Xiphophorus maculatus THE WITTY RED MICKEY MOUSE PLATY. (Leopard Aquatic E048C)

Xiphophorus maculatus THE WITTY RED MICKEY MOUSE PLATY. (Leopard Aquatic E048C)

Leopard Aquatic

3 года назад

448 Просмотров

(Leopard Aquatic E048C)
Red Mickey Mouse Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) has beautiful mickey mouse tail (one big dot on the center of two small dots) with entire red body. The contrast coloration instantly catching the eyes of fish lovers.
Water parameter:

pH: 7.0-7.5
TDS: 200-300 ppm
Temperature: 26-28°C
Max length: 7 cm
Usual size on trade: 3 cm
Characteristic: The Red Mickeymouse platy just like other platy, is relatively easy to take care of. It is considered peaceful fish and suitable for community tank. Platy is one of the best choices for beginner. It will appreciate dense planted tank, but will do fine also in hardscape tank.
Diet: Floating pellets, frozen bloodworm, artemia, daphnia and flakes
Suitable tank mates: Other Live Bearers, Tetra, Corydoras, Pleco and peaceful Danio
Unsuitable tank mates: Malawi cichlids, Arowanas, Tiger fish and other aggressive fish.
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