Cru's LGBTQ+ Teaching Series

Cru's LGBTQ+ Teaching Series

Conversations That Matter

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@gentledove6804 - 24.05.2024 02:17

Love the tiny Bibles! I just wanted to say that, although I do not personally struggle with the sin of homosexuality, I do struggle with other sins, and I have found it very helpful to MEMORIZE SCRIPTURES that confront the sin and that encourage the upright walk for the saved Christian in obedience to Jesus Christ. Then simply repeat the scripture to yourself when you’re tempted to sin or even when you have tedious work you may be doing at that moment to maintain the memorization.

@MikeSchatzman - 15.08.2024 18:05

This is a total misrepresentation of the views of Cru, Preston Sprinkle and Rebecca McLaughlin. Take one hour and listen to Preston Sprinkle's interview of Rebecca McLaughlin on Theology in the Raw, August 5th, 2024 and then ask yourself if Jon Harris accurately portrays their views. Harris is guilty of out-and-out slander.

@hephep7426 - 07.08.2024 17:09

She criticized the church for focusing on marriage when marriage is God's most clear example of showing us what out relationship with God is like. Even to the point that God is the groom and we are the Bride.


When interpreting what the writers of scripture meant, if you have to use the words ,"per se" youre gonna get it wrong !

@hephep7426 - 07.08.2024 16:58

The people who wanted to seek Jesus out wanted to know the truth! By this "new" side A/B christianity is certianly turning CRU into a graveyard for the alphabet community!

@mcfarvo - 16.06.2024 16:11

Please pray for Nate Kucharik, our brother in Christ, as he seeks to serve Cru on a college campus, but he claims to not see any infiltration or corruption of Cru by the Leftist Prog/Marxist CRT/DEI/LGBTQ+ IDpol in their corporate or local doctrine/policy/materials, yet we see over and over speakers brought in by Cru that espouse these godless, deceptive, Satanic lies to twist the truth into perversion

@twig1960 - 15.06.2024 17:33

Where is Shelby Abbot in all of this?

@user-bm3bo9ov7z - 14.06.2024 21:37

Before supporting para church organizations, check out the IRS 990 Form that is required for nonprofits and reports the salaries.

@wrldvw1836 - 12.06.2024 16:52

Cru is a cult. I was unaware of this. As soon as you said the people in Cru are beyond uncomfortable discussing their experience in Cru, says it all. It is not a Biblical organization

@rnbham39 - 10.06.2024 10:03

All that Bill Henson said is quite frankly just erroneous…how about dying to self? He just gets it wrong at evening turn. How any organization could put this forward is beyond me…and it’s certainly not the teaching of Jesus or anything in the Bible. It’s the antithesis of who God is…I find it to be really disturbing. Are they prepared to defend pedophelia? They better get ready because the same line of reasoning is applicable to that as well…there’s no difference. It’s all disordered…and requires repentance and turning away, dying to self and putting on the mind of Christ. We are supposed to be a new creation in Christ. Their teaching is anchored in anything BUT the Bible. And biblical justice is not social justice. These ppl are so ignorant. Not only do they not know the Bible, they don’t know philosophy, Science or even history.

@alic2462 - 07.06.2024 20:00

Former staff here, left in 2020.

Definitely agree on the repentance bit at the very beginning. In fact I believe this is one of the key pieces to the issues within Cru. In my time with the company I rarely if ever experienced regional or national leadership repent or apologize for literally anything. Lots of excuses were made instead of actual repentance and asking for forgiveness. It’s depressing.

I’m grateful that my relationship with Cru ended naturally (upon marrying someone who wasn’t on staff & moving away from the campus) before I would have been forced out due to ethical reasons!

@teresaradsick7314 - 06.06.2024 16:04


@PaulWestonEden - 05.06.2024 05:49

I'm disturbed by the Christian normalization of sin. "Get the Bible right but get love wrong" comes right out of Rob Bell's progressive ideas in "Love Wins". So the Author of the Bible truly isn't the definitive definition of love, according to Cru.

@cristianpuiulet1519 - 05.06.2024 04:43

Humans are divided by their sex. Humans don't have gender. Gender is the literary device we use to ascribe sex to non-biological objects or things that otherwise don't have a sex. This is why these folks are so confused, because they are trying to philosophize about something that doesn't exist.

@imissnickplur4964 - 04.06.2024 11:35

NONE of this rhetoric coming from this Cru organization should be tolerated in any shape or form, nor by any stretch of the imagination. why is this even being engaged with? what's wrong with you people? ...Preston Sprinkle, are you kidding me?

@ReformedRedpill - 02.06.2024 12:28

My experience with cru is that they have no understanding of indwelling sin, concupesence, mortification, vivification, confession, or repentance. Their entire understanding of repentance is basically just tattling. Theres no righting your wrongs. Theres no asking others for forgiveness. Theres no walking things back.

@jenniferrhoades8956 - 01.06.2024 22:24

It's bad enough to go through life with a new like Preston Sprinkle, but to be this ridiculous on top of it? How does one survive?

@paulajames6149 - 30.05.2024 08:16

Sprinkle says Christians are not known for our kindness. I wouldn’t say Jesus was known for his kindness either.

@paulajames6149 - 30.05.2024 08:10

Long video but some great points. Just from their videos the language and complaints says it all. They did make Christians the enemy. People’s experiences seems to be more elevated than it should be. Experiences are valid but we should never build a theology around it. Sad.

@anastasiaburr3959 - 30.05.2024 06:57

He is deceived and deceiving! CRU SHOULD REPENT! They should fast and pray to overcome their sinful desires rather than making those people feel comfortable!

@anastasiaburr3959 - 30.05.2024 06:52

They can fantasize though and practice in their minds! Must read the sermon on the mountain of Jesus!

@anastasiaburr3959 - 30.05.2024 06:46

That’s what happens when Christian organizations become so large! Th ones at the top become prideful and compromise TRUTH replacing with lies!

@mattelfstrom9506 - 30.05.2024 05:34

The bible uses the term culture and manners as the way of immoral life the nations around Israel was not to adopt. Statutes they implemented which were contrary to God. I believe we need to distinguish between geographical culture and moral culture. We never allow contrary immoral statutes(culture).
I will change my mind if you can help me find another word the translators should have used than culture and manners. HELP

@markjh1111 - 29.05.2024 21:30

Sounds like Cru is not Christian at all. It has been taken over by Satan.

@RaptureReadyPam - 29.05.2024 18:54

I posted your video to Preston’s response video to Rosaria, Alisa and Yuan. I had about 6 people challenge me, so I gave them each your link. All were deleted. So, I posted your link again to all six people a few days later in addition to a short response. All were deleted again. I guess Preston doesn’t want his followers seeing your video.

@Jendarben - 29.05.2024 17:17

"Just a spoonful of 'winsome' makes the heresy go down..."

@frederickswartzendruber9099 - 29.05.2024 05:52

Now that CRU has excommunicated the Apostle Paul and Moses, what do they call their new religion? Liberalism=unbelief

@perrycunningham1475 - 29.05.2024 00:44

Jon, thanks so much for this eye-opening podcast. Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but don't you think that Arminianism is one of the roots of the rotting tree? I know that soteriology differs among brothers and sisters, and I'm OK with that. But--the idea is prominent in CRU's presuppositions, i.e., that it is possible to convert someone by seeking not to offend. I believe that the Holy Spirit, at a time predestined, will regenerate a person so that he is able to repent and believe. This means that the Gospel seeks out the Elect, and we therefore give the Gospel "straight," without equivocation and without apology; we believe in its power to save. CRU and the mega-churches seem to dismiss the power of the Spirit and the Gospel to save those who have been predestined to salvation. They believe that a Christian has to "love" someone and convince them of the truth, so they put on virtual show-productions to draw people in. They then fail to talk about sin and repentance, because that would "turn people off." CRU is doing the same thing as the mega-churches, and for the same reason: their soteriology is wrong.

@MeanBeanComedy - 28.05.2024 03:46

Is anyone falling for this play anymore? It's not even surprising. They're using the same playbook as the ELCA, UMC, and PCUSA followed. It's just like listening to one of the non-christian Mainline Prots from 15 years ago.

@MeanBeanComedy - 28.05.2024 02:58

"These stereotypes come from our culture, not the Bible."

...yeah, our Christian Culture.

@jankragt7789 - 28.05.2024 02:47

Well done. Excellent work. .

@MeanBeanComedy - 28.05.2024 02:41

To see how ridiculous this is, replace "homosexuality" with what they actually believe to be the worst sin: racism.

"I'm a racist Christian, and sometimes I stumble and throw N-Bombs and K-Bombs around at my colleagues, but Jesus still loves me, and he would wash my feet, so don't persecute me and make sure you validate me when you hire me to run your organisation."


@JRRodriguez-nu7po - 28.05.2024 02:19

Deborah did NOT lead Israel! It was Barak that led Israel and the armies. Because Barak ordered a woman to come with him to war he lost his honor. Still, in Hebrew 11 is is Barak, not Deborah, that's mentioned.

@MeanBeanComedy - 28.05.2024 01:35

Why is this guy acting like gays are everywhere? They're like 3% of the population! I don't even have gay neighbours or friends!

@JRRodriguez-nu7po - 28.05.2024 01:32

Christ said the world would hate us. Any church that LGTBQRSXYZ is comfortable is is not following Christ. We call men to repentance, not to unconditional forgiveness.

@susanstuart2718 - 27.05.2024 23:47

Peter tells us, 'the devil roams to find someone he can devour'. The place where Satan can find the most victims is on the slippery slope.

@bc5441 - 27.05.2024 21:45

Thank you for this, Jon! I can’t imagine what it must have been like to listen to six hours of this “training.”
An important aspect of Cru’s organizational culture that underlies this, the earlier CRT controversy and the dismissal of staff such as the Mundells is an eleventh commandment of Cru that has existed for decades. Students and others who are involved in Cru ministries but especially staff do not have the freedom to ever question leadership. This is built on a foundation of God’s sovereignty in assembling a staff team and His placing leaders over each one of us, but it is extended to a point of making the raising of a question or an objection objectionable. It overlooks the potential for leaders to fail and when many in leadership are actually quite young (the 30- or 40-year staff member is the exception), it contributes to potential disaster.

@rdestree - 27.05.2024 04:30

These folks are not a “people group.” To say they are is blasphemy because God makes all people groups for His glory (Acts 17:26; Revelation 5:9). Rebellion can never bring Him honor except by its repentance or eternal destruction (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

@user-th5rh8ro2f - 27.05.2024 04:29

Maybe I am judgmental and feel like I am better than homosexuals but I just can't stomach this kind of behavior. Forgive me but no. Nada. Not in my yard. Go home. I don't remember selling the word gay to them. Call them what they are homosexuals.

@leeshadrick3155 - 26.05.2024 21:47

Thank you for going through all of this!

@MrWholphin - 26.05.2024 18:29

Behind all of this obfuscation is love for the world, over love for the word

@rinihogewoning6528 - 26.05.2024 08:10

Preston Sprinkle says "I thought the church was a hospital for sinners". There it is, the seeker sensitive church definition of what "church" is. Sprinkle doesn't know the Biblical definition of what the church is.

@rinihogewoning6528 - 26.05.2024 07:43

"Intersectionality confuses a biblical understanding of mercy and justice with an unbiblical one. Biblically speaking, sin causes suffering. We sin because we are sinners, not because we are victims. Widows, orphans, and the poor need soul care too. And people who are sinned against need a saviour to save them from their sins as well. The order of sin and suffering matters. Miss the point or change the order and you have bypassed the entire gospel." - Rosaria Butterfield

@brooksweaver8005 - 26.05.2024 04:01

The most offensive thing may have been that AND guy wearing a Hitler-stache.

@jackblack496 - 26.05.2024 03:29

Cru is also openly anti white. The LGBT, colonizer, no person is illegal, feminist, BLM, intersection in many “church” corporations and organizations is alive and well. I confronted a local CRU leader on the anti white stuff and to fit in with CRU you definitely have to worship anti racism which is simply anti white Talmudic propaganda

@tinybibles - 26.05.2024 01:18

Glad to get to be a sponsor of this episode! We are in full support of the positions you’ve taken here Jon. Thank you for fighting the good fight.
