EDUCATORS SAY YOU SHOULD START READING TO YOUR KIDS WHEN THEIR IN THE WOMB! BUT, NOT ALL KIDS HAVE THE CHANCE TO HAVE QUALITY READING TIME. IN THIS WEEK'S COOL SCHOOLS, OUR HILARY ZALLA SHOWS US HOW ONE WOMAN IS MAKING SURE ALL KIDS LEARN TO READ.Meet Ms. Story... my motto is a story for every child every day She's the book detective in Dayton Public Schools... Ms. Story's off-duty name is Judy Stelzer. She's a retired Dayton Public school teacher who is now the answer to any parent who can't find time to read to their child. Or, just for any parent who wants their child to get excited about reading. And you don't even have to leave your living room... Every week, Ms, Story records herself reading a book, mostly geared towards pre-kindergarteners. Her program airs on DPS TV and on She helps children develop thinking, problem solving, and listening skills.YOU CAN CATCH MS. STORY ON DPS TV...THAT'S TIME WARNER CHANNEL 21...OR ON D-P-S-TV DOT COM.
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