the pews.
Most churches (especially Catholic Churches) have a sense of self-importance that is not part of what Jesus wanted.
Basically, the Catholic Church feels that their parishioners need to sit in the pew and shut up!
This minister/priest focussed religion is the reasons young people are leaving the churches in droves.
Young people are motivated by intelligence and not fear like their parents.
Too many churches are clergy-dominated with the lay-people sitting in the pew, like an audience.
Is this the kind of church Jesus wanted! Absolutely not!
The devil makes things sounds else and good..
ОтветитьIt's bullshit to me. The only one I need.
ОтветитьWhen some Seven Day Adventists (SDA) find out their leaders and pastors support abortion they leave the church. SDA hospitals will perform abortions for any reason . What about the commandment thou shall not kill' ? God created those babies and SDA doctors and nurses murder them for money . Proverbs 6 :16-17 God hates hands that shed innocent blood . SDA is the only religious group that practice this wickedness . Jeremiah 1 :5 God said I knew you when I formed you in the womb and sanctified thee . SDA church has been in the abortion business for 50 years . Very strange for a people that claim to obey the 10 commandments !
ОтветитьNot totally sure why you even made this video as an atheist. If you are a Christian going to a church, you want to leave or stay depending on what the Bible says and the example Jesus gave.
ОтветитьThe bigger issue is how controlling it is, as a leader of an organization, to delineate acceptable and unacceptable reasons to leave. That’s abusive. Either you are welcomed to make decisions on your own volition or you are not. Full stop. Leave if you need to.
ОтветитьAll that organized religion does to everyone is just to brainwash you, control you, and make lots of money. Be spiritual, not religious. Just say NO to organized religion.
ОтветитьWhy take advice from a none believing atheist about how to live my christian life when I can get advice from spirit filled christians and god direct .Answer DONT !!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьI am an atheist ⚛️ I don't like religion ☯️ there's no God but money 😭💰
ОтветитьThe Church is a scam.