Building The Ultimate 4K Mini ITX PC - Part 2

Building The Ultimate 4K Mini ITX PC - Part 2

PC Centric

8 лет назад

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@therealist2000 - 15.08.2016 03:38

Mini!? Cases like that are big enough to be micro atx, pfft

@ivob3967 - 15.08.2016 04:56

Great build, but I would change one thing. You have 2 exhaust fans and 1 intake fan, which is creating negative pressure in the case. The negative pressure will cause a lot of dust build-up. Change the 2 exhaust fans and make them intake, and change the radiator fan into an exhaust fan. This will creative positive pressure, and there will be less dust build-up. Thanks for the video.

@arsenalozil - 15.08.2016 06:17

first time building a pc I thought I fried motherboard. only to notice 3 hours later my cpu was plugged in.

@setitfree78 - 15.08.2016 06:33

Curious what is the music you used? Cool beats :)

@traviscleary6129 - 15.08.2016 07:48

I just built a PC for a friend of mine who's finally come over from console to PC... He always played on console because he like's to play on a TV from his lounge with a controller and he didn't want a big chassis... He then later came over and I showed him his options for cases (he picked the 250D) and that he can play PC on a TV with a controller.

The specs are;

* Corsair Obsidian 250D (Same as in the video)
* EVGA Z170 Stinger
* Intel Core i5 6600
* EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 SC Gaming
* Corsair Hydro Series H80i v2 Liquid CPU Cooler
* 16GB G.Skill Trident DDR4 @ 3200Mghz
* 240GB Kingston HyperX Savage SSD
* 2TB Wester Digital Black
* Corsair RM550x Modular 80 Gold Plus PSU

and a Wireless Xbox One Elite Controller! :D

+1 to the Master Race! ^_^

@dobson252hotmailcom - 15.08.2016 07:51

Great vid man.
Great effort there to get that GPU in..haha.

@txswedishwikinggaming3760 - 15.08.2016 07:55

how much would this pc cost

@riotexpeditionz5503 - 15.08.2016 09:33

Does anyone suggest where I can buy a package that contains everything I need to build a PC. I am new to PCs

@carrs01 - 15.08.2016 12:13

Excellent video. Are you able to give a rough total build cost (UK£)? Also is wifi capability built in on this build or is it an extra peripheral? Excuse these novice questions.

@runuphall6504 - 15.08.2016 12:35

can you do a laptop build?

@xXRapToRiXxGamer - 15.08.2016 13:15

It is recommended to use a blower-style Fan cooled graphics card in such a small case.

@airsoft736 - 16.08.2016 00:29

Nice build! Imagine trying to do this build in the Fractal Node 202, that would painful and probably impossible!

@jayd2535 - 16.08.2016 06:40

Can you review the Asus MG248Q

@איליהקופטש - 16.08.2016 23:43

how much does it cost in total?

@Generic3 - 18.08.2016 16:46

are you actually sponsered by like corsair or something? (like the use of the corsiar logo in the intro, awesome if so)

@kikayei - 19.08.2016 10:25

Hi, nice video. That Corsair RM850i psu is redundant for this mini itx build. A 500w or 600w psu would've sufficed. 😉

@ricardofernandes9167 - 20.08.2016 00:44

horrible cable manegement, sloppy building

@DrewPBalls - 20.08.2016 03:52

you deserve everything, thank you for this video

@THEG12EG - 20.08.2016 10:25

850w PSU is a bit overkill.. if your recycling from a old build fair enough

@rubi8104 - 20.08.2016 11:49

sponsor by corsair LOL

@havoc3258 - 20.08.2016 22:00

isnt this actually micro atx and not mini itx? I mean it even features a full sized psu

@brandonkinsman1270 - 21.08.2016 09:35

I can't seem to get 4K quality from Your Video. I think there is something wrong. :D

@MichaelBlanchard123 - 21.08.2016 14:48

So does that mean that the Vengeance LED ram can be used with other Z-170 chipset mobo's like Maximus 8 Hero?

@sighyawn2149 - 22.08.2016 03:06

thats a shit game doe

@sighyawn2149 - 22.08.2016 03:10

would be a nice case for a green build with gtx 1070 reference

@Nojustnobro - 22.08.2016 14:00

Got me subbed !

@purgeddeadgames - 23.08.2016 03:42

You like corsair don't you? XD

@Labrinos14 - 23.08.2016 13:02

May i ask u something? I had an msi motherboard before and msi has this update center that checks all things that need to be i dont have to download every single software from msi page...Now though i updated my pc to an 6600K with an asus pro gaming ATX ( not the mini one that u have) and i have to download manually all the updates...Does Asus have similar update center like msi?

@rapidnuke9880 - 25.08.2016 20:50

thanks for putting UK links in

@julienquinlivan1960 - 27.08.2016 08:42

where's the optical drive?
without it, it wouldn't be called a PC lol

@austinherrera3212 - 29.08.2016 03:47

Nice I got the same case sadly i broke one of hard drive treys

@Cmon3play - 29.08.2016 12:07

I dislike this because u chose an aftermarket gpu not a blower style gpu because it will easily overheat ur other components if u chose the aftermarker gpu

@techadam129 - 01.09.2016 15:24

NO dont remove the cover from the processor, it wil snap off when you install the procesor!!!

@malzzone9374 - 07.09.2016 01:51

Capiroto saiu da jaula!!! ( The monster out of the cage)

@alianildinler - 14.09.2016 10:33

dont install ram before cpu

@lachiu1 - 28.09.2016 16:26

Remove the cover? You whot? It slips off if you place the cpu in.

@SebastianHernandez-wv1ys - 15.10.2016 03:42

Hi can you tell me what is the maximum temperature in this pc?

@massimookissed1023 - 22.11.2016 07:35

Would love to see a full 10" diameter fan at the front...

@jjjj8691 - 27.11.2016 11:14

why do you plug hdmi cable right to the gpu but not the motherboard?

@LinkinPark4Ever1996 - 20.12.2016 16:23

1. The fan grill is not made to avoid cables entering the fan, it's made to prevent turbulence, reducing fan noise.
2. A radiator at the air intake is stupid, hot air is coming in, should be placed as exhaust.

@LucidStrike - 10.01.2017 13:54

I was gonna ask why you assume the CPU would be Intel, but, yeah, this is 4k and Ryzen isn't here yet.

@GearsofWarNiceDay - 26.02.2017 19:06

Where did you put the 140mm fan on which you installed the fan grill? This is the only part I dont get...

@Funkadelic-Freak - 02.03.2017 02:48

Asus Z170I Pro Gaming comes with 8 pin not 4 pin.

@sravans5100 - 30.03.2017 19:11

I heard you shouldnt use aftermarket cards in mini itx cases is it true in this case?

@CrazingPC - 20.06.2017 10:59

I noticed that your 1080 Strix exceeds the max GPU clearance that Corsair states on their website.

I'm wondering if my FTW3 1080 Ti will be just as lucky lol.

@dirtyhaz9517 - 26.07.2017 12:54

there is NO pump header on this board!!! can I use a fan header for the pump???

@ridewithfaysal1 - 11.02.2018 10:55

I wish I had one

@UkzFlipside - 05.04.2018 19:48

will the msi gtx 1070 fit in this case

@kiloah92 - 03.06.2018 07:56

Still my favorite mini-ITX case.

@AxleLotl - 12.08.2023 22:26

Watching this in 2023... REALLY makes me appreciate the kind of ITX cases we have today, great step by step for the time though, but wow has a lot changed in 7 years!
Also great review of the Fractal Terra, can't wait to get one 👌👌
