Open-Bee Case Study - Archive Customer Files, Digitize HR Files
See how a family car-body-repairs company with 7 employees, serving about 150 to 200 customers per month, to propose paint, bumper, scratch and windshield repair services uses Open-Bee Document Management Systems to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and save costs on floor space.
What were their document challenges?
Difficult Manual Document Searching Process, Loss of Floor Space, Large Archival Files..
To loan a car during a repair, each customer had to provide his registration card and driving licence that they had to copy.
If he didn't have the documents with him, they had to do a manual search.
Keeping all the paper proofs archived and doing manual search resulted in significant loss of time and floor space.
Large cases related to insurance audits had to be kept to provide every single document - e.g. invoices and delivery notes.
To certify they purchased a part, staff needed to go though all the archives again to find the right paper.
How do they use Open Bee Solution on a daily basis ?
Every day, they scan all their customers' files with their multi-function device.
Next, Open Bee Scan performs a detection of the registration number to automatically file them in Open Bee Portal document management solution.
When a customer comes to them, they ask for his name or registration number to search in Open Bee Portal.
In a matter of seconds, they instantly retrieve the entire file that has been previously scanned.
One of their goals is to quickly find and print documents such as registration cards, driving licences, wheel alignment controls, should the insurance company or customer ask for it.
They also use Open Bee Portal to archive all their Human Resource (HR) files..
For each employee, they classify all documents such as payroll, medical visits and leave forms and automatically digitally file them.
What are the benefits of Open Bee Solutions their company takes advantage of ?
Using Open Bee solutions on a daily basis results in Time-Saving : few seconds are needed to retrieve any documents they are looking for.
No need to search in the archive boxes anymore !
Space Saving : since they are no longer obliged to keep the documents in paper format.
Improved Customer Satisfaction : By being more reactive and saving customers the need to repeatedly provide their registration card or any document for copying.
Their IT Consultant suggested the Open Bee electronic document management solution which perfectly reflects their needs.
What are their plans for the future ?
Their future goal is to improve their purchase-to-pay process by better managing documents such as order forms, delivery notes and supplier invoices thanks to Open Bee.
#ServTouch-WyWy #DMS_Singapore #Open-Bee_Singapore #Open_Bee_Portal #Open_Bee_Scan #Open_Bee_EDMS #OpenBee_case-study #OpenBee_HR #OpenBee_Human_Resources #Open_Bee_Customer_Records_Archiving