Aventon Level 3 Review: Did Aventon Perfect the Commuter eBike?

Aventon Level 3 Review: Did Aventon Perfect the Commuter eBike?

Ebike Escape

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@aceball7076 - 25.02.2025 15:45

The Tenways AGO X is a better choise. All around. Every aspect.

@whit0011 - 25.02.2025 16:13

Level 3 Looks nice, still enjoy my level 2. I don’t like the motor not cutting off when breaking and they should make a fully operational rear lighting system.

@TheBerenger - 25.02.2025 16:31

What if the battery dies, will the screen still let you pop out the battery 🥲

@davidrivers82 - 25.02.2025 17:33

Incredibly meeeh ebike. Nice design and some great safety features and little bit extended range. But thats all. Safety features if you want to use need to pay monthly subscription. Suspension seatpost is nice but you can always buy a nice one aftermarket if seat suspension is your thing. Motor is downgraded which is why your range increase. As you do more work compared to level 2. I definitely won't buy it at this price. Sorry Aventon but this time you guys do your investment in wrong parts of the bikes. Also in 2025 having no cut off cable is a brilliant idea. And having a sporty design and putting 500 watt motor. I am 99% sure rad power bribed head designer of Aventon to make these design decisions.

@skvidz86 - 25.02.2025 19:26

When is the anticipated release of Avventure 3?

@UltraZelda64 - 25.02.2025 21:01

The electrically locking mechanisms for the rear wheel and battery compartment, while interesting, seem like just two more things to go wrong, and good luck if your bike locks its back wheel and can't unlock it. The fenders were downgraded from metal to plastic, not sure how at all that can be seen as an improvement. No motor cutoff while braking can be both good and bad; personally, I think it can be a good feature, but at times I really don't want it. Massive step down removing the brake light functionality of the tail lights. You gain turn signals, but at the expense of brake light functionality? Come on, that's a braindead, terrible trade. I'll take the brake lights any day, I have arms for signals. Also, the LEVEL.2 had a nice, easily-accessible charging port with a rubber plug for protection from moisture and dirt. The LEVEL.3 downgrades that by eliminating it entirely, to where it might be easier to just remove the entire battery. WTF Aventon? These are NOT good changes.

Overall, it sounds like the biggest improvements are in the software customization, and I'm not so sure it's worth the upgrade from my LEVEL.2.

@fishlanding - 25.02.2025 21:08

oh my word $1899 is now affordable.

@HoboGardenerBen - 25.02.2025 22:34

I like the actual bike but not the smart features. That is the opposite direction I want ebioe design to go towards. All this complication is just stuff to break. If an app can affect so many elements of the bike then it can be remotely hacked. I like simplicity, especially oin this era where everything becomes a "smart" version that sucks. Smart TVs are terrible. Cars are filled with complicated distractions these days. Bikes have a wonderful harmony in their design, just the right amount of complication to be what they are. Electric motors are solid reliable technology, same with switches and dials. Every single proprietary touchscreen interface I've ever owned has failed, the one in my prius is dead for instance. I don't see the need to bring the horrible distracting ele!ents of smartphones into the beautiful simplicity of ebikes. I just want the battery technology to get better so range and recharging times become at least as good as gasoline. Advancements in materials too so perhaps the entire frame is made of structural battery. But not complications to the interface, I'm not ever going to buy a "smart" ebike. If they removed all those features and creates a simple physical control system off of the basic bike elements then it looks great, just not all the bullshit. I'm really quite bummed to see a company go in that direction, bad sign of where design is going in general, sucky overcomplicated digital garbage.

@MartinDee2000 - 26.02.2025 01:07

Is the rear rack achored to the fender (to prevent it moving forward or backward), or is it only attached to the frame by the two screws at the base?

@dmock66 - 26.02.2025 01:17

I have a Level.2 and really like it. The things that stand out to me are: improved riding geometry, all the smart features, and the seat post. Things I wish they'd changed - the motor to 750 watt, keep the brake lights and maintain more Pedal Assist levels.

Overall I like Aventon and think they make awesome e-bikes!

Thank you for all you guys do - I really like your channel!

@stl5682 - 26.02.2025 02:50

I really like how well you two "tag team" together in your reviews. I was going down my list and ✅ every box on this new model. Until you mentioned that the motor Does Not shutoff/disengage when braking???? Why??? Would you ever be able to get an "update" on that app. It has all that technology for the future, but I'm afraid it's a deal breaker for me.

@davemeise2192 - 26.02.2025 02:59

Subscription fee? For something you bought and paid for? You can only use it for a year and then your bike doesn't....what? Far too many companies trying to nickel and dime us to death to get the income flow they want. Nice bike but not liking the subscription idea.

@danhall3450 - 26.02.2025 03:11

Great review, great bike. I'm not sure I'd use the security & ride tuning features -- depends on how complicated they are.
Regarding the brakes, I don't think two piston brakes are necessary to lock the tires for a quick stop. I'd gladly trade the two pistons for brake lights & emotor cutoff.

@3wheelmannc860 - 26.02.2025 03:46

That looks like an amazing offering... and wow, that is a reasonable price... My only wish would be for a belt drive option.

@DM-fp8uw - 26.02.2025 04:19

Nice bike. Weak motor.

@jamesharrison7114 - 26.02.2025 04:54

70 lbs? Lol.

@jasondelarosa5457 - 26.02.2025 05:00

The purple should of been on the step through.

@GMejia1974 - 26.02.2025 05:18

How do you charge the battery?

@yogiyoda - 26.02.2025 11:11

Cables through the headset make maintenance a nightmare. Why don't you let people know how much time and money it will cost longterm?

@g00fysmiley - 26.02.2025 19:14

Confused why they went down from 48v to 36v. Also, no brake sensor for cutoff and brakes seems like a pretty big thing to leave off. I have an original level with 9500 miles on it and its a great every day commuter but getting long in the tooth, so may upgrade when the battery goes, but probably not to this (unless they do a 48v version with brake cutoffs, maybe level 3.2)

@eleazarfulgencio526 - 26.02.2025 21:03

Not for me, no rear suspension.

@WalterBurton - 27.02.2025 00:44

Looks nice. My only ebike (the only ebike I've ever ridden, honestly) is my beloved (discontinued) Ride1Up 700 ST. This seems like pretty much exactly that, but with less motor configurability. And plastic fenders. And no motor cutoff in the brakes. And other things. The app's cool, though.

@trinideryck - 27.02.2025 17:40

Why would they make an electric bike with no motor cutoff on the brakes. That's a huge red flag for me. I don't care how many anti-theft features it has. Personal safety comes first!

@animejanai4657 - 28.02.2025 11:42

Annual subscription fee for some of the premium features of the ebike.
I guess it's inevitable to pay to use the ebike features for future ebikes.

@steveschurr5967 - 01.03.2025 02:48

In answer to your query, no Aventon didn't perfect the commuter ebike. For me, there are too many downsides: brake cut-off sensor, wheel lock, meager alarm, features tied to an app. Aventon can keep this one.

@nonenone1534 - 03.03.2025 02:30

I am 6’1 and I can tell by looking at this frame that this bike is entirely too small. I have no desire to crank my seat all the way up to pedal. Aventon - build a bike that fits taller people.

@andrestrishak8292 - 03.03.2025 03:39

Perfect for unexpectedly burning down wherever it is stored. 😂

@thearoom - 04.03.2025 07:31

Level 2 vs level 3 is it a big deal ? cause my local store has the level 2 on sale. and ready to go? is it a big difference???

@10tenman10 - 04.03.2025 08:13

Rear motor? No thanks.

@10tenman10 - 04.03.2025 08:14

Don't need nor want throttle.

@Pallindrome314 - 04.03.2025 22:10

Would you be willing to do a Level 2 to Level 3 side-by-side comparison to look at performance please? Especially like the one you did for the Level 2 to Aventure comparison on the trail. It would be really helpful!

@logangriffin2014 - 05.03.2025 02:48

I love my abound sr. Even with the 750 I get 60 miles.

@MrLmb4682 - 05.03.2025 04:10

Loving our local bike shops selection of not only aventon which is an amazing brand but aima and euphree ! All brands offer unique rides

@erickincaid9779 - 05.03.2025 19:21

What is the charging port even for on the display? I looked it up, and apparently it's to charge other devices, like your phone. I didn't even know my Level.2 had that feature, but apparently it does.

@Jassayfish66 - 06.03.2025 08:48

I am a beginner and just got this bike this morning. I took the battery out to charge and the alarm went off. Is this normal? And how to prevent it?
