Guild Wars 2 - Jumping Puzzle - Sparkfly Fen (Hexfoundry Unhinged)

Guild Wars 2 - Jumping Puzzle - Sparkfly Fen (Hexfoundry Unhinged)


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@bradleyloizzo - 09.01.2013 06:32

I never comment on videos, but i felt compelled to thank you for your videos they were extremely helpful in completing jumping puzzles.

@AyinMaiden - 11.01.2013 05:43

Thank you for using my videos :)

@ashleywindchester70 - 29.01.2013 10:45

Hey Ayin, I have been using your guids for a while now and the song you play at the start of this video and i think all your others is my absolute favorite from this game! i can find it though whats its name? thanks :) also what server you play on?

@AyinMaiden - 29.01.2013 17:11

I actually record it from the game itself lol So I dont really know what the name is :( I'm on [US] Blackgate

@TheLichKng64 - 31.01.2013 23:19

thank you~!!! i saved my computer from getting beat up~!!! i was going nuts for the last switch~!!!!

@AyinMaiden - 01.02.2013 19:14

lol yeah it does get frustrating :P

@SuperDude312 - 10.02.2013 23:37

A veteran spawns at the chest btw

@SuperDude312 - 10.02.2013 23:37

Veteran mark I-B Golem

@PetrPohl98 - 26.03.2013 21:35

Ty mate:)

@stevenhageman8392 - 09.04.2013 23:06

Ayin. Thank you very much for doing these videos. I have a question on Crystal Cavern jumping puzzle. When I got to the end of the puzzle the chest was already open. Did I miss something because I followed everything you said on the video. I'm just a little frustrated on finding an open chest on my first try. Again thanks for all the work you do on these vids.

@AyinMaiden - 10.04.2013 04:34

I honestly havent heard of that one before. Usually chest would be open coz uve done it once on your account already

@penner72 - 07.05.2013 03:01

Did you open a small chest on the way?

@getefix3 - 13.06.2013 22:04

thanks :D

@omgnotreally - 20.07.2013 05:08

I almost threw up doing this JP.

@AyinMaiden - 21.07.2013 04:15

aww sowy :(

@omgnotreally - 21.07.2013 08:35

But your video saved me! Thanks ^_^

@AyinMaiden - 21.07.2013 22:55

Yay! :D

@Booboorella - 29.07.2013 18:08

Thanks a lot for helping me through all the JP! I found your guides to be extremely concise and thorough, and I'd surely recommend them to anyone!

@AyinMaiden - 29.07.2013 21:27

Thank u very much! :D

@Xav400 - 14.08.2013 07:18

You got lucky. I ended up with a really difficult veteran at the chest. I popped two elementals to soak up damage while I opened chest and made a run for it.

@AyinMaiden - 15.08.2013 01:59

Nice job :D lol

@crazymoo56 - 28.08.2013 00:23

Thanks Ayin.

@AyinMaiden - 02.09.2013 21:46

You just press 'F'... Sometimes its not ready yet, not sure why? If anyone knows...

@demonrifle - 20.10.2013 19:19

Hmmmmm, why dont you jump in water go past sea turtle and go on rocks, i did it for 30 secs like that

@ElectTheDeadBelgium - 31.10.2013 04:17

Great video , I especially like how fast you go through JP's. Makes me have to skip less often ^^. Thanks for the help

@AyinMaiden - 31.10.2013 17:14

Thank u :)

@svanhoosen - 17.05.2015 07:37

Thank you! This puzzle was driving me nuts!

@SchoolyardKiller - 02.07.2016 18:22

Only in Guild Wars can someone be on fire while submerged in water. :P

@Aeroprism - 19.08.2016 00:08

You rock! Thank you!

@seibrav - 25.12.2017 18:55

Thank you.

@Tinkerdoodle829 - 07.09.2020 13:13

This is channel is like gw2 guide book :D

@albertosalazar5442 - 29.09.2020 08:08

Your guide so good that 8 years later still used ^^

@KlutzySpy - 05.12.2020 00:04

You cant push the switch either, eh?

@beeping2blipping - 19.12.2021 03:37

Doing this as part "For The Children" achievement and with Gliding it is possible to get faster to those points, if you look where you need to land. Very helpful even today with Gliding. In case somebody dies in last stage from laser beams, it is just to return (more or less glide across the room as the Grand chest is on the opposite side from fwhere on find the the first switch and walk up on into that room). There is enough time to use WP and take Raptor back. Don't fight more then necessary at entrance those Inquest to be able to jump up at those things which look like a staircase to get past the first barrier (blue beams) and you should have enought time to walk to room as described, glide to other end, walk up the stone beams that is in front of room and now you will get AP for doing this first time (JP AP part) and get your "Sparkling Tinsel Ornament" for For The Children Achievement.

@johnnymartinjohansen - 07.03.2022 00:26

So nice when someone have done the switches. 2 glides (if you can) through the first room and it's a small run up to the end. Done in a few seconds :)

@stevenstarr9067 - 17.06.2022 22:38

June 2022 and still good thanks. :)

@Draconicrose - 13.10.2022 01:48

Many thanks for the guide, I needed it for the Golem Behavior Analysis achievement!

@Rufus555 - 01.03.2023 21:23

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you. That last one was so hard to find.

@d.m.cornish682 - 09.07.2023 03:00

Needed this for "Build a better bot"; as usual, you rock so very much Ayin!!!

@askaidda4118 - 03.10.2023 09:20

Thank you ayin! been doing some legendary collections. whenever I see a jp I still come to your channel.
