Would cost you at least $500 from GW. Got to feed those share holders...
ОтветитьGuy I just want to say thank you for this tutorial. I’m starting to collect and paint miniatures and my shelf looks a bit dull with just minis on them I’m going to use this to make a small battlefield on the shelves. My wife might not like it but I will!
ОтветитьOk that was awesome
ОтветитьScuse the ignorance but have you tried this with white paint to make rock formations?
Ответитьlove the humor!
ОтветитьAnybody willing to do a trade I have an un opened extra egrax earth shade I'll be down to trade for some blood for the blood god or khorne red I'll throw in a model knife and some blue tack I just can't afford the shipping on Amazon rn 😢😢😢😢😢
ОтветитьIm not sure why i didn't comment earlier... honestly all of these looks amazing, i wish you make of of these videos
ОтветитьWell now I need to buy something packed in Styrofoam so I can build this.
ОтветитьThese look so excellent. I've not built any terrain before and this looks like the perfect jumping off point. Thank you!
Ответитьrespect for the heaven's gate reference
ОтветитьWow these are amazing!
ОтветитьWow thanks for this new knowledge about miniatures hobby
ОтветитьWhat brown / orange mat is pictured? Thanks!
ОтветитьDid you use matt varnish in the end?
ОтветитьHell of a lot better then kids wooden blocks and old books
ОтветитьPapier-mâché without the paper was the eureka I needed to solve my problem of wanting to make foam look not like foam for terrain. Thank you!
ОтветитьI know this is an old video, but I'm finally using some of that packaging foam in the attic. Just got to go get some floor of my own so I don't get yelled at.
Good stuff thanks
“Nice and hard”. Is she hinting at something… 🤔🤣
ОтветитьThe amount of tricks in this video for foam is astounding!
ОтветитьBrilliant... and do-able. Thank you
ОтветитьThis mixture tastes like shit
ОтветитьYall are thicc
ОтветитьThanks for this video, I've just done it and the scenery looks great. The amount of primer I used probably takes it past $3 but that's a bit of a quibble - great scenery and I was able to get my daughter involved as well.
ОтветитьThat flour, salt, water, paint, and pva glue trick is amazing.
ОтветитьWait i need to buy a new computer for packing materials for Warhammer 40k say no more new pc time
ОтветитьThis is briliant gonna do this this saturday with my 3 year old the chaos gods will smile .
ОтветитьHow does it stand up to long term use?
ОтветитьI used the same kind of process with “plâtre de Paris “ and it was okay,but next time I’ll try flour to see the difference!
Thanks a lot because I have a bunch of beautyfull T V packages to use! In fact,those are not the most horrible ones!
I found some black and white mix together…🥶🥶🥶
Thanks for sharing with us!👍👋👋
would it be possible to just use the pva glue and acrylic paint ??
ОтветитьPlanet earth..don't you mean terra?
ОтветитьMany years ago I made a 1/6 scale diorama of a WWII horse-drawn german wagon stuck in the mud. Figures were embedded and "pushing" the wagon. Scratch-sculpted straining horses, in scratchbuilt leather harness. All for a contest.
The entire thing got a generous heaping multi coat of colored flour, pva glue and high-gloss clear spray "mud".
After the contest, I eventually stored it. After a couple of years, I came across it. Every single speck of the flourmud; on the fabric clothing, figures, leather harness, wagon, wheels, wooden and plaster base, horses, everything, was gone. Eaten by rats or mice. Not even the high gloss spraypaint dissuaded them. Amazing. You have been warned.
That is super cool ❤
Ответитьwow this just changed my whole game. I use an aquarium terrain board for home gaming. everything is textured and fixed. i get POUNDS of this stuff sent to my cabinet shop all the time and never used it because of its melting factor. thank you this has been an incredible video
Ответитьi usually use quick dry filler to coat the polystyrene
ОтветитьThey live,nice 😎reference
ОтветитьHow would you suggest adding sand texture? Could I mix it in?
ОтветитьYou had me at "Two THICK Coats ... poor Duncan ..."
ОтветитьWtf dude that looks phenomenal!
Ответитьincredibly impressive. been meaning to do something like this with Battletech
ОтветитьI whip my brush back and forth. I whip my brush back and forth.
ОтветитьWould this work on cardboard?
ОтветитьYou’re vids are just great. Superbly edited, clear, communicative. And super nice cheap ideas. So awesome.
Ответитьbest video ever
Ответить"That can't possibly cost less than $3!"... I worked out the actual cost of all paints and materials used, and it came out to £2.09. Less than $3 USD.