CAPE SOLANDER GOES PSYCHO -12/04/24 // #surfing & #bodyboarding // Sky Monkey

CAPE SOLANDER GOES PSYCHO -12/04/24 // #surfing & #bodyboarding // Sky Monkey

We Bodyboard

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@Yahuah780 - 16.04.2024 19:16

Surfers have fins on their boards - are they getting behind the curtain?

@SF-wr4zn - 16.04.2024 20:09

No guts, no glory!
Amazing edit 👌🏻

@seblivefloormanager - 16.04.2024 20:28

Sick edit! So good to see the whole session, with something for everyone 🎉
Every time I see a vid from here I'm in awe of the riders. How do they get in or out of the water? How do they not explode onto that ledge? And just when the tow in guy looked annoying, he got pulled into a monster to justify the jetski. The boogs owned this session though, one banger at a time. Loved it. Especially when you throw Beethoven into the wipeout mix, bloody genius!

@kanakamokunui1039 - 16.04.2024 20:42


@RNicolasRuvalcaba - 16.04.2024 20:54

Thumbnail almost took out the drone 😂

@RocketDog73 - 16.04.2024 21:26

That is freaking insane. I do not think my balls would be big enough to even consider it. I would happily watch from the rocks with a coldie though 🤙

@TimBoss2000 - 17.04.2024 00:17

That's a messy night on the rocks if you fuck up

@beachthor1 - 17.04.2024 03:26

So hectic with the ski blasting thru the peak like that, as if the wave isn’t already sketchy enough

@darrenporsch - 17.04.2024 06:33

Where is this South Africa Australia?

@lukerips1 - 17.04.2024 07:56

These laws are for good, analyse your poor actions.

@BlacksBeachBoogieBurner - 17.04.2024 14:19

Absolute insanity! 💥

@allan4870 - 17.04.2024 17:41

Where is that?

@trifin5772 - 17.04.2024 19:42

Sick clip mate. Justice soundtrack.

@kreepykrawly8866 - 18.04.2024 03:05

I wonder if boogers lie down on their skateboards . Another wave like wreck bay that's been taken over by gutsliders.

@michael67612 - 18.04.2024 09:39

Rocks are actually so insanely close 😮

@Surfdronesd - 18.04.2024 16:03

Drone traffic, nicely done

@the_morning_after_phill - 18.04.2024 21:46

Refreshing to see a video with surfers and spongers. Feels more inclusive to show everyone enjoying the wave.

@rodellison - 19.04.2024 14:29

Shit music , good clip

@RG-ls2db - 19.04.2024 16:41

psycho action!

@nimrodrdc - 19.04.2024 19:55

The dude in the yellow helmet is charging!

@chaseburns4444 - 19.04.2024 21:22

man I hate drones. give me bonython angles any day

@AnonYmous-vu1lw - 19.04.2024 22:00

Clowns on a jetski

@MicBergsma - 21.04.2024 01:32

So crazy, got distracted by other drone in some clips 😂

@TobeyMontona - 22.04.2024 08:33

I would die. And im a good swimmer. I cant time the waves right or something but after almost dieing last 3 times ive went,,i now went n bought a skim board for shallower shit;]😮

@Bennyoutnabout - 23.04.2024 13:20

Amazing footage! Kudos to you

@intricateshockwave - 25.04.2024 09:10


@heiariiburori137 - 30.04.2024 18:26

crazy footage peace ;)

@ThePrivateMatcher - 04.05.2024 07:01

old mate on the lid getting launched has to be one of my favorite clips of all time! to the moon!!

@Anthony-tf8yn - 05.05.2024 12:32

Great footage ,to thoughtful sound..makes it a nominee..🌀

@lazzacarrotman4925 - 13.05.2024 16:22

Did I see a surf mat on a couple of waves??? If so, amazing.

@edwinnicholas2124 - 23.05.2024 10:19

Crazzzzy good wave...

@SuspectAccount - 11.06.2024 09:06

You need to be a few roos short in the top paddock to surf here, and the bra boys are certainly that for the most part.
Those wipe-outs are literally a few feet from landing on rocks and either losing your life or having it in a chair.
That wave certainly isn't worth it.

@aodhoneill3579 - 12.06.2024 17:11

great footage, other drone in the shots over and over is a pain in the t*ts

@JonPaulCameronPenny - 24.09.2024 14:19

Gonads.out of this world.

@CookinGTCoconuts - 05.10.2024 19:52


@Albumcorvus-xii - 13.11.2024 22:10


@Garrattwayne - 07.12.2024 00:37

that jet ski is not needed. I hate when the jet ski & the surfer pull up they think they own every wave. until every one in the line up gangs up together & tells them to *uck off from the break.

@tr7b410 - 10.12.2024 16:52

Totally GNAR-GNAR.

@ReadyForSummerNow - 17.12.2024 03:18

Love seeing tow in stand ups eat it.

@joachimcoonan6255 - 13.01.2025 10:54

There are no words,!!!
I can feel the intensity from here!!!
Hows the ledges, the thickness, the sheer power, the boils, and the intensity of Cape Fear....
Fuck it would be an intense place to surf. Might make it a goal.
Shout out to All the surfers out there, regardless of craft....
( I will ride waves on Anything!!!
Kneeboards, surfboards, bodyboards, kayaks and canoes, and hand planes.....From rolling pointbreak walls, to shorebreak carnage, to dredging psychotic offshore reefs, bombies, and ledges, where your truly risking life or limb....I am absolutely immersed in surfing and surf culture.....Ahoy!!!....( What we call out, in subtle humour, when a set is coming.....Then we scream " CHARGE!!!......" as the most mutant set slams onto the reef, and warps, mutates, and pitches, other surfers out there spin out a bit , because we truly risk life and limb on the reefs and ledges etc where I live....Stoked.
( Australia is absolutely loaded with offshore bombies and secret spots....One place, basically un-named, should be famous, yet they are utterly unknown to most other surfers.....There are two spots like that where I live.
Surfers hear rumours of them both, but noone really ever goes there barely at all, especially when the swells up.....They would snap their neck!! No kidding!!
It sucks dry on some sets on low tide. Personally, I believe that Both these waves should have other names, that express their various characteristics, I believe.
And, if you made it this far, truly, I thank you for the time and attention to my words and vibe.
And, here's a good reason to stay on and read it all......
The two waves are "Currimundi Reef," on the Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia, and " The Ledge", Old Woman Island, Mudjimba, on the Sunshine Coast also....( These waves are both not too difficult to get to, can paddle, but it is a fair way, and you are quite likely to get cut out there too.
The area you paddle over to get to the Island is called "Shark Alley" by us locals.....Food for thought.
Take a boat.....And a Gath ⛑️ Helmet....And CHARGE (💪!!!!!)
Enjoy!!! 🤪😜😎😳😁

@joachimcoonan6255 - 13.01.2025 10:56

Have to stop twirlin' coz my msgs go too long, boomerang wont come back!!!

@dreams2reality410 - 17.01.2025 16:36

That place looks ripe for great whites. I guess when you are about to drop in on this hairy ass wave, that's probably the last thing on your mind. Great video. The music was completely appropriate for this session. Liked and subbed. I'm just a lone surfer from North Florida.
