Make chord pads and RMS Peaks numeric displays on each channel (near the faders in mix console), just like in Cubase. That's all I need to add in Studio one right now)
ОтветитьOk. Just so I'm clear as I was pretty confused that I got a downgrade and couldn't find specific answer. On previous versions of Studio One before 7...both Impact XT and Sample One XT had "XT" in the instrument logo on the User interface window. Now they on only say Impact or Sample One. I see Gregor have the same, so can I assume they just removed the XT part and I didn't get a downgrade. A different search said the non XT was a different product, but maybe it was possibly older or defunct. I have the full product and was this all part of the recent consolidation of the product for v7. It's kind of confusing to still call it Impact XT when they removed the XT now?
Ответитьis there a new faderport lineup in the works? def need individual pan pots and more spaces between each fader for example
ОтветитьVersion 7 and I still can't see flats instead of sharps in Piano roll in tonality for example C minor.
ОтветитьPlease make…
• Sample One able to dock in the editor.
• Make the Level Meter dockable.
• Allow play to happen in the background.
• Create Presets for exporting
• Allow rearranging of sounds on the pads in Impact.
• Auto play in the browser.
• Make it so the Console and Inspector track height does not need to be readjusted everytime I open a new project.
When will the day come when STUDIO ONE allows manual cuts within the SAMPLE ONE box, and make the cuts you want and not the ones STUDIO ONE decides?
ОтветитьResizeable gui seemed like the obvious solution here…
ОтветитьLooks like they broke the "note selection" in the note editor. In earlier versions (right upto 6.6.4), you could select notes based on velocity range in the velocity lane below the notes. You can't do it anymore in version 7. Totally a deal breaker for me as I work a lot with vst instruments.
ОтветитьIt looks interesting. I just don't understand why Pro users have to pay the same to upgrade as the Artist users.
ОтветитьI really like the new melodic pattern mode, but I think it would be even better if the new scale mode were integrated into the pattern mode. Being able to stay within the selected scale while creating melodic patterns would be epic. In the drum mode (pattern), having the ability to fold or hide unused notes would streamline workflow and improve usability.
ОтветитьWell done guys....
Ответитьoh cool! that polyrhytmic function is one of my favorite things about Geist2 - so cool to have it right in the daw
ОтветитьStudio One is really evolving and improving quickly. The Studio One Plus subscription is brilliant and I'll use it for as long as you offer it.
ОтветитьNice, but there's another thing that's bothering me when working on a laptop (i.e. 90% of the time in my case) - the Inspector Panel.
I have to juggle what I can see in Inspector all the time scrolling & resizing the 3 panels to get to what I want. I've missed many of the options there simply because I never saw they're available! Please, PLEASE put those 3 panels into separate, (un)foldable drawers like in Cubase or Live, or make them a one, long static, fully unfolded panel/list that can be scrolled through with mouse wheel (it doesn't work now because MW will change parameter values if cursor happens to hover there).
This would be HUGE for me, easily worth extending the upgrade plan for another year alone :)
(yes, I'm aware I can hide some of the parameters in the inspector, but the settings don't cover all track types and divider positions are shared between all of them, despite me wanting to set them differently for different track types).
Is there a way to make the notes in the note editor as bright and vivid and opaque as the events in the event viewer? The notes seemingly became more transparent (Compared to 6) and it's a bit weird to me.
ОтветитьWe've have been using S1 since version 1. Unfortunately we just upgraded to 6, just days before the cutoff to get the free update (which I believe was Sept. 1st). Not about to pay again so soon, so maybe we'll catch you again in a couple of years.
ОтветитьGuys, make Audio Engine more powerful like in Cubase so it can handle bigger projects with less CPU usage and add AI quantisation and man I will leave Cubase
ОтветитьGood to see your influence in 7. I hope it continues.
ОтветитьSpeaking of MIDI scales, it would be wonderful if along with the chords in the chord track, there were suggestions for underlying scales. Also, realtime snapping of MIDI notes to the chords/scales would be terrific.
ОтветитьI don’t use it
ОтветитьWould be cool to add the step length/resolution also in the classic drum mode, not pattern only... thanks
ОтветитьHow is the integration with the Atom SQ? Version 6 on windows had so many crashes and freezes. I ended up using version 5 for its stability even though I bought 6.
ОтветитьTrack/bus freeze? Where is it? Where is it? It's a top requested feature in the forum. If you are not going to deliver it just say so, so the one of us who need this feature can just find another DAW.
ОтветитьStill no ability to add fades and crossfade in the samplers. Many users as requested for a very long time now
ОтветитьNailed It !
ОтветитьCan you quantize incoming notes from a midi controller to the scale?
ОтветитьLoving the polyrythm feature...
ОтветитьMostly all plug-ins open in windows! Where is the problem? Nothing I need! And nothing I pay money for!
ОтветитьLooks fantastic !!
ОтветитьLoving the new features in version 7 - top job Presonus :)
Ответитьamazing new features!! <3
ОтветитьIts cool, but impact xt and sample one needs a long awaited update. Dont sleep on this presonus…
ОтветитьThey are offering a lot of services now . I hope they have servers to keep up with it . Release day has crashed them and the install is super slow and janky
ОтветитьBus freeze? track freeze? That is a top feature request? Any plans of acknowledging this crucial cpu saving feature?
ОтветитьWhy don't you do the same with Sample One? You always prefer half measures. WTF
ОтветитьHey guys, i'm a studio live 24r user n the app from android mobiles have some bugs with the resolution of screen size, have a note with this words: control not supported at this screen size.
How to fix this?
So, basically, you charge another 150 Bucks for improvements of features, which where released unfinished.
ОтветитьHello, this is a great update! However, I believe the most crucial addition for Impact XT would be the ability to adjust the pitch of individual notes, similar to how it's done in a piano roll. This is a highly requested feature, and I wonder why it hasn't been implemented yet. It's especially important for fine-tuning 808s and hi-hats.