CORRECTION: Just realized Karelia is in the Finnish ww2 front not the winter war
Ответить“this game tickles your pickle which basically means it keeps u on edge the whole entire time” underrated af 💀
ОтветитьCENTAURA MENTIONED VIDEO LIKED (I'm a thread moderator for the Centaura wiki so I am legally obliged to do this)
Also Horizon Blue 1919 is more like Centaura's best homie rather than its worst enemy. That game is what we play to pass the time until the Talona update drops.
Entrenched has left the chat💀
ОтветитьScorched earth is also a very good ww2 game
Ответитьfrontline karelia and Horizon Blue 1919 are by the same devs
ОтветитьYou should try out empire clash, it's a napoleonic Era war game where you must contribute to your team and achieve domination over the continent you play on. It's a strategy/fps type game with unique classes for you to play as.
Ответитьairship assault
ОтветитьBleeding blade is good game, but slow dead cause no update fr.
Ответитьfronline Karelia mentioned!!!!!!
ОтветитьCan’t wait for mobile Karelia hahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahahahahahhahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhhahahAhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahHahahahahHhahhaahhqhahahahahahahahhaahahqhqhahhahahahahahahahahahahaahhahhahahaahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahhahahhahahahahha 😭😭😭😭😭
Ответитьbro d-day is p2w
ОтветитьW video!!!
ОтветитьWe don't talk about the "Little Dark Age" edits... (I made one myself back in February)
ОтветитьCentaura isnt a game with a story , its a story with a game
In short its a game with shit gameplay with god tier lore
I play all
ОтветитьYou forgot HELLMET, the actual best tactical shooter.
Ответитьeven its not pvp the guts and blackpowder is a legendary game thats in napaloinic times whic is very fun to play when bored cus %98 of its players has less than 2 IQ and u just go nuts when u hear maps songs also very good if u like chaos
ОтветитьI cannot go into one WW1 based game with someone saying FUR DAS GOTT, KAISER UND VADERLAND!!!
ОтветитьHey boy, play AIRSHIP ASSAULT pls
ОтветитьMtc is ass, the devs are pedos and the gamepasses arent worth it
ОтветитьEy dude you did forget about airship assault
ОтветитьI think you have a good list but scorched earth should defently be up there
ОтветитьDead ahead is other game and that is the same to Centaura, mostly like General Quarters
ОтветитьThe best thing I remember about Bleeding Blades is that always, in every ingle round of the roman map, we build a church and it was like 3 people actualy figthing while the other 20 were in the churchs and praying or partying
ОтветитьDDay sucks,P2W
ОтветитьHorizon Blue Bassically ww1 but it never ends
ОтветитьAnother cool game is cold war
ОтветитьBleeding blades is basicly blood and iron but in the classical and medival eras.
ОтветитьMinor mistake, but blood and iron was actually released in 2015, the place was created in 2009.
ОтветитьOnly one on this list I play is Bleeding Blades, very good
ОтветитьAs a blood and iron player,A Napoleonic game made in 2009 is better then most Napoleonic games today
ОтветитьI’m a fireteam player I can say your actually truthful many people rate it as a fun game when it’s death when you try to shoot and You don’t have good scopes you can get killed from afar and the gun physics are diff as well as suppression which sucks ass when your trying to shoot and you get into confrontations like hill 3234
Ответить"Where is Empire Clash 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓"
ОтветитьWhere is entrenched
ОтветитьD day is a pretty p2w game you can get extra health with robux
ОтветитьAlternative for final game: dead ahead is the same dev with centaura and its pretty cool check it out
ОтветитьI’m your 744th sub
ОтветитьYo i played centaura on my pc and my left click dont work any idea how to fix it
ОтветитьCentaura is a horrifying game its gameplay is scary boring
ОтветитьTho this game has a toxic community and is overcomplicated as hell even i can’t figure out what’s happening. I recommend Dead Ahead (made before centaura by the same developer)
ОтветитьCentura is not that good actually. No digging or destruction mechanics, class restriction and limits forcing you to mainly play riflemen, half of the maps are garbage. It suffers severely from replayability issues as the gameplay is pretty basic. Also it isn’t really that realistic, lots of the maps make no tactical sense, all weapons and especially ai weapons are massivly overtoned. And the game is basicly just keep charging and hope you succeed on most maps.
ОтветитьTHat’s weird considering that me, a Centauran Player, plays Horizon blue because the god dammed update is taking until possible Punic war 2 part three oversimplified