How dare you profile Jeff Daniels and not show the clip when he orders “BAYONEEEEETTTTSSSSS!!!” In gettysburg. This is a crime. Jeff is a magnificent actor in everything. Love him
ОтветитьThis is how you define "underrated".
ОтветитьReally liked him in the Martian. Understated performance.
ОтветитьArachnophobia, ironically, helped me get over my fear of spiders.
ОтветитьThe only movie they missed is 101 Dalmatians
ОтветитьI still can’t get over the fact they never got on that bus at the end of dumb and dumber…..
Ответить"Dont worry, if he bites you, you'll simply be nausious". HAHAHHAHAHAHAH
ОтветитьWhat about escanaba in the moonlight. What a classic
ОтветитьHe was a mazing in "The Purple Rose of Cairo! Love that woody movie still
ОтветитьAmazing that I love him in Dumb and Dumber and Newsroom. Just amazing actor
ОтветитьHAHAHA thats what i told everyone with my pet spider...itll be like u on rollercoaster to long for a bit.... LOL no validity in it but it mad people be like oh its not so bad!
ОтветитьNo "Something Wild"-one of his best.
ОтветитьBravo Mr. Daniels!
ОтветитьHe was in a pile of movies were he may not have been lead but was amazing. Martian, Looper and so many more
ОтветитьWhen did he dump Alanis Morasette?
ОтветитьHe was awesome in Gettysburg
ОтветитьJim Carrey really helped Jeff Daniels with his comedy
ОтветитьThat Chamberlain stash was next level.
ОтветитьI rate him up there
ОтветитьBailed on this once I realized they skipped Escanaba.
No thanks
His character, Louis Waters, in the The Hours was fantastic.
ОтветитьI absolutely adore this person. Not only he's a great actor, but he's so expressive and smart and down-to-earth. I'd love to share a beer with this guy.
ОтветитьWho doesn't love Jeff Daniels.
ОтветитьGreat actor. Surprisingly...he's a real jerk to his fans when you meet him in real life
I think what I love most is that he keeps it real. LIke, we all struggle. I appreciate the insight and what it takes to get a step ahead.
ОтветитьI just love the guy, great actor but humble.
ОтветитьThat’s Colonel Chamberlain to you.
ОтветитьCall me crazy but I feel like Jeff carries the movie in Dumb and Dumber. He made it more believable and his ability to be the level headed of the two really sold it for me
ОтветитьI absolutely hate that he's aging
ОтветитьA shame they skipped Bloodwork. Love that movie.
ОтветитьThe interesting thing about Dumb and Dumber is that you have to be an incredibly gifted actor to play an unintelligent character. Playing a smart character is easy, but playing an idiot convincingly is arduous.
Ответитьthis is a guy we need in high office.
ОтветитьRagtime is fokin ahead of its time
Ответитьthat toilet scene was oscar worthy
ОтветитьI can't believe I haven't seen some of these movies. Definitely have to fix that
ОтветитьI can't believe I haven't seen some of these movies. Definitely have to fix that
ОтветитьGoing through the comments and reading how many have seen Arachnophobia fills my heart with a warm feeling. I thought I'm one of the very few people who saw and LOVED it.
ОтветитьThat Newsroom scene is phenomenal. I love Jeff Daniel’s. A superb actor. ❤
ОтветитьCan't believe they didn't highlight GODLESS - he is amazing in that as the villain!
ОтветитьLOVED him in "Something Wild" with Melanie Griffith.
ОтветитьHe was brilliant in "Godless".
ОтветитьEvery one compets in his or her own team. Theres a few human kind that can compere with siberian tiger,
ОтветитьPlay in your own class. With those who have the same possibiliy to win.
ОтветитьTake care of your hair . . .
Proceeds to have awful haircut in movie he is famous for 😆