CS2 Is Popular Again?

CS2 Is Popular Again?

CS Chronicles

8 дней назад

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@ILoveROldRap - 13.03.2025 22:49

Omgg my favorite chicken posted again :)

@Oceangamer-7230 - 11.03.2025 00:59

Me literally joining the game 3 days ago

@serjcs2 - 11.03.2025 00:48

You also have the understand the replay value of Counter-Strike. The game is easy to learn, but hard to master. I couldn't tell you the number of times I've uninstalled the game, just to reinstall it a day later lol. And the depth of skins--crafts, floats, etc--makes it that much more enjoyable to play. Skins are basically NFTs that ACTUALLY have utility. Bottom line, there are a lot of intangibles that makes the game great and true fans will never leave

@ADreamingTraveler - 10.03.2025 23:23

People keep saying it's bots but the skin market is reflecting the massive player count so I don't think a lot of the increase is just bots.

@strongzeroenjoyer - 10.03.2025 20:01

I feel like Valve is getting lazier with trying to make us satisfied with the game. Because they know counterstrike will continue to have a big fanbase even if they try to fix it or not. CS is going to be like TF2, as we can't stop playing Valve games despite the neglect Valve shows. I wish Valve could start caring more about their games consistently. 😔😭

@Tuxinno - 10.03.2025 18:35

just got false vacced yet mt spreadsheet of cheaters have no banned players :p

@DribbleDynasty - 10.03.2025 15:52

good video

@anonymous61045 - 10.03.2025 15:02

For me cheating is not worse than in CSGO, the real problem is unstable fps and stutters

@after-dark-null - 10.03.2025 14:59

2 points that I think I should point out:
first, when I clicked not recommended in the review section, it still shows as recommended on my profile
second, the bot thing, I am convinced they are bots. Why? I was from far away waiting, they spawned, stood still for like ~1 second and then they turned 180 and headshotted me. Also they only tap fire consistently. The problem doesn't seem to exist in non-prime. Prime deathmatch are full of good players, and bots that acts the same as one another. I believe they are real accounts, but people use a program, so they don't have to play and still get weekly drops

@SleeplessKvan - 10.03.2025 13:38

There's a thing in casual gamemode where there are bots just spamming in the chat, such as links and etc
(I usually see this on Singapore/Chinese servers)

@SimonProductionsTM - 10.03.2025 12:13

Stopped playing CS completely the moment Valorant came out after being a hardcore fan (4.3K hours). Motivation: no cheaters in valorant :D

@Cachton - 10.03.2025 02:55

I love you

@JoseonfireProduction - 09.03.2025 23:08

all this time i though you was just the chicken the whole time

@mc_Wizzard - 09.03.2025 20:41

Thanks for This nice video

@gaebreeuhl - 09.03.2025 18:07


@burrNz_ - 09.03.2025 18:06

