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@BalthazWone - 09.01.2025 20:02

a nice words in the end, i almost crying bro :) sure i didn't expect this

@Iceteafit - 08.09.2024 11:18

Im first time elden ring player and my friend challenged me to kill tree sentinel straight after tutorial, it took me 4 hours and 160 deaths but after I did it, I felt really good lol

@TheMetronome1 - 02.08.2024 08:51

This is actually a pretty cool watch, the perspective of a player whose never played a Souls game makes this super nostalgic, and I hope you delve deeper into your Souls experience!

@mr.femboy8988 - 02.08.2024 06:02

Crazy quality for 900 subs idk if I wanna get Elden ring or not but it looks pretty cool

@asszudemi3650 - 30.07.2024 19:40

As an experienced elden ring player let me tell you you did very good! Margit is considered one of the hardest starting bosses in all of the souls games and you went pretty much straight at him without farming gear and exp and killed him with not that many deaths. Btw i would refrain from using summon signs outside of the boss area (like rogiers) because while they distract the boss pretty well they also die very quickly and the boss gets a massive boost to his health and damage if you summon from outside the boss area

@BordizzleBanks - 30.07.2024 14:05

dude, I thought I should let you know for someone who has never played a game like this before you picked up on everything really well. I can see you becoming really good really fast

@Pisak132 - 29.07.2024 23:57

bloodhounds fang is good weapon for starting players also easy to upgrade bc somber smithing stones are easier to get than normal smithing stones try not to use summons and get shard of alexander talisman for bloodhounds fang keep grinding

@idkmanbutonyoutube5945 - 29.07.2024 19:49

"the look doesn't really matter" smh you'll learn what it is to be a true souls player eventually

@thevrguy9538 - 29.07.2024 19:16

a god tip is to go to the forlon bloodhound evergaol and get the bloodhounds fang its a good weapon

@kaidskiii - 29.07.2024 11:12

this is exactly what my gameplay was like 3 days ago 😭 you’ll get much better fast, keep grinding bro

@Hedwigster - 28.07.2024 09:44

Good video and great editing! Deserved a sub!

@samuelgrahame3617 - 27.07.2024 23:00

Came here for the game got a life lesson. Thanks for the good video. Playing kingdom come has that sort of hardness to it. When you have to put a gamedown then come back at later. It is the best feeling finishing it.
