Triple Screens: 8 CPU's Tested with iRacing

Triple Screens: 8 CPU's Tested with iRacing

Benchmark Odysseys

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@dmc_97 - 24.02.2025 22:28

Would love to see the difference now between 9800x3D and the 9900X in a non-GPU limited scenario. Does pure single core performance outweigh the L3 cache advantage (in iRacing)?

@starfishfogel - 10.02.2025 22:06

We need to see the 9800x3d and 9950x3d when it releases!

Great vid!

@YamyTvmedia - 03.02.2025 05:07

Thank you

@mrb552 - 26.01.2025 23:46

I'm considering upgrading my 5600X to a 9800X3D and keeping my EVGA 3080 FTW for now. Running triples 27s at 1440p.

I'm wondering how much of a framerate improvement I might see in iRacing. Thanks.

@martinzhang8411 - 09.12.2024 19:54

This is gold! Looks like my i5-12600k will do just fine for triple 4K XD

@rosswendt5893 - 01.12.2024 01:53

Is AMD R7 7600X a typo? All I can find is R5 7600X on Google

@XavierGoncalves89 - 28.11.2024 03:01

You just dissuade me from buying a 9800x3d and going for a 7600x

@LukasM55 - 24.11.2024 13:00

The second resolution (4K UHD) is not correct, its UWQHD. Its not 4K but 1440p

@ThieoKok - 17.11.2024 22:55

I love my 5700x with 6750xt I run triple 1080p
And I get great fps with an average of 100-120
And the lows are maby 50 or something
(On acc and f1 24 mostly online)

@louiienation8497 - 13.11.2024 16:18

I realized that my iracing benchmarks were so low compared to yours cause my 13900k had degraded unfortunately.

Ответить - 08.11.2024 22:52

very nicely done. thank you

@Crippledsasquash - 31.10.2024 20:52

"you have convinced the wife you can have the cupboard under the stairs" if your at that point you need a serious look in the mirror and revaluate your life and relationship!

@loophole3526 - 17.10.2024 21:27

Yup my 8700k is what’s holding me back it seems.

@xSMOKED - 02.10.2024 23:03

Should I attempt 3x 3440x1440 as I already have a single 3440x1440 already
9700k & rtx2080oc 32gb 3600 ram capable?

@mku4 - 08.09.2024 10:25

Regarding the mentioned Ryzen 7 7600x: I just find an Ryzen 5 7600X online, is there an issue in your text? Thanks in advance 🙏🏻

@Rocketshippilot - 07.09.2024 21:58

This is a definitive video if you want to understand how the differences in the processors and explaining how the different bottlenecks happen

@benthecaptain7419 - 02.09.2024 00:25

Great charts. Very useful. I have a 5800X/3090, and I do VR. I'm trying to guess what it would take to run 120hz in a newer VR headset. I see that I shouldn't be too far off as is with my current set up, so long as I am ok with the occasional hiccup.

@lukeannettdj - 15.08.2024 06:15

Very interesting. 1% lows are interesting. Very little difference unless you are on different architecture. A 12600k or even a 12400k would offer fantastic value with very little difference in 1% lows.

@Sceapt - 09.08.2024 23:47

I have now 11700 with 2x16gb@4000Mhz + 3080ti. Should i buy 7500f/7700/7800x3d(130$, 200$, 370$) for 3440x1440@144hz?

@mesfigas - 09.08.2024 12:09


@Ihavcat - 28.07.2024 23:30

This is so helpful. I have a 4070 super and an i4700k and my frames are struggling. This confirms I really need a new CPU like, yesterday, for my triple 1440 setup

@2BeerMinimumRacing - 24.07.2024 00:29

Thanks for informing me that I can use 1440p triples instead of 1080p with my 5600x. Also, thank you for letting me know that the upgrade to the 5800x3d doesn't provide as much as I figured it would! Definitely considering an upgrade to one of the newer AM5 processors being released soon.

@mehmeteminpazar8602 - 28.06.2024 02:32

Hi, can i get high fps with i5 11400f and 4060 ti on triple 1080p

@wwvvww573 - 22.06.2024 00:24

i wonder if there is a mad man out there running 4k triples on an AMD R7 2700

@cor_racing - 18.06.2024 14:12

Shame this is not done including Rain at night..... That would really show what actually is worth getting...

@nigelsmith858 - 04.06.2024 03:37

Awesome videos mate. It would be great if you made a video showing us how to benchmark our own PC's with iracing

@MaxhyTV - 03.06.2024 15:18

Hi ! I have a Ryzen 5 5600x and 4060 Ti. I decided to go on triple screen. Need 1080p or 1440p for iRacing ? Thx

@louiienation8497 - 30.04.2024 06:09

How similar would a 4070Ti (12gb) setup be? Considering it has a 192 memory bus but is technically faster than the 3080 Ti's 384 memory bus.

@toybm - 29.04.2024 04:33

Thanks for this analysis, this was great.
I was running ACC stable 180fps on high/ ultra settings with triple 1080p, 32G 6000CL30 ram, rx6950xt & R7 7600.
However, racing on the Nord 24 track I've been getting anywhere from 50 to 100 fps on high settings depending on how many cars are around, time of day and part of the track.
Is it time for R7 7800x3d?

@W.Eric.Anderson - 23.04.2024 17:02

Fantastic info and clear explanations...superb

@nikolarun - 12.04.2024 12:49

great video, but all this tells us is that iracing is not optimised for high cpu cores. we as a community should stop buying CPUs and GPUs to chase badly written games, but instead put pressure on the game developers to optimise their stuff. ACC is pretty much the same as iRacing

@LJMRACING - 04.04.2024 07:48

Amazing video! thanks dude

@jimmybobby9400 - 03.04.2024 09:12

Fantastic video man. Well presented, well tested, well everything.

@jtburn7862 - 02.04.2024 05:10

it would be interesting to see how many cores are used by Iracing and what percentage they are used for each processor.

@Colin_Barnes - 30.03.2024 19:28

This was super super useful. Thanks a lot for doing this. This is exactly was i was hoping to find when searching for what fps gains i could expect by updrading my cpu for iRacing. Awesome stuff.

@8man117 - 29.03.2024 20:54

Saving for my next build. Outstanding work my guy. Thank you!

@EricGibson1 - 28.03.2024 19:47

This is awesome. I have been waiting years to see this exact same kind of testing. I'm running a 9900k with a 4090 on trip 1440p with a 4th 1440p on top atm and it still seems to be doing well enough with all my extra stuff too. I almost upgraded to the 13700k but built my wife a new pc instead. Hope to build my sim rig replacement later this year with the latest new Intel. It's not the 15th gen but whatever they're going to call it.

@mattymatte6289 - 27.03.2024 04:51

So in summary if i have a ryzen 3600 and a 3080, i probably shouldnt buy a new cpu since ill be gpu bound if i upgrade to triple 1440p monitors.

@beemrmem3 - 27.03.2024 04:38

I wish iRacing utilized DLSS. It would be nice to get 4K triples and run DLSS balanced.

@Superkolos - 26.03.2024 22:49

Nice and informative Video. Thanks 👌

@CaliGrown47 - 25.03.2024 21:02

Will I have problems running triple 1080p monitors if I have a Ryzen 7 3700x with a RTX 2070 Super? Only 2 display ports as well, so I would have to be using DP and HDMI I’m assuming.

@michaelwren5785 - 23.03.2024 18:05

Much appreciated testing in a fairly niche field. Thanks mate, and subbed!

@eltranza3590 - 03.03.2024 19:10

What gpu do you recommend for a i7-9700k at default 3.6ghz...and would overclocking to 5ghz make a difference for a gpu? For running triple 1440p 120 fps

@RCSPARTAN77 - 01.03.2024 03:14

Great Vid!!!! This has really helped. Have a 8700k oc'd with 2080ti. Maybe I was too optimistic thinking about going triple 1440p with good fps.

@ericsherman4181 - 28.02.2024 09:20

Question, does IRacing favor Radeon or nvidia cards? Lets say new build, 1440 Tripples, 7900xtx vs 4080 super with one of these top 2 CPU’s you tested . My current rig is old now, 8700k and 1080ti hybrid running single…yes I want to build a new one and run 4 monitors. Thanks

@krnivoro1972 - 28.02.2024 02:49

There is something weird between triple HD and 4K: If you take "1K" as an HD monitor (a 4K monitor is actually four HD monitors), then 3K (three HD monitors) is less than one "4K" monitor. However, you have better FPS in Intel 9700K and AMD 2700 in 4K, than "3K", even though you are moving more pixels (7.4M vs. 6.2M). Even more strange, GPU Busy Ratio is as expected: More busy in 4K than "3K"... Maybe something related to the sync of the three of them because you're not using Nvidia Surround?

@SWMDAjaxRacing - 21.02.2024 23:39

This has been helpful, I'm struggling to stream with a r9 5950x, simhub and race labs running, might need to "downgrade" 5800x3d 🤔

@drchtct - 19.02.2024 12:26

Thanks for covering all the relevant resolutions. When I watch reviews of CPUs from big channels they just show 1080p low and I'm like "how is this relevant in 2024?". This helps much more, we need real world scenarios.
