Jordan Peterson: Society Forgot This About the Role of a Mother

Jordan Peterson: Society Forgot This About the Role of a Mother


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@jackiestevens9765 - 07.03.2025 23:05

Dear sir I enjoy listening to you about most subjects. This one included. I'm a wife of 50 years & mother of 6. children, grandmother of 7 & great grandmother of one & one on the way.
I taught our children that using offensive language is only used by ignorant people so my comment is --- this you are a very intelligent man & a wonderful speaker please don't say goodbye. You probably will never read this so I pray someone close to you will pass this along to you. Abundant blessings 🙌!

@cococali6589 - 19.02.2025 19:14

men chooses a wife based on his relationship with his mother. Most of them have zero clue that they do it. they also pick a wife after seeing how her mother has aged. Nothing else truly matters in the beginning. It's not until these relationships fail do they start to unravel their onions

@stuffyoucandoIguess - 16.02.2025 03:15

I've made mistakes many mistakes. but I'm willing to change and fight for the relationships in my life I have and my child whom I've messed up. I don't need a fancy award or recognition or anything. my feelings don't matter anymore. the only thing that matters in this moment and time is to be in my child's life and do what I need to do as a mother. no more hiding in the dark. no more sitting on a chair and crying about my pain. it's time I did something. my child is important. I want him to know I acknowledge him, care for him, love him, see him, hear him.

@babysq7777 - 14.02.2025 02:20

As a man, I'd have 10 kids. As a woman, 0.

@lmarxs - 13.02.2025 20:55

God doesn't exist

@natonyasherman8967 - 04.02.2025 19:31

He has ADHD?

@cindyspiess9963 - 26.01.2025 22:09

Ok JP , everyone should not have children . You should know that better than anyone .

@marisavidela3594 - 25.01.2025 05:26

This clown does not listen to anybody other than himself. “I don’t want to have children”. Jordan’s reply: “You must come up with something better than that, that’s so cliche. You must have thought about that when you were 16”. He directly judges the woman, patronizes her and calls her idiot and childish. His gibberish is pure “man speak”.
He believes he is a messiah, which is nothing else than a mad man and a clown. He dresses like one lately.

@vegana13 - 22.01.2025 15:25

i stole the most precious thing they had : i stole their happiness, joy, life : i stole the most precious thing they had : i didn't mean to steal the most important thing they had : their life, happiness, and joy : i think the worst thing one can do , the worst crime one can commit, is take the life of a defenseless animal : i don't deserve to exist after what i've done to caytlin, crystal and amanda : i think what i've done is unforgivable : to me , it’s as though i had lost three CHILDREN : i lost 3 rabbits in three days ! i'm abominable sinner, that's why : i wish i had never existed ! i don't want to exist ever since they went to Heaven : i'm a monster : i feel guilty: i don't see the point of living without rabbits : i lost the three loves of my life : my progenitors won't adopt bunnies : life without bunnies, oh no, HORRIBLE !!! wha a sadness to not have bunnies ! i miss them ! i want them to be with me ! the worst is yet to come : now the r and d say they're going to DESTROY , MURDER my hens and dog: again because of my infame sins : oh NO, NO:: Maker , have mercy on my hens !!!! it's depressing losing your animals !! my rabbits and animals are my sole reason to live i think : i think i ain't got nothing else, no one else : empty house without rabbits :

room, living- room, therasse without caytlin, amanda and crystal my three rabbits : i think i should be in hell and my bunnies should be on the earth !! they were INNOCENT, they have NOT sinned !!! I have sinned !!! i'm the one who did bad stuff against the Maker and the curse went on my animals, not on me ?? i feel like my animals got PUNISHED , not me : i've been unjust, not the Maker: he's just : i wish i had never done all these abominations so that crystal, amanda and caytlin would be alive: i want to see you, pet you, look at your beautiful eyes, my fauve de bourgogne rabbit, my mini rabbit and my lop ears rabbit but i can't: i want to hug you, kiss you, i can't: i feel like i'm a zombie without my bunnies : i'm worried about my hens and doggy: WOW !!! the terrible revelations messages from the r and d for my hens and dogs:

scary, HORROR !!!! i think i should ve never existed if i destroy all my loved ones with my sins, causing their death , illness, suffering : horrible things the r and d say they're gonna do to my animals very soon : i want to kick the bucket : i think i should've never existed : everytime i sin strongly, terribly, one or several of my animals die : when will the Maker chastise ME and not my animals ?? the day i don't have animals no more ..... / i want animals !!!!! more than all things!!! i think the animals are the SOLE stuff i want !!!! i think i can NEVER be happy if i don't have animals !!!!

i think that Maker does not chastise me but my animals : i mean he takes away from you the most important, the most valuable thing you think you have : to me, the most IMPORTANT thing are my animals: that's the reason why when i do something ultra bad, the Maker makes pass away one or several of my animals : this time it was the WORST SIN i've ever made ?? for it was not one or two animals , but THREE animals in three days: no wonder why r had said at the same time or simultaneously : i get why they said that : it meant three DEATHS , three SICKNESS at the same time : three sick animals FOR NO REASON , SUPERNATURALLY, at the same time :

on top of that, the r said 3 weeks : now one week has passed : what ? they didn't say the whole say : two weeks for what ?? the DEATH of my hens , or dogs, burned live jennifer ( hen ), fighting to death chelby, brianna and brittany ( hens ) ? shortly after, kylie can't pee and passes away ( dog ) : oh NO , if only i had never been , if only i had never had a life !!!! all this is two or three weeks or a bit more ???? i want to cease living !!!! they must have suffered HORRIBLY !!! how caytlin suddenly screamed , of pain probably, ultra loudly : SCARY !!! and a day after, how amanda would scream, again and again, having convulsions , moving his head ultra fast , putting it ultra on the back, again and again, doing little screams again and again, his legs so hard, so tense, mega extended, wow, he would move and move :

oh poor him ! all this because of my sins ! HORRIBLE seeing this !!!! i wish it had been me , not him ! increible that amanda died one hour after i think, not right away when all this was happening : and then putting his body normal, then moving his body again , his legs mega fast, wow : and crystal couldn’t put his head normal, he was so weak : he would simply put his head on the floor, powerless, without strength : all this because of my sins : farewell everyone ! i can't take it no more : thanks for all

i need to seek the help of Maker and born again christians : but even if i beg pastors to pray for me to stop sinning, for me to stop massacring every single beloved animal i adopt , i CAN NOT stop sinning : i think i'm like these high level murderers: all i do is destroy : that's why i think i deserve to die : i think i MUST de , for if i carry on living and i adopt animals, they will all DIE as newborn animals, i'm sure: i sin so much , so terribly, that they wouldn't last not even one week, poor them !

their destiny would have been different if they had been adopted by someone who is NOT a monstrous sinner unlike me : they would 've lived 10 years, not 2 and 1 year, my adored bunnies : these bunnies were EVERYTHING to me : these hens and dog are MY ONLY loved ones : my only reason to be : or i can live for the rest of my life not adopting any animal but what a SAD life without any animal , too DEPRESSING, oh no, i think i CAN NOT live without animals :

i'd be like a zombie, always depressed and sad : i think i must sacrifice myself for my animals : anyway, i don't want to live since the Maker wants me to become his and get pregnant and have sexual intercourse and i'm virgin, with phobia of sexual intercourse : i'm anti pregnancy and anti sexual intercourse : thus, since this is very soon according to the messages from d and r , in october and december 2024, i think all i have left to do is join the majority ( die ) : what else can i do ?

hell is horrible : wow, poor persons there !!! i don't want to get devoured by 15 cm worms, spiders: i don't want to BURN, you can't breath in there: there's no water, you're TOO THIRSTY : but i DESERVE hell : i've been TOO WICKED to animals and men all my life : a vegan that murders all my animals , wow, false vegan i suppose !!!!!! to me , these animals ARE MY CHILDREN, my BABIES !!!!!! i DO NOT want to destroy the destiny, DESTROY the destiny, of holy little animals that i ADORE !!!! poor little dogs !!! my porgenitor is about to adopt two dogs: OH WOW, i'm too afraid for them poor little things , adorable little angels !!!!!!!!!!!!!

i CAN NOT get rid of my sins !!! hatred, wrath, evil thoughts, evil wishes : i beg you Maker, curse me, NOT my animals and future animals !!! i beg you Maker, destroy ME, NOT my animal angels !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think i should not adopt any animal but just go see animals in ethical places such as pedagogic farms , hoping that they treat animals well there : but it's NOT the same than living with the animals, and being able to pet them, kiss them, see them, look at their beautiful faces and bodies and eyes, hugg them , whenever you like : i don’t see the point of living without animals and rabbits : i think that i see the point of living SOLELY with animals and rabbits : why living if you don’t have animals or bunnies ?? i think the only reason why i should get up in the morning is my animals and rabbits if i had some : i think i do NOT find any meaning in life ever since caytlin, crystal and amanda passed away : i think i can NOT find any meaning in life without animals and rabbits : i don’t want to do anyting ever since they went away : i don’t want to eat : i don’t want to exist : i don’t want to adopt and then die : if i adopt 5 animals = the 5 die : if i adopt 3 animals = the 3 die : if i adopt 10 animals = the 10 die : STOP !!! i don’t want to do this : this tourments me : i’m horrified : all this agony of my animals, all these deaths, because of my sins : WOW !!!! and yet i desperetedly wish to adopt PLENTY of animals !!! i think i’ve lost all will to live ever since my rabbits went to Heaven : i think i’m like a zombie now : for the joy to come back, the life to come back, for me to feel alive again, i NEED rabbits : but not for them to die 4 days after i had them : !!!!!! NOOOOO !!!! r said in my head : attack on the hens : they have one- two weeks left to live ?? what do i do ?? then my dog when , in 3-4 weeks ?? zero animal mega soon ??!!! in less than 30 days, i go from having 5 animals to 0 animal ??!!??!!??!! : i think life without animals is HORRIBLE, i think it’s NOT life at all : !!!!!

@barbaraolewnik7337 - 22.01.2025 11:37

Well, pregnant woman seems to not be public property in Poland, that has changed, for MUCH WORST...well I would say their mother are not happy....

@eheheh3263 - 22.01.2025 08:42

Parents (the majority) are always throwing in their children’s faces all the sacrifices they did, if you’re like that please don’t have kids

@donnabauerofbrilliancebyde1178 - 19.01.2025 00:56

Disgusting mouth! And he speaks of God. This guy is blasphemous!!!

@firefly7826 - 12.01.2025 05:21

My adult children know they cannot rely on their father even when we were married.
They come to me for advice and comfort when needed.

@Mike_Lennox - 11.01.2025 08:14

Emotional depth and capacity are determined by where the mother emotionally isolates and negates human primary emotions and developmental concerns.
Isolation and negation of primary emotions and developmental concerns, by the primary source of care, cause the child's mind to go in vicious circles.

Jordan's vicious circles of talking, which are completely devoid of developmental needs and processes, indicate that he has not learned to parent himself beyond the capacity of a dependent infant.

@petyaivanova1820 - 10.01.2025 06:51

I have to say that there are a lot of people who have children and haven't grown up yet.

@sinchanasinchu993 - 09.01.2025 17:01

I'm a mother , me n my husband used to run a business before the baby but now my husband keep on criticizing me all the time .... always tell me that I'm worthless I'm not a good mom i don't help him with a business but the reality is I'm handling the baby while handling the household chores also go to business place and helping with the business ... while giving my baby to handle to the worker .... but still get criticized for not being ... from the time I came in a relationship with him till now I have lost all the confidence all the charm all the I can do anything will ... I feel suffocated.... it feels hard to see my baby crying while im in the business not being able to take him and calm him down ... I'm feeling miserable

@Bradley-b1h - 09.01.2025 03:23


@Bradley-b1h - 09.01.2025 03:17

Not amalgm

@MysteryExodus - 06.01.2025 20:28

I heard this lecture years ago when I use to say I didn’t want children…and it had a profound impact on me and is a big reason of why I have my baby today

@BellaCiao-u7n - 06.01.2025 19:54

I agree, too many people on this planet and it is breaking on so many levels.

@micmac137 - 30.12.2024 18:44

I am 28 years old with 4 amazing beautiful children.
I stay at home and homeschool our oldest. It’s the most amazing rewarding job, and I am so grateful for my husband who is able to provide this life for us. We all sacrifice, but this sacrifice is the most rewarding. Being my children’s biggest influence and presence, teaching them about Jesus and Gods kingdom… it’s a privilege.

@Melgattyyy - 23.12.2024 00:47

Watching at 37 weeks

@Victoria-gq8gt - 21.12.2024 09:47

Gosh Peterson is auch an angry right wing population promoter.. these are his opinions, not facts. He demeaned that client who had her valid reasons for not wanting children. How can any reasons, pro or con, ever be unique? What did Peterson expect? For her to explain 'I dont want children because the world is flat and they'd roll off it'?!.. Peterson invites his audience to cheer and clap to reinforce his ego. A lot of the times he also sneers about people, and oftentimes he displays seething resentment ...

@Roz-k3n - 21.12.2024 01:47

I usyally watch , until the end but got bored.1.Just because you are not a mother/father does not mean you do not/can not have a fulfulling life.Those who do not want children because of trauma it is okay , try to just love yourself.Those who do not want children because it will mess their life up, that is way better than to bring in the world an unloved and neglected child.Just listen to yourself, and do not listen to others it is better for the children.

@cbak1819 - 16.12.2024 18:38

What profits a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

@loonyfox8942 - 14.12.2024 22:10

Sadly, a lot of people from my generation millennials don’t notice babies or even side eye. Can’t stand them. But that’s ok.

@hannahhensley8497 - 14.12.2024 07:41

Randomly clicking on this video with no context in Advent, and he brings up Mary! Grateful for the algo!

@dragonmom8406 - 13.12.2024 14:41

He's mistaken about Zeus. I don't know the greek story of zues, but I do know the Norse sagas enough. Odin sacrificed himself to himself for divine knowledge. He hung from the world tree, Yggdrasil, for 9 days. He had to sacrifice an eye to a sacred well, also.

@annaalva2320 - 10.12.2024 21:31

It's the old argument of nurture vs nature. Some women are born mothers, some are taught motherhood from the cradle. Some women will never be the nurturing kind, nor can they be taught this. It is what it is. But motherhood is, on the whole absolutely important, necessary, and mainly underappreciated, especially by those who cannot do it themselves. Fatherhood is also important, necessary and underappreciated. And because fatherhood has been so maligned, men are giving up on their roles in raising children. And many have no examples of fatherhood for several generations now. Because the mother is now fulfilling both roles, motherhood is exhausting. I think female empowerment is wonderful, but we don't have to drag down males to be empowered. We all have a role to play. That's where feminists got it wrong. Every male is not an oppressor. And it is exhausting to take care of the children all by yourself as a mother, and work, and take care of the house, car, bills, etc. The work was always meant to be shared. But we have cut men out of the equation to our own loss as mothers. And men lose out too because they get old too, but are left all alone. People forget that life goes on after middle age. And we continue to work until death, because now on just one income, how can anyone retire? Family done well is a wonderful blessing because it prospers, protects and provides, even after the children leave home. It is sad that famiy is becoming less and less valued, mainly because there are so few examples of functional, loving nuclear families. Our youth are so disillusioned, they cannot even conceive of marriage, let alone children. And it's sad.

@LuvDet6564 - 10.12.2024 20:11

48 I wish I had parents that cared about me 😢no husband or kids I got nothing out this life but a book about God at 35 way to late

@angr2773 - 10.12.2024 19:33

I would suggest mr.Peterson to also consider another social groups and another socio-economic situations in families when speaking so.. broadly or/and generally.

Lots of seeds of truth still present in his speech though.

@nidzaraosmanagicbedenik3808 - 10.12.2024 17:22

Very superficial approach, for me. Thank you 🙏

@annettwetzig342 - 09.12.2024 14:46

Zeus is part of Greek mythology
What a rant, man... I usually like his posts but .. he lost me on this one

@katkat2340 - 08.12.2024 22:39

How hard of a job do you do to help your kid live in truth? Profound .

@pushpaparker1412 - 08.12.2024 11:07

🎉Thanks ✨️ 😊 🙏 Respected Dear Sir For 🙏 Your Philosophical Content About the Lord Partner, Because When God Very Busy with All Blessedly Creation's He Gave Hard Work For Mother Duty 👩 For MOTHER. 🎉😢 Heart Touching. Thanks Sir ✨️ 🎉Again. 😮

@pattyjones6044 - 07.12.2024 22:32

Between an ex husband and cancel culture, my 2 adult kids have chosen to live in our world without me for way too many years. God knows I was not only a good mother but one who still loves being a mother. ❤

@Star_Light_4 - 07.12.2024 19:14

The “nurturer” needs nurturing of her own and by design should come from the husband. If not, she must find ways to nurture herself in order to have it for her children. I think it is more of a struggle the latter, but that it can be done.

@DjMicr0dot - 07.12.2024 11:16

To all the boys playing games instead of being men,...humor this: Jst think of the stupidest poeple you know, & how many kids they have, think of the smartest people that you know & how many kids they have.
If you care about the earth beyond ur experience here this should be good motivation

@CrystalNelson-tc9xg - 07.12.2024 07:16

Jordan , get off drugs.

@pac6ks - 07.12.2024 04:41

All I can say is a grand thank you.

@hannapiasecka-shaw2521 - 06.12.2024 09:47

Spot on Dr Peterson.....❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@NeighbourHooD123 - 01.12.2024 13:19

Indians in london in uk, they smell like shit

@manulomba2439 - 30.11.2024 18:13

It depends, in my opinion, on the quality and the depth of the roots of your relationship

@Amazinglilflowers - 24.11.2024 08:46

The only reason we didn’t starve is because of GMO crops which are only killing us and destroying our DNA. But I’m not worried about population control. The financially rich are taking care of it for all of us.

@muriloninja - 18.11.2024 19:56

This is why modern feminism is pure evil. It knows this and therefore sought to destroy the role of women in society and here we are! smdh!

Modern Feminism is a liar, a deceiver, and unfortunately for millions they will not realize that until it's too late and we are seeing it more and more as women wake up and realize their opportunities to find a good man and find their ability to pair bond are destroyed! So again, pure evil considering the absolute critical role they play in society!

@dansmaaslet6623 - 17.11.2024 19:52

I have a friend who works in a nursing home and she says almost all who didn't have children say they regretted not having children and the other small portion were lying about not regretting it.... when you see family and grandchildren visiting other people and you know no one will ever cone visit you it'll be in your mind

@beachfly8066 - 10.11.2024 13:36

It’s an honour to be a mother 💛

@lettersandwordsandstuffs - 26.10.2024 04:43

You also have to be intelligent enough to raise a kid...and very few women are smart enough to do it alone
