Help me welcome my first Babyland Exclusive Cabbage Patch Kid

Help me welcome my first Babyland Exclusive Cabbage Patch Kid

Mandi Who

1 год назад

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@glambeautyluxhome2973 - 22.03.2023 18:09

Your back!!!😀💕💕💕

@BushelandaPeckNursery - 22.03.2023 18:24

I live only about 20 mibutes from Babyland General! I have a couple of originals before they became famous! ❤❤❤❤

@josiesjungleroomdollymommy7728 - 22.03.2023 18:25

I am off work today chillin and I got a notice that you posted a video!! I have missed you!! I hope you are doing well!! Happy to see you and fun to see your new baby!! Congratulations on your new Cabbage Patch Doll!! 😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️🌈🌈🌈🥰🥰🥰💙💙💙💖💖💖💜💜💜

@SpecialAngelArtDolls - 22.03.2023 18:46

Hi, Mandi! It's great to catch up with you! Oh congrats on your cute little girl! I love Cabbies! I have two, a boy and girl. The little boy was my gift on my fifth birthday and I've kept him all this time! The little girl is the same size as yours. I loved hearing how life and doll collecting are going for you!

@lifeisraph - 22.03.2023 18:59

Whoa, that was so super intriguing and so fun to watch! :)

@RebornHuggles - 22.03.2023 19:31

Hi Mandy! Good to see you! Aww love her! She is gorgeous! Congrats!❤ have a great day!❤

@cutiedollsnursery - 22.03.2023 21:46

she is beautiful I love her.

@JayDollsUK - 22.03.2023 22:37

Hi Mandi, so nice to see you! Congratulations on your gorgeous new cabbage patch girl 🥰🥰

@MyWeeRebornsCradle - 23.03.2023 01:18

M-A-N-D-I!! Oh. so good to see you!!! 🥰🍼🎀💌💗☀💞🧸💚🧚‍♀💜🍃🍄🌷✨💟🌿🇨🇦 I missed seeing you so much!! I love your enthusiasm, as always!! xoxoxoxo I LOVE your cabbage patch!! I'm a 70s baby/80s child and I still have my original cabbage patch with her dress! My brother found the COA of her in a box at my Mom's house in the basement (as they were decluttering her basement) and he FRAMED it for me and gifted it to me at Christmas! He made me cry ... lol ... I thought it was gone forever! I LOVE that cute blue dress that is on her ... awwwwww ... so many amazing memories! Her curly hair is just top-notch ... yayyyyy!! I'm so happy for you!! HUGS AND LOVE to you!!!! Mwahhhhh!!

@Shellielovesdolls - 23.03.2023 03:36

What a cute Cabbage Patch doll! Glad to see this great box opening. I know what you mean about not finding much selection in Canada, I'm here too. Enjoy her! 🥰

@LisasLittles - 23.03.2023 04:52

Congratulations! Too cute 😊🎉🎉

@patriciasdollydreamz6569 - 23.03.2023 09:27

Congrats she’s cute ❤❤❤❤

@yellowroseoftexasreborns789 - 28.03.2023 04:23

Hey Mandi, it’s great to see you ❤ I actually came over to check on you and make sure you were okay. I love 💕 your new addition to your collection,congratulations what a wonderful surprise to share a cabbage patch and wow she’s big she’s so cute 🥰

@cicelysimmons5802 - 18.04.2023 00:34

hi how are you doing i just subcribed to your channel

@prettypoppets. - 07.05.2023 01:52

Hello Mandi. Nice to see you. Congratulations. So sweet. She is absolutely adorable.
Love, and hugs, my friend. Xxxooo ❤️

@Heavenlybabies - 17.07.2023 20:43

She’s adorable, I love cabbage patches! I still have 2 from when I was 5 and one when I was 6 and now I’m 47 so yeah their old plus I have others I’ve gotten over the years but I used to have a huge collection of them and had to down side since I got into the silicone babies. I got my first COA silicone that I bought from a friend 2 years ago then I got another from the sand friend but silicones are so expensive so I was so excited when I saw your videos and others on the Ivita and vollence and now AliExpress that I own a total of 22 silicones and just 1 vinyl that I just got from nlovewithreborns2011 and I got a COA full body silicone custom coming and so yeah I’m baby heaven with all these silicones. Thanks for sharing hun and god bless.

@ragdolldreams21 - 15.08.2023 03:58

Hello! New subbie here. Love your cabbie! I was a kid in the ‘80s and adored mine. Lost them all replaced and them with vintage ones. I cannot collect those anymore, the dust spores ect are not a good thing for my allergies. I relate to you saying you want to snuggle yours and don’t want an old one. 😂 I’ve thought the same thing. She’s a beauty. I usually lean toward yarn hair but your doll’s hair has me thinking I should get a silk hair doll. Thanks for the great video! ☀️

@darlenegattus8190 - 05.11.2023 02:58

She's beautiful ❤️
