K50 One Handed Mechanical Keyboard (Full Review)

K50 One Handed Mechanical Keyboard (Full Review)


5 лет назад

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@venturusdagamer - 03.05.2020 20:52

Thanks for checking out my review. Time stamps are in the description below to save you time. Please like and subscribe for more reviews!

@BigPapaPengzu - 15.12.2024 23:54

This is hilarious, I came to this video to ask a question I hadn't ever been able to figure out. Turns out I already asked it xD

@rwplm - 30.08.2024 00:43

Okay, but how do I rebind G1-G6? I can get it into the flashing mode, but I don't know how to do the recording process.

@leogoku13 - 17.07.2024 07:17

Is it plastic?

@meman176 - 05.05.2024 04:04

I accidently rebinded my G5 and G6. Is there anyway i can rebind them to “F5” and “F6” or do a factory restart? I have tried everything but it only lets u bind keys on the one handed kb and there is no F5 and F6

@SpeedyCJ-55mp - 09.02.2024 07:45

How can I get a “0” key?

@jamesringold2740 - 28.12.2023 06:47

Good review, yeah, three years late! for the comment. Any chance you found a PDF of the manual online?

@lordgondo3510 - 03.12.2023 03:33


@WigglinWigglesGaming - 10.11.2023 03:53

never told how to assign the g keys

@Cline3911 - 04.09.2023 04:35

You're a lifesaver friend. I lost the manual book to mine. You held up yours so I could read how to change the modes. Thanks again friend.

@lordkanesoulreaver - 30.08.2023 07:17

were dos 1 get the rgb controler softere for it

@krschimmel - 30.06.2023 17:11

i lost my manual, how to do you set the macro keys again?

@condorX2 - 31.05.2023 02:45

Nice review. I have a question. What do you think of those special coating on the WASD key? I have sweaty fingers and I wonder if those special coating or grips help.

Thx in advance.

@misternobody4716 - 11.02.2023 19:10

Hey, Man, loved the video. So, I lost my manual a while ago and wanted to change my Macros, do you know if there's software for this thing? Appreciate any help!

@Ben-nx7yy - 28.01.2023 01:13

I want to figure out how to program the G keys cause all mine do is press random buttons

@jppira1 - 02.01.2023 04:16

Very thorough and useful review. I bought one of these to use as a mirror keyboard. So far, it's been difficult, but I think I can make it work.

@cyberkiller01 - 01.11.2022 22:52

So I bought this keyboard for pubg and my question is being that the f1 and 1 are on the same button and f2 and 2 are same
I need to Macro f1 +2 to g1 button and f2+1 to g2 is this possible and what buttons do I push to record f1 and f2 to a macro example would I have to record the. Hit 1 then 1 again for f1 ?

@YGMittz - 11.07.2022 03:21

really wish you wouldve showed the assigning of macros i cant figure out how to exactly use the i know you hold fn+g1,g2,g3... but after i enter the recording process i dont know waht to do from there.

@PANZERSGARAGE - 25.05.2022 01:31

Good stuff mate thank you

@cadenmorton6334 - 12.04.2022 00:20

Very helpful thanks a lot

@cjstirg - 23.03.2022 23:54

great vid

@hermeticlapse - 20.03.2022 15:21

Dude thanks! Just picked one up off of ebay because of this review. You rock!

@mahmoud-fitness - 13.03.2022 15:41

How i can use Theis 6 key ?

@cleerline - 08.03.2022 21:41

Bed bound for a few months. this fits on the left of my matress. wireless mouse on the right, gaming laptop on the bedside table and your good to go for gaming! oh yes, it has textured wasd keys so you can use it without looking. good value

@pappabear7617 - 06.02.2022 23:28

I got this board and it's been sweet for games like Tarkov, CS, any fps really. I only enjoyed using a 60% for single player games like RedDead2. Great video dude

@Khaos.01. - 03.02.2022 19:08

İ would like to change switches to brown switch. İs this hotswapable?

@jerrymontgomery7453 - 17.01.2022 20:24

how do i change the keys to my liking?

@Rickandmorty_com - 04.01.2022 13:23

how do you erase the macro memory? I entered a string of random keystrokes into the G1 key memory, and when I tried to change it to a different string of keystrokes, it just added the new keystrokes along with the old keystrokes. For example, I programmed it to type "QWERT" and then I tried to change it to "ASDF", but now when I press G1, it types "QWERTASDF" and I can't seem to erase it.

@goldminespotters8109 - 25.11.2021 00:06

Great review, very helpful!

@9xrb1 - 07.11.2021 13:22

Thanks man I didn't know how to on the led

@notbydesign3316 - 06.11.2021 04:38

Not often I'm checking out a random video and homie just drops warframe lol. Legit.

@DontbeF00Iish - 04.11.2021 16:33

This is crazy man I bought Baseus Gamewhatever is called, and I am very upset by the spacebar, I thought the layout of this KB is better but then I look at it and one is on the position of 2 which is even more ridiculous than the swap of alt and V key on Baseus. I am a budget/performance lover and I cant seem to find anything better than these 2. can I still manage Baseus somehow to swap back ALT and V in some additoional SW? Then I would be happy I think.

@Count_Nobula - 23.10.2021 05:40

Thanks man, nice review

@chepecarlo - 21.10.2021 00:03

Gracias me ayudo el video, :D ya se que el cable no se puede quitar que es lo que busco :D

@Furieas - 24.09.2021 23:35

bought it for the location of the space bar to save my middle finger.

@claydonwestfield8531 - 24.09.2021 19:15

It's need a connection converter for me

@TheComputerCracks - 23.09.2021 16:49

thank you so much for this revew! your tips were very helpfull, especially apout the macros.

@Yan-uh4no - 05.09.2021 16:47

for some reason i cant config the buttons to anything else that is not on hte keyboard for example i cant change the G2 button to the letter p just because it is not on the keyboard itself
any ideas??

@arthur_something - 30.08.2021 22:19

amazing!! i already bought it, but i dont know how to configura the 'G' macros cause i lost my manual, can you help me?

@BigPapaPengzu - 18.08.2021 03:19

how do I record keys not on the keyboard? For instance, I want to assign g1 to "0"

@natininatini - 16.08.2021 23:45

I have this and love it, but can't seem to add the macros I want, it will only accept input from itsself but thats no good, as theres other keys I want to assign, hence the point of mehaving a macro in the first place :') can anyone help?

@keynn8031 - 13.07.2021 01:54

Thank you for the video i follow you :D

@김물개-h9m - 16.05.2021 20:33

Sir, I just purchased this keyboard and got it today. I was just wondering if you know if I can do something to this keyboard to NOT SHARE shortcut keys with main keyboard. I am playing Final Fantasy XIV, and I thought I can assign separate shortcut keys to this keyboard, but it actually shares them...

@ssp18966 - 13.05.2021 06:38

Before I buy this I was wondering if there is a slot to plug a mouse into this keyboard on the back where the cord is?

@GrillPhace - 24.04.2021 16:52

Great review man, just picked one of these up based you're feedback and not disapointed. Honest, to the point and informative. Keep up the good work.

@Booogaga - 16.04.2021 07:01

Ok man. Good video and where can i download the software for the keyboard?

@jaymoeayit - 13.04.2021 23:16

Can you buy a longer cable for the actual keyboard ?

@paperchaserttv8754 - 23.03.2021 13:36

Good video. Just bought one

@Chris2Breezy - 13.02.2021 05:02

ThaNK you So Much I am never going to anyone else for keyborad thank you! btw can you review the 16 dollar Redthunder membrane keyborad on amazon keyborad thx

@btd1114 - 10.02.2021 19:21

I saw your review and i ended up catching it on sale, it arrives today. Thank you for the very informative review.
