Davina Clashes with Supply Teacher After He Yells at Karla  | Waterloo Road

Davina Clashes with Supply Teacher After He Yells at Karla | Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road

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@ZayliLovett - 19.01.2025 22:43

Karla Has Asperger's Syndrome 🥺

@ZayliLovett - 19.01.2025 22:43

Karla Is Being Diagnosed With Asperger's Syndrome 😢

@MrsGloop - 22.12.2024 14:09

He owes Karla an apology.

@dmc41987 - 08.10.2024 21:11

Maka puts the A in Arrogant.

@TaxingIsThieving - 30.09.2024 02:26

Both as bad as each other

@katefevre6222 - 26.09.2024 03:29

proud kiwi watching here.

@annabethjadisdoulton4554 - 19.09.2024 23:02

He's teaching the right stuff.

@Ireallylikepotatoesandbg3 - 02.08.2024 05:00

I’m confused, homophobia isn’t part of Māori culture, in fact it wasn’t introduced until Aotearoa was colonised. It does still exist in some Māori communities but it isn’t part of their culture inherently. In fact some Māori tribes still have additional gender expressions. I don’t know why he would justify homophobia using a cultural argument.

@Multifandomxz1 - 23.07.2024 07:52

I love the haka

@chloemarsh612 - 01.06.2024 23:05

Call himself a teacher

@VioletCrystal_OFFICIAL - 12.02.2024 02:24

I am Autistic, My first history teacher at secondary school in year 7 screamed at me at the top of his lungs to "take my fingers out my ears and look at the screen" because "I wasn't listening" when actually, really, he scared me so much to the point where I was having a sensory overload due to him yelling for the kids to "be quiet" and how he was telling off some of the kids because they were being "his definition" of rude to him.

all I can remember was him pulling me a side and saying "you kids always pull excuses with your mental health issues, you are faking this! you are faking being autistic and you know it", after that I kept trying to skip those classes and hide in the toilets because I didn't wanna hear from him, honestly if Im speaking about my school now (since I left in 2022 and now am in college) Im glad Ive left, some of the teachers at my school were absolute assholes, they never really understood about mental health or took the time to understand it, and this is what enrages me now, when I hear about stories like teachers being not nice to kids with autism or OCD or any form of neurodiversity, It boils my blood to the hottest point.

If more TAs and teachers knew about how to look after Autistic or SEN kids, the world would be much MUCH better.

@loomingallday1350 - 06.12.2023 00:40


@anticswithannanz - 04.09.2023 11:10

This is an embarrassing scene for us in New Zealand and for our Maori culture

@sweetlyxofficialchannel - 13.04.2023 01:03

I have ASD as well and i felt really bad for karla 😢

@whyamihere221 - 08.04.2023 05:42

supply teacher on smoke

@stephkeen2126 - 03.03.2023 05:49

Ok not all New Zealanders are like This this is over the top

@rebeccahughes2009 - 15.12.2022 21:53

This is what my son does and he acts the same way

@connorbegley2539 - 29.10.2022 20:12

Karla was actually really pretty

@laurajacob7431 - 25.10.2022 02:34

Maaka Lacey Doesn't Care Aspergers Syndrome He Don't Never Heard Aspergers Syndrome He Come From He Have No Right He Said That He Nasty Evil Person Very Cruel He Can Be Bully Shouts at Karla He Shouldn't Done it Karla Very Struggling Kind Found Hard When He Yells at Her Karla Don't Konw Have Clam Down She Gets Stress Out She Doesn't Like Being Shouted
By Him He Gets Nasty To Davina Horrible About Karla Condition Davina Saying To Him He Can't Teach All Pupils in Class Thing He Talking About Culture He Did Get Fried From By Miss Mason For His Extremely Lazy Attitude Teaching He is Responsible for He is Showing No Attempts at Discipline Letting Lounge Around Reading Magazine and Laughing Each Other He Have Been Removed From Class Room Davina Taking Over The Class and Reprimand Him For His Laziness Firing Him For Not Caring Enough
Doing Actually His Job Probably

@grahamgreenough4526 - 14.09.2022 12:06

Hated him

@eli-ys9jc - 31.08.2022 19:15

Poor Karla always getting treated dirty 🥺

@cailum-666 - 04.08.2022 03:05

Would love this teacher

@JynxedKoma - 23.04.2022 04:47

Hasn't heard of assburgers yet knows it's a syndrome... What?

@georgebarber2913 - 05.04.2022 13:30

Why does the supply sound like there’s someone doing a voice over for him 😂! It really doesn’t sound like him speaking

@roccoparks - 01.04.2022 13:20

I think this teacher was a bit ahead of his time the whole victim culture mentality

@davidpemberton8828 - 01.04.2022 00:57

How did the actor who played macca get this role 😂😂

@georgemillman6774 - 11.03.2022 12:03

Isn't the fact that Karla was correct in what she was saying more important than her being ASD? If another student had pointed that out, they'd be just as correct.

@strangeodd1552 - 11.03.2022 00:15

This guy should’ve stayed longer, we need more foreign teachers

@jamesdarbyshire203 - 09.03.2022 23:39

Karla was top tier waterloo road character

@littlecorporal4910 - 08.03.2022 00:41

Funny how he calls Karla ill mannered when she was well within her rights to remind him of school policy which he was violating and indirectly disrespecting management. Projection is a wonderful thing, sad...

P.S: Being autistic like Karla, and seeing the way he treated her made me wish Tom was in the room so he could have put that lazy bullying slob in his place.

@jackfoley2192 - 07.03.2022 01:00

Poor girl x

@bencoatesworth7731 - 06.03.2022 08:42

If more TAs are like this one education for autistic people and SEN children in general would be much better. Also he should have been kicked out the school the second he spoke to a member of staff who knos the class like that. Especially when he spoke to karla and she intervened. If that was me I would have cleared the classroom on the grounds of not being able to ensure safety of the class with him yelling and speaking to them like that especially with karla would have had her out the minute he spoken to her the way he did

@scottybee8 - 05.03.2022 03:28

“ It bloody well should be “

@chloefrith2089 - 05.03.2022 00:29

When does this program cons back on TV anybody know? Thank you x

@JoshuaBd - 05.03.2022 00:26

He was bang out of order the way he spoke to the TA and Karla. He’s not fit to teach

@thomaswinn5599 - 04.03.2022 23:08

I honestly can't stand Mr Lacey because he was absolutely annoying and irritating character throughout the programme. Mr Lacey was a useless and rubbish supply teacher. 😂😂😂

@ryanhills4907 - 04.03.2022 22:37

I’m probably the only one whos a fan of Maaka and Max Tyler

@harryholden5377 - 04.03.2022 21:54

Legendary show

@aperson8339 - 04.03.2022 21:40

Now i dont like this new guy 😒
