ОтветитьSeems to be a written character assasination skewed by limited source contributions. Not a historically factual smmary by any means. Sorry to see the political influence being touted as factual
ОтветитьThat one whore really thought he loved her so as revenge she wrote a book. The more things change the more they stay the same
ОтветитьThis was a real eye opener for me. I had never heard of JFK's numerous affairs only a couple of them. The depth of how low this man sunk too was very surprising. Then to reveal just how much these politicians were also involved in various affairs as well actually rather disturbing. I hope that Trump will be successful in declassifying JFKs records. But just from what has been said here I now can see several prime suspects. I never have trusted too many politicians but that is now at an all-time high. One thing that this video has done as convinced me that he was just as evil as the others in politics.
ОтветитьMAGA oops got knifed by Kennedys.
ОтветитьDoes anyone think jimmy files was involved?
ОтветитьAlmost everything the public thinks they know about the kennedys is a ludicrous myth
ОтветитьJFK and Epstein would not have been a good mix.
ОтветитьLawyer's and polititions are as evil as they come
ОтветитьWho cares what JFK did in bed. He embodied the vitality of America and was instrumental in making America a technological giant. America has been going downhill ever since he was assinated.
ОтветитьYou have answer to everything Kennedy. So tell us who killed Pres. Kennedy,know it all.
ОтветитьNehind every fortune is a crime
The daam media always stirring up stuff like the did with 2pac & biggie smalls
ОтветитьJFK was young and that girl was young if they wanted to have relationship that's there business and let Jackie file for divorce or JFK filed for reason for people to die over this....get divorce and move on
ОтветитьWere living the hoover files on celebrities and politicians all over again with today's Epstein files or documents
ОтветитьDemocrat liberals still today don't like Russia... make u believe faul play was involved in him death... seems like when JFK sold wheat to Russia & then sign that accord with Britain Russia in September of that same yr he was assassinated... Democrats back then was saying Russia was involved or the mob or Castro in Cuba...I've said all alone the Democrats are a simi terrorists organization inbeded in our gov just like Hamas in Iran... Most country has there own terrorists organization inside there own gov
ОтветитьJfk was going get rid of federal reserve under executive order had Monterey policy back to USA treasurey dismantle CIA give it back to military intelligence; he wasn't perfect but he was a good man overall and he wasn't a 5 time draft dodger like you know who is.
ОтветитьThere was nothing good about Hoover or the CIA
ОтветитьYou can of cherry pick that lotta information you left out why
ОтветитьRead The Dark Side of Camelot….thank you for the trip down history lane…
ОтветитьPerhaps the JFK assassination was done by a jilted side-piece.
ОтветитьSo JFK was a horndog. So what.
ОтветитьJfk sleazebag.
Ответитьmixing true and false to an undigestible tale.
ОтветитьKennedy was the leader of the most powerful country in the world. Every leader in history had many women they would sleep with.
He was a good leader because he fought tooth and nail to to ensure America was not part of any foreign war
The impregnation of women for the express purpose of supplying a steady stream of involuntary volunteers of their adrinal gland. With the blessing of the Irish Jesuits.
ОтветитьYou mean intellectual clowns too nieve recognizing the crap they were up against!
ОтветитьWell, apparently, the Bay of Pigs Invasion was planned by Communists, who were in the upper echelons of Wall Street. Did I mention Prescott Bush, who actually knew Jacob Rubenstein, aka Jack Ruby?..
Chew on that one.
De Gaulle ordered French Secret Service to investigate Assasination and thry reported back it was to remove JFK snd make LBJ President , dame for Kruchkhov who ordered KGB to investigate , thry also reported it was to make LBJ Ptesident
ОтветитьLook into Kennedy actually not having ground support .**
Search also that those supplies were given to Israel. The truth
The Dark Side of Camelot is a great book detailing JFK's term.
A former Secret Service Agent recounts how Kennedy and crew are having an orgy in the Whitehouse pool when Jackie would call and say 'I'll be home soon, tell John to get his friends out before I get there'.
The agent describes The President, his political buddies and about a half dozen naked women scrambling out of the pool and running naked across the deck with their clothes in hand.
Other stories include how Sinatra and JFK were partying in Nevada and left a drunken Peter Lawford in the desert and laughed about it.
His assassination has romanticized JFK in the Years since, but many of his escapades- including receiving Mob assistance and funding during his campaign as well as literally sleeping with a Polish spy at the height of the Cold war, the US's state-sponsored hit men targeting Castro and dozens of other politicians and leaders around the world, his indiscretion with Marilyn Monroe, etc etc were on the verge of coming to light and likely would have during his second presidential run.
Kennedy was a morally repulsive lowlife. Ted was another repulsive lowlife.
Almighty God's judgement was swift and just 🙏. They thought like.any they were immune.....
Thank you for sharing your excellent videos 🙏
Many could have been behind his assassination (LBJ & his Texas gang, the irish mob, CIA, FBI, other countries,...) or possible all of them! Remember Jack Ruby who shot Oswald - he was part of LBJ's clean up gang.
ОтветитьGeorge Bush Sr had a hand in it, then sonnyboy on 9/11
ОтветитьHe saved america and the world from a self-made boomer nuclear apocalypse. He opposed the unnecessary and greedy war mongering that happened during that super scaewwweyy Red Scare😱😱 the ones whose "🥰democratic regime changes" caused the destabilization of the entire world. That alone makes him better than 90% of every political celebrity of that era.
He was assassinated for a reason.
The dead have been voting democrats for years
ОтветитьI can a addict I shot meth for years and clean cut .never know I ever anything...but could erection was all day....I lifted hips all day....gods drug
ОтветитьWhat president HASN’T been part of corruption on some level?
ОтветитьLBJ, CIA, FBI, Mafia, Castro and maybe a few more could have been involved. One or two of them together or more. He turned on some of them.
ОтветитьI can't believe to resemblance between JFK and Clinton. I remember the TBS pre interview of Clinton. so much control over the narrative is sickening. I'm sure "The Bush Family" coup in plain sight still hasn't seen the light.
ОтветитьNo wonder Washington DC takes the top spot in the US for abortions per capita. And BTW Hoover had a very big 'closet' if you catch my drift 😉
ОтветитьSounds like Epstein Island. Maybe it's derived from Hovers FBI
ОтветитьAnd then also to make another comment on this video, the TV show clone high was also on to something as well when the JFK clone was an antagonist and wild as well. But man, even though they were characters in that cartoon it crazy even though their presidents are 100 years apart, both JFK and Abraham Lincoln are corrupt even though people do consider both of them good presidents including myself.
Ответитьreally, overquoting LeMay, that nutter! if it were up to him, the world wouldn't exist, with this focus on JFK's personal life, this is more like yellow history. Also, the mob being more powerful than the state apparatus is absurd
ОтветитьI would love an investigation of the drugs that were prescribed.I saw an Army video about something that had to do with the sex drive but can't remember what it was called. There is such a thing as too much testosterone...just saying.
ОтветитьJack had his hands dirty. A lot dirtier than i thoufht.
ОтветитьThat’s the word on the street, till the truth is out
Sweden was very active Nazis. Prolonged the war with 2 years and 10 million dead