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Join Save Ancient Studies Alliance for the second day of academic presentations, July 24, 2023, as we learn about "Discovery, Science, and Technology in the Ancient World: Traditions and Innovations" from a group of wonderful Independent Scholars.
Please submit your questions and comments to the presenters in the chat box wherever you are watching this. These will be posed to the presenters at the discretion of the moderator.
This event is free to the public. For more information about the conference, go to saveancientstudies.org. And, check out SASA's many projects bringing Ancient Studies to the public.
If you've enjoyed this event, please consider supporting SASA by donating at saveancientstudies.org/donate. Those who donate $25 and above enter the raffle for some SASA swag!
Thanks to our partners for joining us in livestreaming this conference: Digital Hammurabi, World History Encyclopedia, World of Antiquity, Per-Hay Studio, New Classicists, The History of the World, History with Kayleigh.
#OAWconference #SASA #AncientHistory #AncientStudies