Most Gentle Personal Attention - ASMR (Obviously)

Most Gentle Personal Attention - ASMR (Obviously)

Obviously ASMR

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@HappyGrump - 12.01.2025 09:09

Amazing. Could listen and watch those lips all night long. Got a feeling you'd do well on patreon where the content maybe even slower, intimate even. Sensuality has me floating high. Be it myself giving the tingles or other way round. And you seem a really decent fella unlike some narcissists throwing such asmr out there - and presenting as they think they're the best example of hot asmr. You manage it with being yourself, cute smile bonus (well jealous 😂), whispers and and setup. Tried mic mic asmr few times. Needs be the right person. Best are when we fall asleep near same time, as even lay comfy providing this type of asmr, type I mention earlier, gives both parties that floating experience. asmr 2 asmr 😉

@MatejStambuk-rk2kw - 16.01.2025 23:38

You are great at this..

@luck33_star - 17.01.2025 05:17

I feel safe here

@wbe1549 - 17.01.2025 23:37

Thank god it’s January

@reducetheatoms - 18.01.2025 09:59


@lavenderflowersfall280 - 19.01.2025 23:28

Better be careful, you'll end up as a supernatural teen idol in some girl's fantasy novel.

By the way do you prefer a vampire or a werewolf?😅😂

@Anton_the_Vampire - 20.01.2025 01:52

"I'm not going to hurt you", "I'm here to help you", "you can let me in" are really good phrases that put me at ease. As others have said, lowering my defenses is VERY difficult, with my experiences in life. Most of the time, in person, I absolutely cannot do that. This sort of video is a welcome relieve for me.

@Eight_the_Maskmaker - 20.01.2025 03:15

I usually feel a little less safe and slightly uncomfortable when watching asmr done by men- which i can admit is more than a little bit sexist of a mindset. I can also say that i feel very safe and comfortable about this one. So thank you for having like- girl vibes i guess-

@delulugz7dk - 21.01.2025 16:56

I LOVED this gentle personal attention video SO MUCH! please make more of these ❤😍

@sharonkitchen7857 - 22.01.2025 09:35

Absolutely amazing❤

@beef4899 - 22.01.2025 10:35

as someone who has been sa by a man, this video made me feel a little more trusting and a little safer than i did before so thank you

@dugglett202 - 22.01.2025 23:48

yo you look so good , dayum shawty . i love youre hair , your smile , your little beard and your voice and especially how gentle and fun you are , just in general too (wait I think I have a crush on you😭). love your videos please make more and all the blessing and good vibes from this side.

@Cata_dvic - 26.01.2025 10:14

It's been a while since i don't get tingles and im not sleeping well, i just discovered this channel, i just love your gentle movements and your voice, you made me feel peace, definitely my favorite channel

@isobelwassell5972 - 27.01.2025 02:51

You kinda look like Charles Leclerc

@bluebirdmagic1111 - 28.01.2025 22:14

This video stalked me relentlessly for three days before I finally clicked on it (I’d never seen your channel before). And I’m embarrassed that it took me that long because this video has honestly, seriously been incredibly healing for me in so many ways.🥹❤️ I don’t feel comfortable talking about all the reasons why here in the comments, but seriously thank you so much for what you’ve given to us all with this! 🙏❤️ It’s a true gift!

I’ve been having a hard time falling asleep and feeling safe recently, and this has helped me so much. I’m very rarely able to actually fall asleep to ASMR where someone is talking to me. I usually have to turn it off before I can actually fall asleep, especially if it’s a male. It’s like my brain just can’t fully let its guard down and say, “oh, yeah, there’s zero danger now. We’re 100% safe to fully switch off in this person’s presence.” But this video put me fully to sleep in I think ten minutes, I stayed asleep, and actually had good dreams (I’ve mostly had nightmares and very rarely have good dreams recently, so this was a big deal for me).

I don’t know what kind of beautiful magic this is, but every night I’ve fallen asleep to this, I’ve had no nightmares. The one night I fell asleep before I turned it on, I had nightmares again. Will this always keep my nightmares away? Idk but I’m extremely grateful for it for now.❤️Oh, and the tingles were amazing too!✨

So, thank you again!💐I hope you get everything you want in life and that all of your dreams come true!✨💫

@ninysik1535 - 29.01.2025 19:17

Боже как волшебно, тонко и мурашечно... Вау. Лучши неразборчивый шепот и визуальные эффекты❤❤
И этот белый шум на фоне нечто

@ninysik1535 - 29.01.2025 19:17

Боже как волшебно, тонко и мурашечно... Вау. Лучши неразборчивый шепот и визуальные эффекты❤❤

@Swansasmr - 31.01.2025 15:52

Your Videos are so relaxing😴😍😴

@ラッキーセブン-x4c - 02.02.2025 20:02


@elserauch37 - 03.02.2025 00:12

i have a problem with many asmr-videos made by men.... but your voice is so nice, your movements very gentle and the whole video is very chill and wholesome!❤

@NoelleandMakenzie - 03.02.2025 08:43

I made the mistake of listening to this while studying. I woke up at 2:00 A.M at my desk with my books still open 😭

@manda_musings8459 - 03.02.2025 09:13

Cutie patootie

@earthpirapats - 03.02.2025 10:30

i’m going to miss you when i fall asleep

@JojoTigger17 - 04.02.2025 09:57

❤️❤️❤️ love

@AlyGSpirit - 04.02.2025 18:22

Im drowning in tingles. Please help 😊❤. Thaaaaank youuuu wooow 🎉

@nataliestrader6252 - 05.02.2025 06:46

the asmr is perfect, he’s beautiful, 10/10

@EllieTilde - 07.02.2025 04:45

The part near the beginning where you’re using the comb to inspect something just off camera is to die for

@johnylopes8784 - 09.02.2025 13:07

Que vídeo bom

@Lemthepoetofficial - 09.02.2025 23:09

That was so amazing and relaxing thank you❤

@hysminai7397 - 11.02.2025 05:22

Id ask u to turn up the volume? I fear an ad after this might accidentally give someone a heart attack

@Craigy2818 - 11.02.2025 06:13

Haha. The having too much energy and not being able to relax or focus sounds a lot like my Dad and friends, who all have ADHD. Once they're off, they just can't settle and have to have bursts of doing random stuff, until they're feeling a little less everywhere 😁

@fxbiex - 11.02.2025 18:29

the 'pluck' was so tingly i could feel it in the base of my spine lmao

@alelu28 - 16.02.2025 00:07

Your voice 😍😍😍 amazing ❤️

@zaryamain-i8l - 19.02.2025 13:47

This is the only thing remotely like this ive enjoyed

@How_About_No_ - 19.02.2025 14:08

You’re doing a great job, awesome video! ☺️

@Oiveydakrankenwagen - 20.02.2025 21:29

You look like the 22 year old that groomed me when I was 15. But this is a lovely video nonetheless. 😂

@aslmelek - 23.02.2025 20:42

Tom Cruise 😮😊

@heavenonearthadventures211 - 26.02.2025 03:09

He reminds me of Patrick 's asmr

@raphaelcruzx - 26.02.2025 03:53

My platonic love since i was 19

@Zebrastripegum-m2j - 28.02.2025 12:25

Weird that you let some of these femcels say the shit that they are saying. Ive come across the most sexual, cringiest, creepy, content from females, and im only calling it out seeing as how they are doing the same.

@pix_slay - 02.03.2025 11:21

you ever have sm to say and not a one is respectful

@0MatheusShh - 03.03.2025 16:42

"Just ate" yes you did

@sallypalmer1616 - 04.03.2025 00:54

Is this video amazing? Yes! Have I watched it every evening for weeks? Maybe 😅❤

@r.y.lee. - 06.03.2025 06:31

This video is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced, it literally felt like this heaviness, like you’d feel at a massage

@ele.v8020 - 10.03.2025 00:50

Hi! I think you are handsome haha...your fun commenting is perfect 😋

@POUPOUZZE - 10.03.2025 05:28

i'm crying you litteraly look like my ex situationship

@WannaTryMyRoseToyCatch - 11.03.2025 15:21

This is my go to asmr video, it gets me every time

@Ky0ka1604 - 12.03.2025 07:33

This is my favourite asmr video all time, it’s just perfect, gives me little tingles every time and I never get tingles and it relaxes me so much. Thank you for helping me sleep every day💗

@TirarADeguello - 31.12.2024 00:29

Very honored you even mentioned me, you have always been kind towards me, and I feel very blessed. Thank you.
