Religions of the World: Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity

Religions of the World: Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity


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@arheedeejones9196 - 26.04.2014 16:56

1 Corinthians 10:4- And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. To a all catholics, the true Rock and foundation of the Church is Christ, not Peter.

@petertravere5080 - 04.05.2014 13:43

Some catholics are strange little creatures. Some days after Cardinal O'Brien resigned because of his homosexuality, I heard a catholic woman say "I don't believe it, it's not true"- a cardinal admits (reluctantly) that he has done wrong, and one of his flock doesn't believe it. Also, sometime ago I was told about a piece of fossilised dinosaur dung, in a museum. Can you imagine what would happen if someone discovered the fossilised dung of Jesus, or the saints - would it be put in a little jewel encrusted box, and people line up to genuflect in front of it?

@ciladelacruz8225 - 06.05.2014 16:52

CHURCH OF ChRIST is the True CHURCH,apart from CHRIST u can do nothing. It's our GOD's plan to unite with CHRIST, his Son.

@ciladelacruz8225 - 06.05.2014 16:56

Satan d devil is public enemy no. One, Liar so envios

@arheedeejones9196 - 08.05.2014 05:03

If you are Roman Catholic, your church shared the same rich apostolic and doctrinal heritage as the Orthodox Church for the first thousand years of its history, since during the first millennium they were one and the same Church. Lamentably, in 1054, the Pope of Rome broke away from the other four Apostolic Patriarchates (which include Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem), by tampering with the Original Creed of the Church, and considering himself to be infallible. Thus your church is 1,000 years old.

@AndaleMarrana - 18.05.2014 07:49

orthodox is protestant, nuff said. Catholicism is the only true church of Christ

@mrwhoisdiss7505 - 23.05.2014 00:21

Catholic Church true Christianity

@ramii40 - 08.06.2014 21:03

catholicism is the worst religious cult in the world

@SeanAedan.007 - 20.06.2014 12:51

mr kingsley, christians most emphatically did not cause the holocaust! nazis caused the holocaust. and if you were a true christian, you were NOT a nazi~!!!  

@calvaryapologetics - 21.06.2014 03:23

The rcc says that evolution is in line with Christianity and catholics can believe in it. This is CONTRARY to the Bible. the rcc says mary was sinless. this is CONTRARY to the Bible. the rcc says confess your sins to a priest. this is CONTRARY to the Bible. the rcc says mary can save you. this is CONTRARY to the Bible. the rcc says peter was "the rock". this is CONTRARY to the Bible. The rcc murdered MILLIONS of Christians. This is CONTRARY to the Bible.

@cadeblush1085 - 23.06.2014 23:51

Interesting video.  I like how it points out how both Orthodox and we Catholics understand the Council of Nicaea and the Church Fathers.  I pray that more church leaders will speak out, like Pope Francis PP, on the issue of Church unity, using our Mutual History as grounds for Peace.  No, we won't need to tie theologically (I don't think we can).  But yes, we need to continue a strong bond of Church Sisterhood until the End.  Amen?

@navinmnrk - 06.07.2014 08:45

religion is created by humans

@thinzki44 - 02.08.2014 17:14

Orthodox Christian are the one who split from Roman Catholic Church..

@krakusdomm - 15.08.2014 07:59

There is something unholy in the ideas presented by these socalled views of Catholic History. This is a perspective I disagree with and is very much in line with Protestant teachings and thinking. Like the stages of child development or the stages of death or the stages of addiction or the stages of making soldiers, or the stages of marketing etc. This is the same stuff when one nation is at odds with another and wants people to believe it as though it is true. This perspective is used for a history of stages presentation. In other words, the evolving church is much like a WWF struggle: like a fight for the survival of the fittest from the beginning; best genetical evolved survive; those with the power and control rule; etc. It is all a lot of baloney about the Crusades, God's Grace and just so much more.  To me is so evident what is going on and how a little soul searching will expose these socalled experts! Why? Because I believe that God is the final author of human history and is in control of what happens and that view of Christianity through the ages is completely left out here. Why? So, misknowners likes the treatment of the Jews or what is really happening in those councils of the church leave out the input of such saints as Louis de Montfort, Ignatius De Loyola, Frances of Assisi, and a vast array of other reformers. My investigation of the Saints and the events surrounding them is explained and not this misknomers of Grace and the such. What was going on in Russia especially at the turn of the 19th century? What happen in France with its terrible revolution and affect on Christianity through the Catholic Church (and how does God work through the Saints?). Indeed, I would consider this as a source of propaganda against and not of true Catholic History!

@bo99ful - 08.09.2014 13:23

Orthodoxy. The true Christianity. Thank God i'm apart of it. :)

@makidtrej - 16.09.2014 07:38

I don't care if i get labeled as politically correct here: i beleve that both churches should get together, the sooner the better. Like Pope John Paul II said: Orthodoxy is the other lung of Christianity, and as long as we are divided, there will be no authentic catholicism. 

@yellowmask1796 - 06.10.2014 00:34

OH who cares Catholic Orthodox your all the same relly, by the by why do orthodox priset's have beards??

@LJProduzione - 25.10.2014 13:58

I pray for the Unification of Christianity as one religion for one GOD.

@onetimepeace - 08.11.2014 03:30


@rm95162 - 18.11.2014 18:51

To begin with Christianity didn't evolve out Christianity, but it is a continuation of Judaism. 12 apostle's were also Jews. Jesus did not find Christianity. Instead Church was formed on the day of Pentecost..Holy spirit is backbone of the Church..which protects us from the Satan,gives us wisdom,keep us away from sin. People divided the church into different and individual churches and Christianity was formed. Just as Israel was split into two, Satan divided the church also...Jesus also told religion will be against religion when the end comes...Only Holy Spirit can forgive our sins and Holy spirit is going to judge us....Pray for Holy Spirit..The bridegroom comes for his bride in the midnight....Jesus comes for Church...not Christianity...Apostolic Church is the true church which is very different from today's church.And I think Orthodoxy is still better."GLORY TO FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT"

@Fjoushamother - 21.11.2014 14:34

No use if they merge or not at all. Now it is time for our human society to leave these primitive beliefs behind and look forward to our technological, economic and social prosperity and embrace knowledge and humanitarianism as the only hope there ever was for humanity. So at the bottom is really futile if anyone dies for faith, fight for it or wishes it saved in one manner or another (even through this merge) for it is all going to end soon and is of no profit to humanity anyways. 

@gludiousmaximus7918 - 30.11.2014 20:49

There will be no reconciliation with between the Catholic and Serbian Orthodox Church until the pope apologizes for the heinous crimes committed by the Catholic clergy in WW2.  

@fleent999 - 24.12.2014 02:01

قال الله تعالى ((  قُلْ يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ تَعَالَوْا إِلَى كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاء بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمْ أَلاَّ نَعْبُدَ إِلاَّ اللَّهَ وَلاَ نُشْرِكَ بِهِ شَيْئًا وَلاَ يَتَّخِذَ بَعْضُنَا بَعْضًا أَرْبَابًا مِّن دُونِ اللَّهِ فَإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَقُولُواْ اشْهَدُواْ بِأَنَّا مُسْلِمُونَ  )) صدق الله العظيم .. سورة آل عمران الآية 64 

@TacoEqualsFtw - 06.01.2015 10:54

"Catholicism began fighting for social justice."

And into the trash it goes.

@bangbaco2690 - 06.01.2015 22:32

We Have only One God...Have faith in Him.....

@afcw1969 - 10.01.2015 21:19

try living the Gospel like Jesus and His disciples.

@sarahpratt9 - 21.02.2015 22:46

Sorry, one more comment.  The priests and experts interviewed for this program must not have vetted it well.  Were they pleased to be blamed for the holocaust? They should have withdrawn from the project rather than allow such slander.

@peaveawwii1 - 08.03.2015 06:18

 One thing is for sure.  The Protestant Church has nothing to do with Christ.   It is just a commentary on the KJV Bible which is not even a real Bible.

@Ggdivhjkjl - 17.03.2015 16:43

That interesting. There are some vast generalisations, numerous pieces of information which are factually incorrect but nonetheless common misunderstandings, and it almost seems as though the commentator was trying to make the schism appear as broad as possible while those he interviewed were aiming at reconciliation. Then there is the odd use of an image of a Coptic (or possibly Ethiopian) priest bowing in front of the altar curtains while the commentator speaks about the Pope of Rome calling a recent council. Yet in spite of these factors, it is overall a generally useful clip which could be shown to somebody who knows nothing about Christianity or Christian history in order for them to gain a basic understanding of how the Church has been perceived through the centuries.

@zeljkokuzmic3281 - 26.03.2015 01:51

i am croatian mi wife from serbija,and we have a beatifull child.verry sweet Girl.people h bilded churches.JESUS is one.

@MikeMuk1 - 29.03.2015 16:05

This narrative states that the Romans saw Jesus as a threat. That is wrong. It was the temple authorities of the Jewish religion who were afraid that Jesus was undermining their influence over the congregation and forced the hand of Pontius Pilate [who had nothing against Jesus] by threatening to incite the people to rebellion. 

@noahowens6133 - 03.04.2015 19:59

Mankind has finally progressed enough to know the fundamental truth of life. This is truth you can and should check for yourself, this is truth the evidence suggests. Google Truth contest and check out the top entry, nothing could be more important or worthwhile than checking the truth for yourself. The real truth only asks you to believe in something you can check for yourself. 

@Laurence0227 - 18.04.2015 02:25

Eastern Orthodox church on herself is not a "Major Branch" of Christianity
the ORTHODOX CHURCH (Eastern and Oriental alike) makes up a major branch of Christianity(I am EO myself, yet I do not agree with our OO brothers and sister being left out)

@Laurence0227 - 18.04.2015 02:32

nope our position to Catholicism and Protestantism is "lack the fullness of faith"
heretic is a term reseve for those who claims to be chirstian but teaches values agaisnt core christian values (ie moonies, JW, etc)

@archied4515 - 05.10.2015 16:51

Hopefully all catholics realize what the roman catholic church is all about and come back to the real Church, the original Church started by Jesus and his disciples, the Orthodox Church.  When their leader pope Francis makes comments like "having a personal relationship with Jesus can be dangerous", and "even atheists and homosexuals will go to heaven" I hope all catholics will realize that the roman catholic church is evil and satanic and wake up.

@ro4691 - 12.10.2015 07:06


@MarkTitus420 - 30.10.2015 18:55

And this is why ALL western religions should be eradicated from this planet. It's an old and obsolete tradition that serves no purpose and in NOT the path to God; there is NO one chosen group. It only has brought mass murder and hatred through out the centuries. This is a completely new world and we are all ONE. Yes. Love Jesus; but also love everyone else. Lose the fear - there is no Satan or hell; the only hell there is is the one you create for yourself here.

@acakec - 17.11.2015 21:45

to tell u simple this story...there s one church in the beginning ,than catholic separate to become more corporation than spiritually institution than martin luter after all ugly things that comes to surface decide to separate from catholic church and go further...but when u lost in the forest u dont should go deeper where is darker but turn back...what means they should back to orthodox Christianity that didnt change any old dogmas that keep holy spirit alive like catholic fate do in history(catholic church is related to this material world never cares about true holiness but often to reasonable human thinking and not giving to gods hands like it was jesus wish)i dont wana say orthodox are better christians than catholic .there are many Anglo-Saxon that really see it all and wander to feel the holy spirit reading the new testament but as we are not perfect and deceived from many sides we suppose to read books of orthodox holy fathers who live by obeying old dogmas and really enlighten themselves that holy spirit talking to as through them...they chanelized holy spirit and deserve it by giving big sacrifice and really give their souls to god.i never read catholic holy fathers maybe coz they are excluded and not likely promoted by their own church...seems like catholic church want to hide miracles and bring fate to some reasonable level that even not faith but basic human good behaving.god bless u all and the holyspirit be all around you

@Croopskate - 24.11.2015 22:11

Undo the Schism

@diananut9059 - 26.11.2015 09:21

Lots of misinformation in this documentary

@timspangler8440 - 07.01.2016 01:08

TheCatholicDefender 4 hours ago (edited)
+Tim Spangler I respect you as a fellow debater, but I've proven to you in the past that we don't worship the Eucharist. Please don't go around telling me what I worship

@diamondgodz1913 - 13.01.2016 02:59


@biscusbiscus214 - 15.01.2017 04:29

the first Conversion of a non Jew into Catholicism was performed by Peter in Cornelius not by Paul

@biscusbiscus214 - 15.01.2017 04:34

Gnostics Were not Christians, in fact they regarded Jesus as a superior EON to yahveh, The first Christian bishop to reject and write agains the Gnostics was Sain Ireneaus of Lyon, of the Western Church.

@biscusbiscus214 - 15.01.2017 04:38

Not Only Ireneaus nor Ignatious, but also Cyprian, and Justin and Saint Athanasius pointed to The Bishop of Rome as the supreme authority of the Church.

@biscusbiscus214 - 15.01.2017 04:54

Filioque Is readed clearly in the Sacred Scripture, Please Go and rEad Apocalypse 22,1. there is the Filioque , Ekprevomenon .

@biscusbiscus214 - 15.01.2017 05:01

The documentary point the REvenew as a cause of Luther to divide the Church... then The Gospel of Prosperity arrived to Protestantism..... Seed your blessings brother...

@helenscoffield - 27.07.2023 20:18

We are all God's children. Simple.
