thank you sir 🔥
ОтветитьHi sir, regarding the verse you quoted passage of Eph 4. When the verse said "...he led captivity captive' does it refer to the 24 Elders as others believe? I hope you got an answer to this. Thank you and Thanks be to God!
ОтветитьThank you for this! The differences always confused me, and this video definitely helped
ОтветитьImagine the irony and horror...because of Jesus' victory over death...he creates a place where BILLIONS (far more than will be saved) will be placed in ETERNAL torture and punishment. This guy's idea of heaven is NOT supported in the bible, old or new.
ОтветитьThis is fantastic! Needs way more views - you have a real gift of teaching! Follow up questions:
Why do so many OT saints not want to go to Sheol? Sheol seems fantastic for those who are righteous? So many OT saints are begging to not go to Sheol.. why?
Do you suffer in the Lake of Fire or does it destroy you completely
Ответитьyou are wrong, after death we still go to Sheol or Hades. It is a waiting place until we are judged. If you're name is not written in the Lamb's book of Life, then you go to a second death, the Lake of Fire. Read Revelations 20 12-15
ОтветитьIt doesn't make sense to go to Heaven after death if your name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life
ОтветитьBlessings:Great knowledge but a couple things I’d like more information on…
How is this accurate when the Bible say the Dead in Christ will rise and be called at the end? Thought all were sleep for now??
Also why do I have to be a Christian to be saved Jesus nor Peter whom he gave the keys to the kingdom to weren’t Christian the term was a Insult like Spic.. Nigg.. etc ?? What followers called themselves Christians and why if our God a Jew/Hebrew
Wasn't hell and death ultimately destroyed?
ОтветитьAm not being ignorant when I say this as I have read the bible right through but it does seems like the devil has managed to win the battle over Christ’s saving grace as he will have managed to turn the vast majority of people over to his side if as it says in the bible only a few will be saved or narrow is the gate that leads to life and few will find it . Even if there is no hell or eternal suffering which at least is comforting even though there are a lot of other verses that seem to support the idea of eternal suffering and the vast majority of Christians and churches and denominations believe in it . Have never really understood and it’s a shame that God / Christ can’t reveal himself directly to people but just hides away and expects people to just believe based on an ancient book and just on faith and judges people at the end of the world for not believing when he leaves no direct evidence apart from some ancient book written thousands of years ago by a tribal people - and what about other ancient religious books - are they all wrong only the bible ? and how can you show or prove that ? And if it was all true then Christ hasn’t returned to earth yet and shows no signs of doing so even though a lot of Christians use the reasoning that a prophesy in the bible about how all the Jews will return to mount Zion before christ returns and they say that a lot of the Jews have returned to Israel which they say is fulfilling prophesy - but more than half the population of Jews are still scattered around the world and have no desire to go back to Israel anytime soon and the ones that are are constantly fighting with the Muslims so that’s not much of an indication of the events leading to Christ’s return is it? At best it’s only a partial fulfilment .
Then Christians also try to use the fact that a lot of prophecy’s made by various people in the bible came true so thus these people were divinely inspired by god for these prophesies to be fulfilled and so it must be true - but how do we know that these prophesies weren’t just inserted into the texts by the original writers later on who wrote about the events after they had happened and just went back and inserted the prophesies in the earlier texts to make it look like they were genuine prophesies or by the religious leaders and the church when these texts were later edited and re-copied and put into the bible to try to fool people into believing its all true ?
Also lot of Christians use the argument that even if unbelievers see Christ they still wouldn’t believe or turn to him - but not me and am sure many others - I mean he revealed himself to Paul in a flash of light and he believed , right ? and went on to become one of the main followers and a devout Christian who spread Christianity around to large areas so he believed and he was beforehand completely opposed to the belief in Christ being sent by God and even to the point of killing a lot of his followers . Also some Christians use the excuse that we are too sinful for God to reveal himself to us - but if Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for all sinners and takes away the sins of the world before god then why can’t god now approach us like he did with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden ? Supposedly Christians claim there were saints that had visions of god and angels etc - why then not to the rest of us ?
And other arguments Christians use for existence of the biblical god is they claim that god sends the Holy Spirit into there hearts so they know him and that’s enough poof for them as they can feel him working through his spirit - but surely that’s subjective to them - does god really speak to them or is it just there minds playing on them and they see events happening and they interpreted it as god working in there lives ? Eg a Christian told me once that when they became a Jehovas witness was that one day they were praying all of a sudden a bunch of jehovas witnesses started knocking on there door preaching and they then knew it was a call from god wanting them to be a jehovas witness - I didn’t argue with her - but was it really a calling from god or was it just a coincidence ?
Also it mentions that before the foundations of the earth Christ knew who his elect would be (Ephesians 1:5), so he also knew who wouldn’t be and chooses for the sake of his pleasure - so if you follow the logic - he created the vast majority of people to either end up in torment in hell or die at the end of there lives (depending on how you interpreted Hell) but only allowing a few who he created to be with him in heaven and he chose however it suited him ie at his pleasure - sounds really unfair to me 🤔
Am sure if Christ revealed himself to all people like he did for example to Paul in the bible then am sure a lot more people would turn to him because right now a lot of people don’t believe in the bible and a lot believe in other religions and belief systems and even within Christianity there’s been so many divisions and conflicting opinions and wars over religions so why can’t he just reveal himself if he really loves us and wants everyone to be saved and so clear all this confusion up ? - but no he just hides away and if people don’t believe they are thrown into a lake of fire . 🥵
And there’s a lot of other logical inconsistencies in bible like why god would really desire to create people in the first place and the account and timescale of the biblical creation conflicting with science and the idea of heaven and angels being outside of time and space and Christ somehow being statically seated at the right hand of god yet apparently is kind of god as well ? and many other teachings- It all just doesn’t add up - I shouldn’t have to have to believe I should know, right? That’s why I can’t believe . Why should I dedicate my life to a belief system just because am afraid of hell or some vague promise of eternal life with no evidence or revelation that’s it’s anymore than a fairy tale ? I mean even Hinduism makes more sense to me than Christianity at least you can experience enlightenment in the here and now and a lot of its philosophies agree with and don’t conflict with science about the nature of the universe and creation .
When you make an effort to try to understand and reflect on the bibles teachings on a deeper level it really doesn’t make sense - it’s just probably some ancient writings written by people who didn’t know any better at the time and all these writings were later compiled and altered and edited by religious people and the church and somehow made it into the present day probably because of the power of the church over the rulers and gullible people . There were also many ancient writings and statues and pictures of gods and goddesses in the past - eg the Viking and Egyptian beliefs and there’s loads of ancient artifacts to support them probably even more so than in the bible - look at all the natural history library’s full of them - but you say that these beliefs were archaic and primitive when people didn’t know any better about nature and relied on these to answer there questions and explain why things happen and the afterlife and give them a purpose in life and people don’t believe these days because they’re not true - but loads of people believed in these things in the past though - were they all wrong then ? were all those people wrong and they were just deluded ? Yes ? So those beliefs are not relevant today like it was thousands of years ago ,right ? So why are the beliefs of the bible or any other religion of today any different ? How do we know in say one or two or even in ten thousand years if people still exist and they know a lot more about the nature of reality and existence that they won’t look at our current religious belief systems in the same way and just dismiss them like we do with all those other ancient beliefs ?
I also think sometimes that the teachings in the bible really are just part of a brilliant clever system contrived by the religious leaders and the churches of the time who altered the old ancient texts and were backed up by the authorities to try to get society to behave and for us to just live together peacefully and obey the authorities - they made it into a kind of hope system based on faith and morality - They create this story of a biblical God and they can’t prove it’s true so they just leave us with the explanation that with this god you just have to belief based upon faith (which is basically just having trust that it’s all true ) and if you follow the commandments and christian morality system by doing good works and loving your neighbour as yourself then you will go to heaven else you will burn eternally in hell ? What a great way to give people hope and get them to behave and stop us all going mad and doing whatever we want ? Have you noticed if you read the New Testament that 90% of what a Christian should do is based on morality eg spread the system of belief by preaching , give all you don’t need to the poor and the church and pay your taxes and don’t divorce your partner and various other works to show your repentance etc . What a great way for the authorities and the church to control us and get society to conform - so is it all just a made up system which gives people hope and to follow its rules or else - hell🥵 ?
Just a though or many thoughts lol
What??? Seriously dude....the story of Lazarus and the rich man is a parable not a literal story. Scripture is clear all men die and return to the earth (dust)...there is no consciencious in death. No one goes anywhere UNTIL the return of Christ. Oh btw.....Gods fire is not literal as God is a Consuming Fire.
ОтветитьHelpful, but revelations states that Jesus will reign on earth for 1000 years and then create a new heaven and earth
Ответитьsee you!!
Thank you so much, bro! 🙏
You are appreciated!
Thank you. Enlightening.
ОтветитьI personally believe that the old testament nonbelievers, and other people who never knew God are given a second chance on earth during Satan’s Little season. This is called the second resurrection.
ОтветитьNice one. Jesus went down to Sheol not only to set the righteous free but also to preach to all the dead so as to give everyone equal chance to believe in him. He did that for three days.
ОтветитьThis Vidio answering my curiousness about whre to go after death. Thankyou
ОтветитьMay the Almighty bless you brother🙏♥️
ОтветитьThe Bible tell us that the old heaven and the old earth will pass away and a new heaven and a new earth will come out of YAH. It did not give no indications that this place earth would be renewed, the bible said a new heaven and a new earth will come out of YAH.
ОтветитьThank you for clearing that up.
ОтветитьSo on the new earth the bible says if a person dies at the of 100 that will mean he died young. Those who will die then will go to sheol again?
I stand to correct on my statement about dying young. Just curious