Fougu of detergent if are mass in a pond may blow direction of air just lick opposite magnetic bubbles and gravity of mass of matter and relationship in both ?
ОтветитьBecause only earth's and it's from material body matter are effective with dark matter can be effective with it's character with" butt Souls energy are un effective with any dark energy with licked base matter of material and it happened just after bigg bang event happened and reverse energy with fooggs forme secend halfe energy once halfe of energies of total bigg bang Globe" of prime matter" it becomes reverse energy of goo reverse of pulling energy of center gravity, and it was center less butt bubble and must fooggs form" it has dubble speeds from going on matters of explosion after bigg bang event and dark mater overtaking with made weaker of primer matter had it's selfe energies cover of gravity" snatching during effect the matters and it is caused of creator's and created creaters world's of hunting and multy skills world, and on earth and humans and theme's behaviours of caused,
ОтветитьWhat kinda heresy is going on down in the comments? Good grief, y'all, learn to behave.
ОтветитьNewton was a devout Christian, but Newton was also a Christian who resolutely opposed the doctrine of the “Trinity”.
As we know, the Trinity is the core doctrine of Christianity. His views were considered heretical by all mainstream churches at the time.
Then why didn't the church trouble him? Not because he was too famous, but because he concealed his views.
Science says over 200 parameters needed for life to exist. An atheist during the 60s or 70s says only three parameters. So, the latter believes there are space aliens
ОтветитьNo want to fall in Hell. So, the short path goes to Heaven is to trust in our Jesus Christ. And we must compliance with the 10 commendations of Jesus Christ forever.
We uniquely trust in our Jesus Christ. Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia. AMEN
That's the first time I've heard the monkey typing Shakespeare analogy. I read a quote from one astrophysicist who compared the fine tuning of the Universe to covering North America with playing cards four feet deep and picking the marked card out on the first try. He said anyone openly dismissing the possibility of intelligent design is just flat out being intellectually dishonest, and he admitted that he was an atheist. I wish I could recall the source and cite the man properly but I read that a while ago and my memory lacks the necessary fine tuning to pull it out of the LTM databank. But it was one of those statements that stayed with me.
ОтветитьThank you for sharing this lecture. During Covid my sister and I did home hospice for her husband. She had a ring camera in his room. The night before he passed, we kept a vigil, but dozed off We checked the camera to see if we missed that he was in distress. We were shocked to see, that when I covered his face, the camera went blue and there appeared to be static electricity in the room; a large round orb came from his covers. There were also small orbs circling around the room. After his body was removed, these orbs stayed active until about a year ago. I have a video showing her little dog barking at these orbs and one with a life sized form passing across the room. Your lecture about the existence of a soul, prompted me to share this experience. I don't know what this is, but it changed me. My brother in law was not religious so this phenomenon, I believe, is not exclusive to him. We just happened to capture his passing on camera.
ОтветитьGeez.... Even if you point to a creator (you absolutely have not in any way shape or form) you have ALL OF YOUR WORK cut out for you to provide even a tiny sliver of evidence to prove a personal god (and you understand this god's mind). Your definition for evidence is a joke. Yes, there is a great mystery. The only honest answer is to say "I don't know". Anything beyond this is blatant and frankly deranged arrogance. If you want to say "I choose to believe there was a god that caused the origin of this version of the universe" cool. It's simply a choice it's not a justified conclusion.
ОтветитьIf God is unarguably the most important issue in all our lives and you don't know God is the creator of the creation is because the cult wants you ignorant believing in the impossible to hurt you. The information is manipulated to deceive you. Atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. The atheist logical fallacy would test your IQ and honesty and the error in reasoning is easy to understand being honest and impossible lying to oneself. Innocent and vulnerable children would be good judges and would understand who wants to deceive and hurt them. The question "does God exist?" means "did an intelligence created the creation?" and the right answer is always God is eternal because nothing can be created from nothing. It is impossible the existence of the creation without the creator therefore a reality of an infinite nature or eternal exists. The creation is what has a beginning of existence or is not eternal, like for example yourself or the universe, that is a reality of a finite nature, beginning and end, birth and death, causes and effects, transforming. Atheism is blind faith in the impossible, the belief inmune to arguments that all reality is the universe. The proof that atheism is a logical fallacy is that atheists ask to prove that the creator of the creation is God, when God is whatever created the creation by definition! The saddest I can say is that I have lived long enough to know Nobel Prizes are given to friends and family and people don't care. To end the war in Ukraine the discovery that atheism is a logical fallacy has to be news. Atheists would not be able to prove their own existence to themselves if the logical conclusion is that God exists and lose their children believing without questions asked that gambling causes a brain disease, and when they are told they don't care. To find the truth and God only to think for oneself is necessary. To think for oneself is the opposite of defending an idea without any arguments.
ОтветитьLawrence Krauss wiped the floor with William Lane Craig because of the Velenkin declaration. It would be awesome if Fr. Spitzer invited Velenkin and repeated this malarkey in front of him. Velenkin would defroc Fr. Spitzer down to a chapel bell ringer of some distant South American village.
ОтветитьPraise the Lord thy God 🕊️🎼🙏
ОтветитьI do believe that a God exists. However, I also know that there is NO verifiable scientific evidence that any God exists.
ОтветитьGreat opening line and well worthy of Jesuit.
ОтветитьGiven the suffering of sentient creatures, Gd must be a sadist.
ОтветитьFr. Spitzer's ability to memorize his talks leaves me amazed!
ОтветитьSo as scientists get more information and experience they are less likely to believe in false things, right?
The vast majority of leading scientists are atheists, and that's been the case for over 50 years.
BTW, physicians are not scientists.
No, the universe is not perfectly 'constructed' for life. In fact, the universe is utterly hostile to life.
Most of the mass of the universe is either in stars or black-holes. And that's 99.99+% of the mass. Life cannot exist in either black-holes nor stars.
But let's go the other way.. lets look at the volume of the universe. Most of the volume of space is vacuum or near-vacuum. Most of the volume of space is either far too hot or (more likely) far too cold for any life to survive..
So, as far as the volume of space goes, 99.999,999,999% of the universe is utterly incapable of supporting life.
No, what we actually see is a universe where life has evolved in the tiniest slivers of space and on the teensiest of planet types where the conditions allow. That's the resolute OPPOSITE of a miracle.
A real god would be able to easily make life exist throughout a universe regardless of puny physical parameters.
If the priest wants to try sciencing, then he'd at least ought to learn some first before trotting out decades-long abandoned apologetics.
Scientific evidence for god requires a clear scientific definition for god. What's the clear scientific definition for god?
ОтветитьNo matter how much proof the non believers find, to test and reject God to fit their puny human understanding, this God also revealed to humans (thru the Catholic church).
Matthew 7:13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
This God showed everyone the way, but He never said everyone is coming to eternity with him😅
some are really passionate not to and it is the risk they wish to take without even diving deep in the 2k+ years of God's teachings in the Catholic church.😢
Praised be Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, now and forever!
ОтветитьWhat if God is Diverse so not to feel alone?
ОтветитьThank you for this awesome talk!
ОтветитьTalking points of view one on one with Fr. Robert Spitzer. That would be lovely.
ОтветитьHi real scientist believes in fairy tales made up by stupid male bronze age goat herders!
Einstein wrote:
The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable but still largely primitive legends. No interpretation, however subtle, can change this (for me).
There is no evidence for the imaginary evil.monstergod of the bible!
Spitzer never read the bible!
Scientific theories are not " discovered "!
Stupidity is no evidence for the existence of imaginary beings!
Facts are facts!
Facts do not change!
This guy is extremely stupid!
The universe is not " constructed "!
There is no " fine tuning "!
Religion damages the brain and it shows!
There are no gods!
Therefore there is no evidence for any god!
Spitzer is too stupid to distinguish between reality and fairy tales!
No real scientist believes in fairy tales!
Einstein wrote:
" The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable but still largely primitive legends. No interpretation, however subtle, can change this (for me). "
That is the response of a real scientist!
God Bless you Father Spitzer! Thanks for your hard work!!
ОтветитьWe would like to thank our Transcendent Creator for creating Fr. Spitzer's amazing brain!
ОтветитьAnother demonstration that religion damages the brain!
Validated NDE’s leads me to believe that this physical world of which we are part of is a figment of Gods imagination. It is “real” to us because we are part of it. Our soul during a near death experience becomes aware of God’s all-encompassing reality. It is not somewhere out there. It is right here, right now. Under normal circumstances we are just not aware of it. A feeble human analogy would be the USS Enterprise of the Star Trek series as heaven and its holodeck is where the entire universe resides.
ОтветитьWhenever believers or defenders of god said 'evidence' of god exist, you better leave it alone, no need to spend your luxurious time on reading or studying , because it is Nonsense again , not evidence as such ! Not evidence according to the standard of a court of law, still less according to the standard of science n logic
ОтветитьWhat nonsense to say “highly unusual” as if you’ve a model of comparison other than the universe we live in of which we don’t even know 0.00001% of.
Ответитьwow just wow
ОтветитьWhy might young scientist be more open to god than before? Because so much research money is controlled by churches and religious hypocrites. So the motto is: Be silent and endure the morons. Until you have made your reputation.
ОтветитьI could care less about astrophysics or anything billions of years old. I can't even wrap my mind around light years and exponential numbers. What difference does any of that make in my relatively short life anyway? The question that does matter, above all else- did God create the universe? And did He create me? Science is false assurance anyway, always reasserting itself, repostulating, correcting, publishing some new finding that trumps a previous one. Fine. Science can figure out the facts, or try. But I aim to find meaning, purpose, and live rightously.
ОтветитьBig bang confirmed?
Um no it hasn't!
And as a physicist you should knowbthe difference, and therefore you just lied to every single.person you are speaking too.
More over the JW telescope has put serious doubts upon that theory, in many different ways!
Confirmed means it is no longer a theory but a fact!
This is the second video I have seen you in and your science is total crap! Your wishful thinking is not science! Your reliance on what others believe to be true is jot science! Your reliance on near death experience is not science!
You still have zero proof of your God!
Faith has no place in science, ever!
It is fact or it is theory, to be proven or disproven through verifiable repeatable testing!
Show that proof! Not your wanting things to be true, not what others believe to be true!
Your pseudo science is equivalent to that of flat earthers! You extrapolate exactly what you wish to be true and ignore everything else!
God bled Fr spitzer he had the atheist foaming at the mouth and frustrated that he just crushed their whole world view
ОтветитьFascinating! Am Sharing!
ОтветитьThe Holy Spirit led me to this website. I am in wow now.
Ответить48 minutes video and not a single evidence. Tragic.