Pose 1
ОтветитьI'm really liking these more realism driven figurines definitely would like to pick up a Hibana or Nomad if/when they release.
ОтветитьI got a question, and I just want to see if anyone else has experienced this sort of thing. I play on PS4, and yesterday it said I had a 55 GB update for Siege. But, when I checked Siege itself, it said it was an up to date version. Little weirded out
ОтветитьI will sound crazy, but why her spinners have 6 sides, rather than 5?
ОтветитьLol finally i always request figures since 3 years ago via dm to ubisoft on facebook 🤣😂🤣
ОтветитьAnyone know when tachanka will come out on main servers
ОтветитьRelease the mid season for the love of god.
ОтветитьOn my lunch break and this is keeping me happy until I get back on R6 hope everyone has a good Sunday!
ОтветитьNow all i need is a jar and a room heater
ОтветитьThe legs in that ash figurine Tho
ОтветитьThey still really fucking hate console
ОтветитьFrost figurine please, I won’t be able to buy it but damn it’d be cool just to see it
Ответитьif anyone here is a 1/6 scale collector you would know that those figures are made by one of the lowest quality companies and the price is outrageous and you could make a better custom
ОтветитьI would sacrifice a baby for a Monty one
ОтветитьPose number 1 is my favorite
ОтветитьSiege needs to hand some of their property rights over to goodsmile company. Goodsmile could make figmas for siege. They’ve done figmas for Overwatch, BloodBorne, and a few other mainstream North American titles.
ОтветитьPose 1. Hopefully they’re a reasonable price.
ОтветитьBoth Hibana poses are kinda strange, but I do like what they’re trying to do with her launcher and pellets.
Ответитьno way they do it with the hood up, thats way too expensive
ОтветитьTime to put them in a jar
ОтветитьI've literally only played Fortress almost every game 🙃
ОтветитьPlane should never be removed, it's a classic!
ОтветитьThe shipping will cost more than than the product
ОтветитьThat first post was also on r6 Instagram
ОтветитьPose 1 is alot better imo
ОтветитьPose 1 and I played plane
ОтветитьThey posted on insta as well please pose 1
ОтветитьPose 1. AND ubisoft partnered with funko to make pops obviously we’re getting assassins creed first and the I supposed it’ll be R6.
ОтветитьWould love to have Ela and Zofia figures
ОтветитьPlane has been common now
Ответить@all these people that hoping that this figures are going to get a normal price and not 120$+: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьUmmmmm ashes legs wtf, she’s like a reverse giraffe.
ОтветитьIf they ever make a Maverick one or a Maestro one I’m definitely gonna get them (My mains)
ОтветитьCoreross you sound a little off, you good my man
ОтветитьThe hibana figure has 6 points on the x kairos, yet in game they have only 6 point
Ответить1st hibana
Ответитьpose 1 pretty poggers
ОтветитьFinally a life size waifu to sleep with
ОтветитьWe're going towards a dp-27 acog with a shield
ОтветитьIana needs a buff that is her soundqueue needs to be reduced and she should be able to deploy a gemini when repelling
ОтветитьLMG only mounted for a limited time.
ОтветитьAlways figured McFarlane Toys should pick up r6s, they do a good job plus price would be a plus
ОтветитьPose 1
Ответитьman if the lord had that shield on his rework gun his punches would destroy walls lol
ОтветитьI'm a hibana main! A Hibana SIMP if you will... And looks like I gotta save a lot for the Hibi figurine!
ОтветитьI wasn't super interested in the Ash and Smoke figures but the Hibana one looks pretty cool
ОтветитьAaah ash is 220$ im not gonna buy them
ОтветитьI hate it when devs give merch about dlc characters instead of the original characters first.
ОтветитьWhat’s Ubisoft connect?