The Top 5 Boss Pedals | The Inarguable Truth

The Top 5 Boss Pedals | The Inarguable Truth

Alamo Music Center

4 года назад

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@gvanamburg - 11.03.2021 04:32

You guys are great - and very funny today. Just getting into guitars and loving it. Your product descriptions and demos are really helpful. I wish I lived in Texas so I could visit your store on the regular.

@czechplastik - 11.03.2021 04:36

Awful lot of dad jokes in here!

Great work guys, thank you.

@Pabs993 - 11.03.2021 05:42

Good to see more appreciation for the boss metal zone. To me the best distortion pedal out there

@alexmurphy5289 - 11.03.2021 06:13

I bought a DD3T 2 months ago and it's so damn good. It's usable in every situation, more importantly holy hell can that guy play

@mendamp1715 - 11.03.2021 11:22

I think the Boss ME-80 is a totally unrated pedal, it covers tons of Boss sounds. Plus, it’s great as a headphone practice amp.

@michaelm2336 - 11.03.2021 11:47

Q regarding looper pedals; if we're looking for something newer than the RC-30 in the Boss line, while keeping in mind the utility of a dedicated Stop button, would the next option be the RC-500? Though it has (3) buttons, one of them is a dedicated Stop. Any info appreciated!

@95SLE - 11.03.2021 16:08

TY for the reviews and the demo's. I started playing again after a really long break and want to pick up as looper pedal. I am now sold on the Boss 30. Keep coming with the fantastic reviews.

@MustafaBaabad - 11.03.2021 16:30

Chief, Is there any review on "The Lâg HyVibe Smart Guitar"?
It is an acoustic guitar, made in France with internal effect that vibrate the sound board of the guitar.
It has No internal speaker. I found it that the guitar without the effect is good and with the effect, it blows my mind. I saw Justin Johnson introduced it.

@Okla_Soft - 11.03.2021 16:33

Love the custom warmoth neck on the fiesta red strat. Beautiful playing and great list!!

@lllazarrr - 11.03.2021 18:31

Cooper's playing is great, but especially shines during the TU-3W demo!

@randybecker7339 - 11.03.2021 19:03

How about Boss's acoustic side?? Like, um, the AD-10 perhaps? What say you Chis/Cooper?

@m4k147 - 11.03.2021 19:53

What amp are you guys using?

@Paul_Lenard_Ewing - 12.03.2021 13:39

I was surprised to not see the Boss SD-1 which still holds the record for the most Boss pedals ever sold. It came out 3 months after the ProCo Rat which was the first ever Distortion pedal. The CE-2 Chorus is the most copied Chorus ever made so it definitely should be in the top 5. I thought the tuner was no big deal. It has had others as good or better and even cheaper for past a decade. The looper is a quality unit but it was a "MeToo' product the day it came out. I was however glad to see the Metal Zone it or not but it has accomplished starting entire new genres of of Metal.

@NighthawkEnforcer - 15.03.2021 23:53

The Boss DD-8 has easily become my favorite delay pedal of all time.

@terrydillingham6196 - 19.03.2021 06:10

I love my boss Rv6 with accustic guitar

@michaelogden5093 - 23.03.2021 03:22

Indeed... Boss is the Boss. Since you asked about other effects, Whadya like to help vocals on a nice little acoustic guitar/vocal mic setup. Maybe something you'd use in a coffee shop or for worship or maybe coaxing a princess out of a tower or something.

@zoom3232 - 25.03.2021 18:18

Still rockin my TU 2 since 25 years. Absolutely not destroyable

@jeffsimslmt - 30.04.2021 23:34

Waza tuner? Why?

@xMobbzx - 20.06.2021 18:53

Can’t go wrong with Boss!

@brucejohnson8434 - 13.07.2021 05:31

Hard to argue with this list but just as hard not seeing a chorus pedal when you're talking Boss.

@hardlygrooving4221 - 01.10.2021 22:14

totally respectable choices! I love my Blue Driver! the RC-30 is pretty outdated though... the RC-500 (from 2020) is just the better version in every way, especially sound quality (not stealing your treble anymore), while not being a monster like the RC-300. You should check it out! ;) Thanks for the vid.

@bilalnachabeh - 07.10.2021 12:23

My Favorite Boss Pedals are: BD-2 and RV-6
both are always on :P

@fortunatejeremy - 08.11.2021 02:05

I feel like the Metal Zone's name is a big part of why it gets so much hate. A pedal named Punk Zone would probably get as much hate due to both genre's emphasis on authenticity. When I played in a punk band we used Metal Zones because of the three band EQ. You can really fine tune the sound you want. I had tried a DS-1 at first but I just couldn't get the sound I wanted.

@bobbillnolan7644 - 01.12.2021 02:39

Boss OD3 - legendary

@kevinmorrice - 16.12.2021 19:34

wheres the sd-1 at

@redcomn - 12.01.2022 07:31

Unlike most my top 5 boss pedal is kinda recently discontinued stuff and old still in production.

Boss da2
-mdp distortion but i kinda use it to push clean amp, great string seperation

Boss cp1x
-some people like squish and 76, i like this a lot more and it's quiet

Boss od3
-I play single coil, bd2 is bit too bitey, this felt just nice. Just recently got it and quickly became my top od

Boss ps5
-i use it only for flutter sound you get when slapping floyd rose. Sadly ps6 didn't have this.

Boss DD20
-honestly why buy lousy basic af dd3T when you can get this cheap used with only a bit more cash.

@vzeller - 15.01.2022 01:03

Is Boss ever going to come out with an acoustic overdrive like Fender? No other company is in that space. That makes me think there is no demand.

@joeyravage4798 - 03.03.2022 07:46

MT 2 demonstration really SUCT. This dope just showed of LEAD tone and completely DISREGARDED the low end of the neck. Typical lead guitarist egomania and FAILURE of comprehending “RHYTHM” guitar

@LiesThatBind - 10.03.2022 07:19

My favourite Boss Pedals are the JB-2, DD-3, RC-1, TR-2 and CE-2

@davidsex5117 - 10.03.2022 22:29

My top 5

Noise supressor
Mega distortion
Ce 3 chorus
Super over drive

Bonus track love hate love

Preamp mt-2 metal zone no dist
Turbo distortion

@CraigFlowersMusic - 16.05.2022 02:55

I have no opinions about anything. And that's a fact.

@danfango1333 - 17.09.2022 23:53

The tuner is obviously correct. In my opinion the OD3 is superior to the BD2. Can't fault Boss delays. I don't play metal, so cross that one off.
I'll go with TU3, CS2,SD1,DC2w, and RV6.

@wesmitchem825 - 03.11.2022 15:37

God damnit tuners aren't effects pedals they don't count

@orangerecords_studio - 21.12.2022 17:37

you hav an annoiying effect, ( probably some nise redict filete on your ovoice !!!!

@ricardogomezvasquez3291 - 22.06.2023 05:26

The TU3W glance was hilarious 😂

@BenState - 14.09.2023 15:15

no ds-1? FAIL

@josephkim6892 - 23.09.2023 06:08

Every time I watch these reviews, I can’t stop envying Cooper’s playing, Just shredding that fretboard into pieces, yikes.

@andrescampana8432 - 30.09.2023 14:41

Ninguno , ahorita ya pasaron de moda

@ivanezbeer - 14.10.2023 10:12

Damn, that guy is good!

@montjamz - 02.12.2023 18:34

SD-1 is the pedal

@tomrivans9102 - 15.12.2023 00:10

The DS-1 Distortion pedal is the biggest seller of all Boss pedals followed by the Chorus

@d-fresh901 - 17.02.2024 19:36

I've got the Metal Zone MT-2W Wazacraft, and I don't know why people hate on it..

@47Jonesy - 07.04.2024 19:48

stop putting chromatic tuners on lists. sooooo lame. rest of list was cool tho

@94franz - 03.05.2024 15:27

I would have added a Dimension-C Waza or any equivalent Chorus

@astewart9410 - 12.07.2024 18:33

My top five (which I own and use): GE-7, BD-2w, IR-2, CS-3, and TU-3.

@col145 - 26.09.2024 14:53

Are they all buffered ?

@marctestarossa - 30.09.2024 14:59

I use the rc 50 loop station and its kinda overkill, but having three phrases is very nice for live solo looping. Take away the bass, the drums seperately, stopping it for a couple of beats completely and then coming back with the full ensemble is just fun to play and fun to listen to.

@powbobs - 17.10.2024 16:48

You chose that crap Metal Zone and no CE-2?
What were you guys smoking?

@wasteddude9387 - 06.01.2025 18:43

U were right about being wrong. The correct best boss pedals are...
PS-6 Harmonist
SD-2 Turbo Distortion
DD-8 Digital Delay
And next time you feature a friggin pedal, bear in mind that you already know what it looks like, and turn the damn RC around while you endlessly prattle on and on about it, so your audience can have a look. How is anybody stupid enough for an oversight that biblically huge?
