The Difference Between Kirk and Picard

The Difference Between Kirk and Picard


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@chriskiczula4846 - 10.01.2017 12:17

lol its like comparing apples and oranges, patrick stewart is a master level actor, he is actually beyond master level to be honest.

@superflashxmedia7706 - 25.02.2017 08:09

Difference between Kirk and Picard. Picard gives a shit

@OodldoodlNoodlesocks - 24.05.2017 21:14

Now do Janeway. That episode where she executes one of her crew members.

@MikeSmith-qs4ll - 18.09.2017 04:58

Just a difference in the writing of the times. Kirk did show regret and sadness for loss of a crewman more than once during the original series. Most of the episodes did have alot of "campy" endings. It was shot back in the 60s. The 3 ensigns that died in that episode thats being compared to Picard, Kirk felt a strong sense of sorrow for. One of them he helped get into Starfleet Academy.

@toddwalker2161 - 03.07.2018 03:51

Love both actors and characters. Must we always compare?

@franzhaas6889 - 27.07.2018 16:25


@YD-uq5fi - 08.08.2018 05:39

Picard is so much better than Kirk, it is not even funny.

@MightySheep - 19.08.2018 09:12

I never watched the original star trek and Ive never seen 1 clip of it where it didnt look like low budget trash, dont really understand why people still go on about it

@BUSTER.BRATAMUS - 02.10.2018 23:53

Picard WIMP...Kirk closed

@jlow532 - 30.10.2018 09:45

Picard surpasses kirk in every way

@EarlJohn61 - 30.10.2018 14:54

The difference between the two captains:

Kirk was the captain of an exploration ship on the edge of known space, with many unknown races to be encountered without any form of back up! He had to present the Federation, to those who hadn't heard of it, without appearing 'cowardly' & without starting a war.

Picard was the captain of a Federation cruiser filling in gaps of explored territories, the races he faced were more likely to be known, if not to the Federation then to associated empires, although occasionally there was a first contact scenario. If needed he could call on other Federation ships for support! Any star-faring nation he met KNEW of the Federation and Picard spent time mending fences & building bridges...

Kirk, the Independent Commander on his own!
Picard, the Diplomatic Commander with the weight of the Federation behind him!

@octavius9685 - 25.01.2019 14:41

Kirk was a relatively young "HotShot" Capt while Picard was already a seasoned vet one episode 1. Two very different Capt's at two very different times in their lives. For it to be equal, you would have to compare Kirk from ST-VII to Picard episode one.

@Trek001 - 16.03.2019 21:59

Am I right in thinking that Sito's "death" is the only time in the prime timeline that we see the CO announce a loss in action on screen to the crew?

@jewzor8137 - 23.05.2019 18:49

Oh give me a break... So many episodes where Picard lost some of his crew and they only get a brief mention in the form of a casualty report from Worf!
I still agree with the overall point that Picard is crestfallen whenever he learns of a tragedy on board, no matter how small, more so than Kirk.

@fenrissirfen4494 - 04.06.2019 22:42

Kirk is a soldier, picard it is not, different eras, different kinds of starfleets

@mjb51270 - 27.07.2019 21:32

You are cherry picking the scenes Kirk does grieve the loss of those under his Command

@chrisify101 - 29.09.2019 10:38

I’m a Picard man but TOS had 3 seasons and TNG had 7! You are not comparing like with like... Two completely different scenarios in two completely different series!!!

@user-wu7ug4ly3v - 05.03.2020 14:17

Why did 3-Ensign only have one die 🎲 ? (As opposed you many dice?). And why did he leave it on a mysterious planet? And why did he have a designation of 3-Ensign rather than a proper name? Was he half borg?

@Sturak - 11.05.2020 23:58

Kirk knew that nobody is special. And indeed we think that we are more special than we really are. Maybe that's why we are in a society so depressed...

@davidsmith5523 - 01.07.2020 03:16

Watch Balance of Terror.

@xtzyshuadog - 26.10.2020 07:03

The music that affects our moods and perspective on these two WINS, as well as the writing, the reflections of TOS while creating TNG, and just the natures of the two fictional captains

@18632ewa8 - 22.02.2021 00:23

If Shatner and crew the producers and the actors in The Writers Star Trek the Original Series did not do such a phenomenal job there would be no other series to follow them. It's easy to look back in retrospect about things you would have done after you have done them. These people did a wonderful job with what they had at the time that they did what they did in the 1960s. We are now presently in the 2020s and still enjoying Star Trek thanks to their contribution.

@eternalhalloween1 - 19.04.2021 11:56

I'll go so far as to say Captain Picard is my Captain. But Captain Kirk had great moments. (He was really good in "Who Mourns For Adonis.")

@georgechrist2886 - 29.06.2021 02:21


@Simgor2 - 12.07.2021 19:08

One's a better fighter, the other's a better diplomat. They have their own respective strengths and weaknesses but both are equally good leaders. How I've seen it as I've gotten older.

@fh9226 - 30.10.2021 05:15

Both are different characters and styles.

@xkm-thebasetecchannel3823 - 05.06.2022 00:47

This is no difference between the captains, these are two different books about 25 years apart!

@chrischan2395 - 22.06.2022 18:04

This is a funny video (: )) nice job. I'm not trying to nit pick, but, I think it would be even funnier if you swapped the order, put Picard being serious as the set up, and then Kirk being silly as the punchline (: ))

@jonmartin299 - 02.08.2022 03:18

The 60's script writing also probably had something to do with that.
Just getting over Vietnam also.

@aseriesofunfortunateserpen8800 - 22.08.2022 00:37

Bullshit. Comparing an episode specifically dealing with the in depth issues of death and a thematic episode is obviously going to contrast.

This is like complaining that red isn't yellow enough.

@therearefourlights6926 - 19.09.2022 19:57

First episode Kirk kills a god (evolved Gary Mitchell) First episode Picard immediately surrenders to one (Q).

@Restitutor_Orbis_214 - 26.10.2022 03:51

I’d rather serve with Captain Kirk. His ship was never captured by the Ferengi attacking in old beater birds of prey.

@adolphsanchez1429 - 01.11.2022 01:40

I understand the point that is being attempted here; however, Picard's leadership is all over the place in Star Trek: TNG. I like both shows, but Kirk NEVER gave up and always had an ace up his sleeve. I have been rewatching TNG, and Picard literally gives up two or three times before season four, gets turned into a Borg, tries to make an Earth child raised by an alien family to go back to Earth to "be with his kind" before getting stabbed by the kid and admitting he was wrong, etc. Picard's leadership style is that he is much more passive and relies on the suggestions of his crew whereas Kirk is on top of everything. Picard is the more believable leader, but Kirk is much more badass (Picard can't even close the deal with Dr. Crusher after a decade of flirting). Also, Start Trek: The Wrath of Kahn shows Kirk displaying more empathy and emotion during Spock's funeral than any other Star Trek captain has shown.

@SoranoGuardias - 13.11.2022 06:18

There is an added level of complexity in this comparison.

Ensign Seeto was one of the cadets involved in the Academy coverup conspiracy with Wesley Crusher. Despite her complicity, Picard allowed her posting to the Enterprise to give her a chance to redeem herself. During this episode a Cardassian spy for Starfleet came aboard and needed to return without raising suspicion, so a cover was devised where he was returning to the lines with a Maquis Bajoran prisoner which was a role played by Seeto and she would use a escape pod to flee once behind enemy lines. However the Cardiassian military did not fall for the ruse and destroyed the craft they were on. Picard felt extra weight in this instance because he had personally asked the Ensign if she would partake in this mission.

@perfectionbox - 13.11.2022 06:37

In the start of the book for ST:TMP, Kirk mentions the number of Enterprise crew who died during its five year mission

@jman9838 - 06.02.2023 23:11

Kirk put his life on the line WAY more than Picard did. Had to be loose and have a sense of humor in the dark days of starfleet.

@chester8420 - 15.02.2023 19:22

It's a cartoon. It's not real.

@zstevens7 - 27.02.2023 02:42

There is no apostrophe in Ensigns as you wrote it. You can’t be taken seriously. Kirk for the win.

@JohnDoeXYZ - 17.03.2023 04:13

So that's why Kirk got laid more.

@sebastianb.1926 - 25.04.2023 04:48

60s television vs 80s television. Most of these comments confusing fiction with reality, ffs.

@MGTOWPaladin - 28.04.2023 02:41

They are following a script for crying out loud! The cameras only capture what they want you to see if a 50-minute TV show.

@HerbertDuckshort - 04.07.2023 16:24

Give me good ole James T. Kirk any day.

@christopherthorkon3997 - 01.09.2023 04:06

It's more complicated than that. After his address on the intercom, Picard would have probably stayed in his ready room, contemplating the fragile nature of mortality. Meanwhile, after his chat with Bones and McCoy, Kirk would wander the halls until he could find a yeoman to pump the night away.

@armandojunior1334 - 31.12.2023 22:48

Ask Admiral Janeway ou Commander Sysko. Who you would prefer to serve with: Picard or Kirk? Both say James T. Kirk. Kirk save Picard ship. Kirk´s crew saves Picard´s ship (Scotty saves Enterprise D from Dysons Sphere). McCoy approves Medical Facilities into Picard´s ship. Spock cleaned Picard´s mess in Romulus (Tasha daughter). Picard is a coward

@twogungunnar9456 - 12.01.2024 10:09

No no no no no, these scenes are irrelevant.
Picard had seven seasons of character development with a bigger budget, & 20+ years of accumulated lessons-learned in televised storytelling, & better effects-technology and therefore more capacity for more complicated stories.
Kirk had three seasons with a much smaller budget and much more limited special effects technology and TV was a younger medium.
AND YET...Kirk and the whole TOS cast/characters still managed to have more personality, charm, and charisma than any ST series or movie since.
If I waved my magic wand, and we had the TOS cast & TNG casts both young again, and each series was made in 2024, the TOS show would be everyone's favorite. The TNG characters are SOOOOO bland and beige and vanilla and boring.

@edthacow - 13.03.2024 05:56

I don't think there is any real question. In real life most of us would want to serve under Picard. To live in fantasy most of us want to server under Kirk.

Hundreds of other things to consider but I think that's what it comes down to.

@stormhawk3319 - 22.04.2024 22:42

Kirk in his youth was a bookworm but became a dashing action man, quick tempered and absolute boss as Captain
Picard in his youth was a wild womaniser and quick tempered but became a cerebral, diplomatic and democratic Captain.

@magnemoland1710 - 01.07.2024 06:48

Kirk would beat, outwit, out maneuver, out humor, out fight, out dramatic act, and out hair Picard each and every time. Also Kirk banged out at least one woman every episode! Without regard to color or planet.!!!!!

@sahulianhooligan7046 - 24.09.2024 08:14

If you prefer a captain who takes immediate action, is a risk-taker, and embraces adventure, Kirk is your choice.

If you value diplomacy, intellectual leadership, and thoughtful decision-making, Picard might be considered the better captain.

Ultimately, it depends on the kind of leadership style you admire
