Microsoft Virtual PC from 2003 - Unboxing & Exploring!!

Microsoft Virtual PC from 2003 - Unboxing & Exploring!!


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@supergoofy123 - 12.01.2025 01:30

Virtual PC was developed and owned by Connectix. Then Microsoft bought it and destroyed it in the end.

@branscombe_ - 12.01.2025 01:31

this is the video I’ve been looking forward to, going to watch this in full tomorrow morning. Just come now to grease up the algorithm. Thanks TRR!!

@cliffordreynolds1835 - 12.01.2025 01:36

If it's a "virtual" machine it should just be an empty box, right?

@floridaman0219 - 12.01.2025 01:47

This is very similar to Virtual PC 2007 which I used extensively back in the day. Never had a hitch with host/guest integration and I always thought the UI was especially clean

@joshwa1234 - 12.01.2025 02:01

This looks like it runs Windows 98 and 2000 much better than Hyper-V

@scifreaks - 12.01.2025 02:01

nice, I messed.with HyperOs 2004 before Vpc 2004 back in the day.

winworld has vpc 2004 2007

hyperos was more of a boot manager that cloned entire operating system. depending on hyperos version 2pc 4pc 10pc 100pc would determine how manyvyou could install and quick reboot into your choice win98 xp etc.
Vpc was better in the reboot and save state but with a bit of fafing around was another of fun installing vpc on a hyperos system.

I also have the hardware version hyperdrive 4 which does a great job with these environments

@sebastian19745 - 12.01.2025 02:08

I used Virtual PC 2004 with XP and when I used Windows 7 I found about Virtual PC 2007 and I used it a lot. Aside playing wit various old Linux distros and old Windows versions (Win3x, Win9x, Me), I played many hours dos games because it was very compatible with msdos. Also, if I remeber correctly, the XP on Windows 7 x64 was infact Virtual PC 2007 with a XP installation.
I guess I still have archived all the versions and SP of Virtual PC somewhere and a full XP virtual Hard drive with the license for use in Windows 7.

@oldradioguy65 - 12.01.2025 02:16

Nowadays, we have VirtualBox and VM Ware.

@OtterlyInsane - 12.01.2025 02:35

Hyper-V is essentially just the latest version of Virtual PC / Virtual Server rebranded.
Microsoft tried to buy VMWare first by some accounts and when a deal couldnt be reached, they bought Connectix.
VirtualPC was originally a Mac product, they also made a Playstation emulator which was sold to Sony.

@VintageLizard486 - 12.01.2025 02:44

I remember using VPC 2007 back in the day, and it was fun. I kinda miss that software. Awesome video.

@ThatBritishSnep - 12.01.2025 02:48

Used to use VPC 2007 a ton back in the day! Had so many VMs; mainly XP installations! And the idea that you could run a PC in a PC was mind-blowing back then and of course now, it's a commonplace!

Take me back!

@maxtornogood - 12.01.2025 02:49

I would dabble around a bit with this software before I bought period correct systems listed on eBay further down the line.

@wrlrdqueek - 12.01.2025 02:53

We used this software in my MCSE class in High School. That way we all had a virtual XP box that we could back up if we ruined it.

@JackBlumenfeld - 12.01.2025 03:47

I used Connexcix VPC on a mac PB 3400c in the 90's to manage Novel as a JR sysadmin at one of my first IT jobs out of college.

@rick420buzz - 12.01.2025 04:31

Installing three OSes at once, hard drive thrashing like the pit at a Slayer concert.

@JohnSmith-xq1pz - 12.01.2025 04:37

Neat I didn't realize it was ever sold in retail stores. My only experience with Virtual PC 2007 you can download from the Microsoft website, used it for 98se until VirtualBox so I could somewhat properly play curtain games. These days its my Pentium III and a x86box recreation of the Pentium 233mmx we had back in the 90s.

I still use Microsoft's for accessing virtual hard drive clones of a few of my past machines/ old installs of there OS

@DhavidSetiawanKilluaDhavid - 12.01.2025 05:12

Microsoft Virtual PC was neat actually, but my preference still holds on VMWare and VirtualBox.

@markshade8398 - 12.01.2025 07:47

Microsoft "merged" or "purchased" or "acquired" a TON of great products from the marketplace. Always "voluntarily" on the part of the other company ... You know ... Voluntarily like with a gun to your head.

Then they also usually destroyed them only a year or 2 later and removed them from the market. Sometimes they embedded the other software into Windows later ... Sometimes they just threw it away.

@TheSaabClinicUK - 12.01.2025 09:42

Who remembers "Windows XP mode" ?. Which was a free VM that MS gave away for Windows 7.

@joshj88 - 12.01.2025 09:59

It is so cool you are covering this! If you happen to have a real Voodoo 1 or 2 pci card though the Mac version of virtual PC 2 and 3 will see and use that card for 3d acceleration

@horusfalcon - 12.01.2025 11:11

Not my cup of tea, but probably from my own lack of knowledge (I'm more of a Linux guy since 2003). Amusingly enough, I may have a use case for it. Thanks for a clue.

@Xcile92-PX - 12.01.2025 13:05

have you tried this with the service pack yet?

@SinaFarhat - 12.01.2025 14:29

Nice! :)
I can imagine it gets a bit painful with read/right speed on a spinning hdd when you use a couple of wm:s at the same time!

@maniatore2006 - 12.01.2025 14:44

MS Virtual PC, i never seen as Retail version, because it was free to Download. Thanks for thet Video.

@Kasey9801 - 12.01.2025 14:57

Back when I first discovered virtual machines, I used Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, and eventually VMware Player, to test out various Windows beta builds (mostly Windows 7 and 8 builds) since I didn't have a spare PC to test them out on. These days, I still use VMware to mess around with older Windows beta builds (e.g. Chicago, Memphis, Whistler, and Longhorn) and to use old software on both the beta builds and the final versions.

@simonlathwell - 12.01.2025 14:59

That brings back some good old fun memories. I used Microsoft Virtual PC 2003 which I got a "copy" of, and then in 2007 when it was free. I had a fully loaded XP Pro system with as much RAM as I could in 2004 which was 1GB. I had three HDD's and an DVD-RW drive at the time, so I dedicated one of my 30GB drive to the virtual PC's. I had VM's for everything from Windows 3.1, Windows NT4, and Windows 95 to 2000, and Windows Server. Back then I was playing around with Linux so had a couple of Linux VM's as well. Only drawback was that I had to move the VM's over to my Windows 2000 Server due to drive space back then, so was moving them around a lot and having to add the VM back to it. I still use the 2007 version on my Windows XP 64-Bit custom built retro system with 8GB RAM, and a 1TB drive with lots of different VM's such as Windows 3.1 to 2000, Windows NT4 & Windows 2000 servers, Microsoft Back Office Server, and various old Linux Distros. It's better in someways than having to run it on original hardware, but has lots of drawbacks compared to actual hardware. As always another great video, and look forward to the next one.

@wettuga2762 - 12.01.2025 15:11

Virtual PC 2007 SP1 was awesome! I had all older OSes on Virtual Machines to fiddle with, and I managed to use it up to Windows 7. It would no longer run in Windows 10 so I replaced it with VirtualBox, which has its kinks but is definitely superior, and the Snapshot functionality is something I can no longer live without.

@Nico93 - 12.01.2025 16:21

i belive vinesauce used virtual pc in particular for his 'destroying' windows stuff.

@RetroReviewYT - 12.01.2025 18:41

VirtualPC 2004 was free software shortly after this.

@BlitzkriegGT - 12.01.2025 18:59

that soft its more easy to use than hipervisor and more easy to implement as test lab or controled enviroment

@XeonProductions - 12.01.2025 20:49

I remember this software getting released free of charged so I'm surprised to see a physical box copy that presumably cost money.

- 13.01.2025 00:37

Please scan that box and dvd covers upload it to the internet 😚

@GuillermoFrontera - 13.01.2025 10:18

Hahaha. I love Windows ME. At the time it worked well for me and today in my PIII retro PC steel use it. I must admit than windows 98 is more stable, but Win ME has some modern features. One caveat is than M$ ditched some MSDos features. Locally I have a 4 GB big foot with MSdos 6.22 + win 3.1 for Dos stuff.

@brentgoeller8257 - 13.01.2025 22:36

Started playing with virtual machines in about 2007 using virtual box. Surprisingly it looked almost identical to this. I never used Virtual PC, but it's amazing how similar the UI is/was. I still used Vbox ALL the time for lots of different reasons.

@carltonleboss - 14.01.2025 03:31

Very interesting.

@JesusChristhasrisen-i4r - 14.01.2025 14:21

I didn't know even that this came in a big box package?

@branscombe_ - 15.01.2025 22:20

thanks for the thorough walk through, this was very fun TRR!
Windows ME was great, I just loved the new and refreshed icons back in the day and think it was first OS with Thumbnails for photos!

@PiercedJedi - 16.01.2025 23:41

I'm not sure which version was included with Windows 7 Pro and Ultimate, but if you enable "windows XP mode" in win 7 Pro/Ultimate, it installs MS Virtual PC and you can install multiple different OSs within. It really was pretty cool for the time, especially since you could run some XP Mode apps as though they were installed on Win7.

Also I use virtual machines on a daily basis for work now in Azure (microsoft's cloud offering) but I also play around with various different VM hosts. Tons of fun

@FlyboyHelosim - 19.01.2025 00:32

It's years since I used Virtual PC so can't remember much about it, but from this video it looks a lot cleaner and more responsive than VirtualBox which I use today. Not hurt by the fact that Virtual PC is a Microsoft product running on top of a MS operating system, so it has a consistent and sympathetic UI design as well.

@deawpolpichai612 - 19.01.2025 15:53

Virtual PC 2003 ตัวนี้ยังไม่มีการเเชร์ USB flash dive ใช่ไหมครับเเต่วีเอ็ม มี ใช่ไหมครับ

@protox07 - 21.01.2025 17:46

Have a happy new year TheRetroRecall

@The_Magic_of_Zelda - 22.01.2025 03:23

Talk about nostalgic memories. I never used Virtual PC 2003 but I have used Virtual PC 2007 when I got Windows Vista installed on my Core 2 Duo equipped Dell XPS 410 in 2008. I installed Windows 95 on VPC 2007 and I remember going on my nostalgic trip to back when I used Win95 on my Pentium Pro Compaq Presario desktop. I remember trying to make Win95 as close to what I had it back in the late 90s.

I also had good experience with Windows Me on my 2001 Compaq Presario 5008US. I remember playing Age of Empires II and Star Trek: Birth of the Federation on WinMe.

@BladeRunner21577 - 24.01.2025 16:59

There was a piece of software I would like you to try.
I think the first version was 2002

Take a look. Could make a good video for your viewers to see how we did it "back in the day"

@teh_supar_hackr - 09.02.2025 00:30

I remember using VPC 07 to run Windows Vista on my Pentium 4 based Windows XP laptop from 2004ish.

The VM was super chuggy, yet by some miracle it ran...well more like "slowly crawled after ingesting too much McNuggets".

@brentkellogg9977 - 24.02.2025 01:54

Very cool. Will be doing this. Great video.
