Interactive Brokers QuantConnect Cloud Integration

Interactive Brokers QuantConnect Cloud Integration

Part Time Larry

2 года назад

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@ps9012lcog - 28.08.2024 16:10


1)Kindly advise whether IBKR TWS paper account can be connect to QConnect?
2) possible to provide update link on "enable IBKR Mobile Authentication on your IB account via the mobile app." thanks

@ps9012lcog - 27.08.2024 15:44


1)Kindly advise whether IBKR TWS paper account can be connect to QConnect?
2) possible to provide update link on "enable IBKR Mobile Authentication on your IB account via the mobile app." thanks

@sixsoxsex1 - 12.04.2023 05:44

is it comparable with Tradestation?

@lukemarcic2688 - 05.01.2023 12:20

I have an algorithm I want to try out for paper trading but the cheapest option for the node is $600. Is there any way to test my algorithm without paying so much?

@mesh475 - 20.11.2022 10:39

Thank you for your tutorial, I have a question. Can you use quantconnect to scan the market live? Something similar to trade ideas where you can filter stocks by criteria. If quantconnect can't do this, would you use polygon or interactive brokers? Thanks!

@findingwisdomdotme - 29.10.2022 21:53

Hi Larry, high value content as always!
There's a new promising and intriguing backtest & livetrade platform called Nautilustrader.
Could you make an overview on it?

@ericheydemann9556 - 29.10.2022 20:37

Have you considered BLACK BOX STOCKS, Dark Pool data ? They are advocating for FLOW Trading? What is flow trading?

@chentecorreo - 28.10.2022 18:33

Great job, could you try some triangle arbitrage? thanks and congratulations

@mitagmio - 28.10.2022 11:54

Okey Larry!!!! How about Django in docker as the main site and a second app django startup and/or management application bot with different settings?

@jonh.1215 - 28.10.2022 09:18

Please do more videos on quant connect and options! Thanks!!

@fernsmark18 - 28.10.2022 04:57

Thanks Larry for the detailed explanation.
