Uliana's R1 America's GR 123 S23

Uliana's R1 America's GR 123 S23


55 лет назад

103 Просмотров

Here's the gear from the clear: https://maxroll.gg/d3planner/477413446

I decided to go for a more solid Uliana's Clear which I think will stick awhile, but if it doesn't I can surely go a few tiers higher with a lot of fishing. The elites/boss on this one weren't great. This clear was capable because of the open map conduit with decent mobs (as well as decent mobs on the followup) but throw a power pylon and better boss at the end and some nicer elites at the beginning and suddenly it's a 125.

0:00 Very Good Trash Festering
7:04 Ice Clan Pandemonium
8:49 2% Vault
9:17 Ember Spawn (I cut a bit over a minute)
13:24 Ember Down!


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