Now Im confused, is your Lambo RWD or AWD??
Ответитьbro get wider lens to camera and better stabilization quality is fantastic but its so unstable and very low lens to vlog
ОтветитьCam the corvette
Ответитьin sri lanka we change oil at every 5000kms in our Toyota land cruisers. 8000mile oil change interval for a high stressed engine sounds crazy to us.
Ответитьoil that car up
ОтветитьI don't think there's enough drain bolts on that Huracan
ОтветитьI change my oil every 3k. Full Synthetic every 3k. I don’t care if it’s early. I’m changing it every 3k. Haven’t had a single engine problem in 4 years.
ОтветитьThe huracan looks good but it needs some new modifications, how about lowering it a little bit and getting a spoiler?
please like my comment
When he fired up the vette it sounded so GOOD!
ОтветитьHey man! Congrats on the Lambo big achievement! I'm in the spokane area and wanted to know if you would be down for some fun rolls! No ego just some fun runs to see where my stock Hellcat is at! Bring your friends would be some great content! 🤝
ОтветитьI learned Lamborghini has a ton of drain plugs lol great video as always Jake
ОтветитьIdk if this is a stupid comment but, is Jake married? I saw him with a ring on his left ring finger and wasn’t sure
ОтветитьMatching Aventadors?!?!
ОтветитьI beat on my car. I do an oil change every 2,000-3,000 miles
ОтветитьLove you videos Jake
ОтветитьBro how do I get shnatterdays stickers
Ответить7900. Cx дп,,,0000
ОтветитьBuy a nother rs4
ОтветитьHey I have a 2014 lambo too I live with my parents let them enjoy my car
ОтветитьIf you are gonna get a tt kit for the huracan a check sheepey kits
ОтветитьWhat do you do for work boss?
Ответитьcant wait to see rollback remmy
ОтветитьBuy back ur old car and have it to replace the Camry
ОтветитьHey jake auto tech here (specialized in motorsports) id always recommend early oil changes that is a dry sump and will catch particulates better however you can never do to many oil changes
ОтветитьI am getting airpods soon
ОтветитьNo way would i do 8k oil change. GM and ford say 10k most GM cars have little to no oil at 10k.
ОтветитьMy VW GTI calls for 10,000 mi oil changes I change it between 3500 and 4000 MI there's no way in hell I would go $8,000 on a Lambo
ОтветитьI like to change my oil everyday first thing in the morning.
ОтветитьName the Lambo Lucky cuz he is green😂
ОтветитьGet a hellcat now
ОтветитьYou should do 3-5k oil change intervals high revving motors don’t do well with dirty oil also use a better brand liqui moly is just overpriced crap with no science to back up its claims
Ответитьmy dream car frs
ОтветитьYou two are like twins 😂
ОтветитьSick lambo
Ответитьyou should get a bigger spoiler for the hurrican it looks better
ОтветитьJust bought a shirt, wasn't able to get the Z06 one in time but I settled with the supra one. Just started watching the videos, great content and merch.
ОтветитьGreat analysis, thank you! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?
ОтветитьOil on NA cars does well usually its Turbo cars where it suffers.
ОтветитьPlz change the oil of the Lamborghini every 5k. I'm a mechanic, and it would be sad to see your car engine go bad
Ответить" im going to jail in the mclaren" so real remmy
ОтветитьI wouldn’t pass 3k on the same oil
Ответитьi change oil in diesel bmw every 5k miles ... on lambo i would go with 2-3k
ОтветитьMe with my 3g eclipse that gets its oil changed every 5,000km 👁👄👁
ОтветитьPlease turn off the automatic translation it makes the videotitels sound goofy and not right at all.
Dope Video keep up the good work ❤
What camera do you use?