The sling ring in Deadpool & Wolverine had the Time and Reality stone in it. Pay attention chummy.
ОтветитьGlad this is scrapped, sounds like absolute dogshit.
ОтветитьWe lose all these just because of Pus*y😒
Ответитьsome of the ideas are cool but honestly thank god this was scrapped. i really like kang but this is was messy and even the way they planned on introducing him/them in the mcu before kang dynasty was kinda lame. im glad those projects are/were reworked to not be kang-focused
ОтветитьWe wuz Kangs
ОтветитьI was looking at the list of heroes that were named in the script and i audibly sighed
ОтветитьI think the changes will be for the better. The one reason why Infinity War, a movie so overcrowded with heroes, worked great, was that the villain was the element holding it all together. ONE villain, with a clearly defined personality, that you can follow as if he was the hero. Thanos worked that way, and Doom can do it even better. But the Kangs obviously could not.
ОтветитьHearing a script like this despite having major chunks not explained maybe due to not getting ALL of the script, truly puts my thoughts in a what could have been situation. on paper this sounds terrible, but in vision it could have been amazing. too bad we live in a timeline where we'll never see it
ОтветитьIf Kang Dynasty isn't made Marvel studio's is officially done.
ОтветитьNobody cares about the MCU or Star Wars anymore. Its all been compromised and sh@t on by massive corporations playing with their corpses. These parasite MCU channels are all suffering. Dinsney plus this, i still havent watched that one yet that...nobody cares.
ОтветитьScott still making witty little quips after his wife daughter and father figure have died is just dead on Marvel these days.
ОтветитьSeeing it laid out like this you realize just how horrible Marvel has become and how much worse they can get.
ОтветитьI don’t see America Chavez , love , or Clea all dying 1 bc Clea is a wild card where yes she could of died in this movie I don’t think she will die in doomsday and will secretly be on dooms side
ОтветитьThis was pretty brilliant writing, a very complex Kang storyline. I like how it was to cross into every MCU hero's world. I really wanted to see Immortus & Rama Tut, who were great longtime fiesta of both The Avengers & Fantastic Four.
ОтветитьThe 30 heroes split into 3 teams to go after the 3 Kangs was a cool script choice. Kang was always a major foe of the Avengers, and as a time traveler, the perfect foe for a Multiverse War. But now we will instead get Uber popular Robert Downey Jr. as Dr. Doom. I hope we see alot of Shang Chi & Kamala's 10 rings/bangles. Also, more of the TVA and FF, including Franklin Richards. This all makes sense! Keep as many elements of it as you can Kevin Fiege!
ОтветитьHoly am I glad this got canned. This sounds miserable
ОтветитьThis would have been mostly awesome to see. Though does leave a lot plot holes. Which shows most of this saga was just throw things out to get as much money as possible. Nothing even attempted to try and link together. End scene credits, etc. But this does sound great.
ОтветитьStakes are set so high that it feels more like a joke than anything to care about.
ОтветитьSo they did actually have a plan ☹️ it does make me excited at the prospect that they will find a way to tie everything together. But I don’t think we need this much death in doomsday 😳
ОтветитьGetting rid of Majors and bringing back RDJ as Doom is the such a pathetic and desperate move by Feige/Disney/MCU as a whole. Not surprising as everything after Endgame has been a complete disaster except for the nostalgia/safe money grab movies like No Way Home and Deadpool/Wolverine. Also idk why they had to scrap the whole Kang saga instead of just recasting him - isnt that what the MCU does best since its inception anyway?
ОтветитьPeople saying how this story is convoluted and disjointed as if Endgame wasn’t more of the same lol
ОтветитьThank goodness this was scrapped.🙂
ОтветитьI hope parts of it stick around
Ответитьthey shouldve just recasted Kang, what a mess lol
ОтветитьWait are we sure this was real
ОтветитьIn terms of acting, I really loved Major’s portrayal of Kang.
Just how he handled himself in Loki and how menacing he was in Ant-man 3, really seemed top tier
Nobody liked this character to begin with.
ОтветитьThis is where marvel started going down hill…
Ответитьwasn't this script confirmed a hoax which would explain why so many important heroes are missing?
ОтветитьAre we sure that this is the real script? 😅 It sounds more like a fan script.
ОтветитьI’m still hoping they bring Jonathon Majors back and give us the Kang Dynasty 💔
ОтветитьI am only 8 minutes in and I am so glad this film never saw the light of day. This sounds like an absolute fucking mess.
ОтветитьI love Charlie Cox as Daredevil dont get me wrong, but aint no way Moon Knight dies right away while Daredevil somehow makes it
Wasnt Kang Dynasty supposed to be split into 2 parts? With how much is in this script, it feels more like a 3 part movie
I know I'm not alone in shedding no tears that She-Hulk and Iron Heart would have been killed off. She-Hulk was trash and Disney absolutely wasted her character, and Iron Heart is just a terrible character in the comics. I mean, her books NEVER sold and she was an awful creation. If they were killed in the movie people would have cheered.
ОтветитьI feel like having the whole "bad guy wins until the next movie" was already used for infinity war and would have been lame to do again.
Hear me out...
Why don't you just ...
Recast him?
Damn. Marvel really wanted us to see Kang get defeated
ОтветитьThere is no way this script is real, it sounds so fanfic-y and makes no sense
Ответитьwe will never get this movie.
someone should set up a petition to get it like we got the snyder cut
DEI Avengers
ОтветитьI’m ngl lie this film sounds freaking insane! Part of me kinda wishes it was still happening
ОтветитьMan…this is a miss for me. It seems too busy, and with everyone dying, it seemed like they wanted us to be angry at this movie😂 I’m glad Marvel is skipping this one, I like Kang as a character, but not more than Doom.
ОтветитьMultiverse is just a stupid concept for mcu. It worked for stupid romp like Deadpool and "what iffing" but as a thimg treated seriously it just ruins the world building and stakes, nothing matters.
ОтветитьI kept getting this feeling in the Miles centric animated Spider-Man movies that we might see Miles finding his way into the MCU.
ОтветитьThis could have been really cool to see, even with some expected revisions. I like the scale of it and how it organized the drama between different Kangs, and how the Quantumania Kang did ultimately become the most important one.