The fact that this guy is a gym owner explains it All. Of course he's pissed. He's got some more competition😂😂😂 X3 bar works by the way 💪💪
Ответитьi wonder about the reasoning about the most band tension at the end of the movement when you're not at your strongest. Can't you use thicker bands so that you max out before the end of the stretch - where you are in theory at your strongest? I don't have the x3 (have a new harambe system) but in learning how to use it, i find that i enjoy using 'too much' tension so that i max out at different parts of the movement. it seems to provide some flexibility. Not that what is said here is untrue, but i didn't find the reasoning to be very convincing.
ОтветитьNobody should Maik Wiedenbach! He's a tool that has lots of videos of himself working out with a mask on and he was for the covid vax! And obviously this guy is on serious gear...
ОтветитьThat's what I bought bands and a bar for and also I made a platform but I only bought it for vacations. Bands won't make you swole.
Ответить3X Bar works I’m living testimony, but you can’t just eat what you want. If you eat garbage, your body will deteriorate a lot faster than if you did not…. Use the God given brain you have been provided…
Ответитьif you're serious about fitness, i think you should have a supplemental, at home option. in that regard, i think x3 bar is the best bang for your buck, especially if you lift heavy. it may not be optimal, but it can get results. there are cheaper options, but you can't lift as heavy with them, you don't have as much room to grow with the product and if you can get that extra "weight" they far exceed the price of the x3 bar.
ОтветитьI’m not a scientist nor a trainer. I’ve been using X3 steady for 3 months and the results have been great. I’ve previously used free weights , typically a strength program (3x5 or 5x5) and on occasion in the distant past I’ve dropped in to CrossFit style strength and conditioning places. Honestly love the X3. I physically cannot take my old method of exercise. I’d end up with joint pain or an injury. You can blame it on form or whatever, but with the X3, I’ve had no such problems.
Here’s what I know. In 3 months with 15 minute workouts, I’ve received compliments on how I’m looking more fit. I feel stronger, and I’ve certainly been improving.
The fact that I can do that safely and in a time efficient manner trumps everything else for me.
Does it cost too much? I dunno. Everything costs a lot nowadays and quite frankly the quality is better than any other band system I’ve seen. Plus there are a great number of users that have had results and physically look fantastic. Is it for you? I dunno. For me— It’s great and certainly not a scam.
it amazes me how many people make statement and people except these statements with little or no proof . ............... Covid 19 is a prime example !!!
Ответитьif you care about OSTEOPOROSIS it's a completely different story.
ОтветитьI know this is an older video, but i can agree with many of these points. I started out with a home made x3 style system using a bar from amazon, a wooden foot plate that i made from a 2x12 for about $10. And some nice quality bands (serious steel bands) total cost for all of this is about $170, the most expensive piece are the bands. There is no way id pay $500 for this system. Id say its worth half that. I invested in some adjustable dumbells and a bench recently, i get a far better workout and have seen better results from just those two things. Id rather spend the extra money on a nice dumbbell set and a bench. I'll still use the bands but i will be moving all my workouts to dumbbell centric moving forward
ОтветитьYoure still poor and he's rich af and working out with bands isn't new he just added a bar 😂😂😂 you're the scam
ОтветитьWow, didn’t even try it out. You must think very highly of yourself to think your opinion means anything, while based on conjecture.
ОтветитьThe X3 price is undeniably high. However the same can be said with premium barbells selling above $500 when one can be purchased for under $100. Not everyone wants budget gym equipment. Can you name a resistance bar that has the knurling, spin, build quality, ease of use of putting bands on and off at a meaningful lower price point?
ОтветитьThe muscle is weak att the top but the arms are strongest at the top, beacuse you can handle the most weight in this position.Thats the diffrence.
ОтветитьI just found out about the X3 system and when I checked it out I too thought the cost of it was utterly ridiculous! Even if the system itself works beautifully, in looking at the bar and the plate, I could see that anyone with any welding skill could easily make those two items at a fraction of the cost being charged and that there are many high quality band sets that won't set you back more than $100 - $130. Didn't look in to his credentials like you did though and find it very interesting that you were banned from his facebook site...very interesting indeed. I see that someone else commented that they had expressed their doubts on the FB page and were not banned. However, no doubt when they saw you were a gym owner they were more alarmed because you obviously have more credibility than the average Joe.
One question I would like to ask you is what you think of the Dragon Door Isomax isometric training system? This system too seems wildly overpriced to me and could be easily constructed for about $60 if you were willing to forego the digital readout system which, while it would be useful to monitor progress of increasing strength and perhaps to motivate one to push themselves to try to improve their numbers, isn't essential to continued improvement and results if one works hard in their workouts and is honestly pushing themselves the digital readout isn't fundamentally necessary. I was thinking about making one of these type of devices for myself and am curious whether you have any experience with that kind of device and your thoughts. Thanks from Oregon.
Here’s some of “Dr.” Jaquish’s whoppers (many from his recent interviews with “Sliding Bench Trainer”):
“Only the elite athletes with upper .01% genetics can get results with weight training because they have tendons that attach on the other side of the bone”
He claims that anyone can replicate the results of the genetic elite…by using his, and only his, product of course.
“I gained 60lbs. of muscle while losing 16lbs. of fat using the X3 exclusively while in my 40’s and without drugs”
Since he states that he currently weighs 220lbs. that would mean that he would have had to weigh 176lbs. when he started using the X3. Do any of his “before” photos even remotely look like he weighs only 176lbs.? The X3 has been out for 4 years now. If it legitimately built muscle 3x faster than weight training as claimed then we should be seeing countless examples of guys who put on 40-60lbs. of solid muscle over that time (as Jaquish claims to have done) and yet we clearly haven't seen that.
“In 15-20 years, nobody will even know what weight training is anymore since everyone will be using variable resistance.”
He’s straight up delusional if he really thinks that all of the gyms are going to close and all of the weight training equipment manufacturers are going to all go out of business in favor of the X3 and variable resistance. In 15-20 years, nobody is even going to remember him or his product. Variable resistance has been around for a while now and its impact on the fitness industry has been insignificant. Weight training, as we would recognize it today, has been around for over a century because it has a proven track record of producing results.
“I’ve never met a person that didn’t get results from X3”
This is what is called “confirmation bias”. He only wants to hear what he wants to hear (positive feedback) and dismisses out of hand any negative reviews labeling them as “internet trolls”. There is no product in existence that has a 100% positive customer response and he’s utterly delusional if he truly believes that the success rate for the X3 is, or should be, 100%
“When I go to a grocery store people come up to me…they act like they’ve never seen anything like me before”
Presumably he’s implying that he’s so huge and that his physique is so beyond belief that people act as if a god had just descended from Mount Olympus and is now striding the Earth before them in the form of a mere mortal. Is this guy for real? How massively inflated is this clown’s ego??
How anyone pays any attention to this arrogant, narcissistic, blow hard, buffoon is hard to imagine.
I’m sorry but, you dont know what youre talking about. How can a guy sell a verifiable biomedical machine around the world, interact with physicians on their level, publish peer reviewed papers and express verifiable results, with a mail in diploma? The science is valid. You did not read his book, you did not look at the core data. Youre arguing about a price point, and youre arguing from a point of complete ignorance. Equating bands to what X3 is. You literally are uneducated. Its obvious by this video. Unless you wholesale dismissed everything in the book to make your nonsensical points. No one that reads the book, can postulate your argument. Period. You are arguing from a summary of, I don’t know? Collection of hot quotes, watching interviews and getting hot testicles from what he said? Regardless. No. I’m not a cult follower of the guy, but I have read the book. Theres zero chance you have. Zero. Zero. And if you have, debate Me. Ill expose you.
ОтветитьI felt the same way for a long time - scam, BS research, etc. I had other bands and used a knock off bar and was getting great workouts so why all the fuss over X3.
I finally broke down and got an X3 after joining the Facebook group and seeing hundreds of people's transformation and national physique competitors using it exclusively. There is nothing else like it. The other bands don’t come close. The stock bands alone can be used to generate about 400lbs in a deadlift and 340lbs in a chest press. Try that with a DIY set up. I use it extensively now (and I was a competitive weightlifter in my younger days). It’s the only thing I can do that gives results with no joint pain.
I wasted four months of training using the X3. I was not impressed with my results. My arms appeared smaller and I wasn't happy with how I was looking. When I went back to lifting weights I had demonstrably lost strength across the board. I probably got better results in one month of weight training than in the previous 3+ months that I had committed to the X3 so in a way they got the "3x better" part sort of correct only in reverse as I’ve personally found that my weight training results were 3x better than they were when using the X3.
I'm not saying that it isn't possible to derive some benefit from using the X3 but claims that it is as good as, or 3x times superior to weight training are utterly absurd.
I would not recommend the overpriced, overhyped, overrated X3. In terms of exercise equipment there are far better ways that you could spend the $550 that an X3 bar will cost you.
First off, nobody using or endorsing the X3 Bar has said "Eat whatever". Just saying.
ОтветитьI was trying to use a regular band to add help to my pullups, and it just snapped. I need a good strong one like in this video. Instead of warming up with super short sets, or just hanging, I think pullups on a progression would help me a lot.
ОтветитьI have now done X3. For 6 months and have made fantastic gains. I am 80 years old my the and supposed to not be able to produce any results. I have also lifted weights since i was 12 consistently and trained with all the so called authorities
ОтветитьI totally agree with you about the X3. It is a scam. So is the Harambe system. These systems are not only way overpriced, but they also limit what you can do with bands. But working out with resistance bands is a great workout. I transitioned from free weights to bands a few years ago. It all depends what you want. Lift free weights if you want to bulk up and add new muscle. But bands are great at toning muscle and building flexibility. Tom Brady said that working out with bands extended his career and longevity by five or six years. Some people who workout with bands contend that you can add muscle and strength but I’m skeptical.
ОтветитьYou need bands in Italy 'cause there are no proper gym to workout, really?
ОтветитьTaking steroids and lifting anything n everything look as perfect physique. On contrary, working out with bands for a toned physique are useless to this so called fitness experts. No offense to you, but bands are great.. It builds muscle too, stop taking steroids once you lose all muscles then take a band and start working out. You are gonna see results
ОтветитьI think that the X3 is a good system with some caveats: First - it is ridiculously expensive. I'm sure the quality is very good but it doesn't need to be that good. Second, I can't believe you can make x3 the gains with this banded system when every other band can't. And lastly; I believe that this is aimed at people either new to fitness or returning after a long time to fitness. Here is the thing. If you're either of those then you are going to benefit from 'newbie gains', regardless of how you train. But because many people start with no experience, those gains are credited to X3. X3 is good - it's not special. I've used bands for decades, particularly while travelling and they're great.
What X3 does do well is get people using gym equipment that they wouldn't normally use, because it is convenient and that is what the casual people really want. To not be inconvenienced.
Intermediate to serious lifters are simply going to use iron...
X3 is way over priced. I like using bands for warm ups, hypertrophy sets, and rehab. New lifters will see "gains" or improvements with bands, but ultimately there will come a curve where all you're doing is maintaining. Bands will not replace lifting weights of some type to build muscle over the long haul.
ОтветитьTotal scam. And poor variety of exercises. I've been using dumbbells and bands for years. No injuries and great results. Thanks for trying to expose this joker! 👍
ОтветитьBands can work but you don't need to spend 550 bucks. You can buy bands used by powerlifters and use them alone or in combination with barbells. Bands used with free weights helps powerlifters fire mofe motor units at once and improves acceleration and speed plus benefits kick out strength or if you are a walking injury it can make lifting safer by reducing bad loads and overloading the top end more to avoid tears in the bottom position. The idea of course is still progression. Double the bands, knot them to provide more resistance T the bottom And use them with a combination of bodyweight, bodyweight and additional weight plus band tension to make pushups more challenging all the way thru the top where they should be the most difficult.. I have used my body weight of 205, with elevated feet and an apparatus that allows deficit push ups with 100 pounds of added weight plus am additional 250 pounds of tension at the top and about 75 or 100 at the bottom for a push up that you will need a385 to 425 bench to do once. I use this resistance for 5x3 reps or 1x6 reps. When I want to add resistance I either add 2.5 pounds to my vest or a mini band around my back. At this point the band tension is so high, that I would rather add weight than more tension unless I am traveling and only have bsnds. Ditch the gizmo it's limited and I ef priced. On top of that the guy is full of shit. Lifting works for everyone. And there is nothing you can do for 10 minutes s day that will offer any serious benefits
Ответитьthanks for the research and demonstration
ОтветитьComplete scam.
ОтветитьFirst off, nobody says "eat whatever you want". It's very clear that both the carnivore diet and IAF is part of the program. The "proof" is in the people that get the results. IDK man, you've created a false framework to feed a non factual debate. Weak video bro.
ОтветитьThe actual total principle isn't stupid - challenge the muscles the most where they are the strongest, and less when they are weaker. But bands do not always do that and it is not as simple as the X3 system. For example, rows. A very important back exercise. The band exercise will have max resistance at the max contraction part of the row. Most people find that is where they are the weakest. You are strongest at the beginning of the row. But the band is the weakest there. It is not as simple as muscles are the strongest at the contracted position - anyone who struggles with the top of the pullup or locking out a bench press understands this. If you want to train with variable resistance for every movement such that you are the most challenged at the strongest position, you will have a lot of jerry rigging to do with bands and chains and such. Most people would simply add accessory exercises to challenge the weak areas of their training for movements that have extremely marked weak positions vs strong positions - for example, the bottom of a dead lift or the bottom of a bench press with chain deadlifts and pec flys.
ОтветитьSomething tells me all these x3 owners/supporters commenting are bots or paid to make positive and “organic” impressions.
ОтветитьAs a gym owner you can only feel EXTREMELY threatened by an exercise system like the X3 or anything similar ...
ОтветитьI am convinced all these comments supporting the X3 are paid comments and fake likes, this is on any video criticizing the X3, the guy John jaquish has fake followers and likes on instagram 😂 I am very skeptical of these comments
ОтветитьThis is very good. He also cites studies but when you ask the founder for them, he never provides them
ОтветитьVery very useful, thank U :)
ОтветитьJeg er fuldstændig enig med dig, endelig en der gør op mod det uendelige, tak😊
ОтветитьThe first three sentences say it all, well done!
ОтветитьCognitive dissonance.
Morons who spent 500 bucks on it will ferociously defend the purchase.
Otherwise, they would agree to being completely ignorant.
Finally, someone with balls who calls a spade a spade!
Resistance bands work just fine and you can build muscle. I am using resistance bands for like 3 months and i am great.
Of course dumbels and machines are better but if you do not have access to them or you dont have near you a gym so you want to avoid traffic , waste hours etc, resistance bands are great.
You can do almost everything effectively except squats , but you can try some weird ass sissy squats for that with your bodyweight plus a resistance band and its gg
X3 is a good piece of equipment. The issue is the price. Not an issue for me since I got mine extremely cheap 😂
Resistance bands work, and actually make you feel the burn immediately.
The issue with resistance bands over all is that you need additional hook and anchor positionings to get the best results. And lets not forget the foot plate which is a necessity if you want to progress.
That said, I'm never using regular weights again. Resistance band training is way superior for my oen goals.
So where can I get similar equipment for a fraction of the cost of 3X
ОтветитьThat's pretty sad to call it a scam.