Volkswagen Tiguan -- Complete User Guide / Owner's Manual -- 2024 2023 2022 2021

Volkswagen Tiguan -- Complete User Guide / Owner's Manual -- 2024 2023 2022 2021

Jerry Pan and CARS

2 года назад

140,959 Просмотров

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@한마디하죠 - 09.04.2022 04:41

Nice car

@puppydoglover29 - 28.06.2022 04:30

Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing how to operate the speed limiter. I have been racking my brain trying to work out how to operate it!

@iDriveiWalk - 24.07.2022 10:42

Useful Video. Thank you

@sinkc9699 - 02.08.2022 11:11

super detail, thank you!

@umairsheriff - 03.12.2022 11:32

Very helpful. Thanks!

@fuzooli - 31.12.2022 05:01

Very helpful!! thank you. Finally everything makes sense!

@fangbu8141 - 02.04.2023 06:51

hi jerry i just bought tiguan life , i wondering how can i add more apps to the system if yes what is the way? thank you so much.

@justinclarke2525 - 16.04.2023 00:16

Just the video i needed. Very helpful.

@michelleaynsley524 - 04.05.2023 03:52

Great video, thanks. Although I don't think you mentioned about the sliding and height adjustable armrest. A lot of people wouldn't know about it I think. Also the remote open and close windows by using the key fob.

@venkataramanagraphics - 04.05.2023 15:31

thanks it is useful

@venkataramanagraphics - 11.05.2023 04:32

Hi, I brought tiguan 2023 last week. I just wanted to know where we can adjust steering modes like light,,normal, sport? I am feeling steering is right. Please help

@slyarsenal - 18.05.2023 17:27

The HUD issuch a disappointment for a car at this cost. What's with the stupid screen popping up? I want it integrated on my windshield. Even the new Qashqai has this option at 20k less.

@lotus7419 - 01.06.2023 08:51

You forgot to mention the wireless phone charging pad.

@jimbrown5552 - 06.07.2023 15:23

The best car I ever had

@Rm-no6jr - 18.07.2023 00:02

Thanks. Great video. How about setting cornering light? Glare free headlight? And changing gear, when to use the little button on the gear selector?

@ThurgoodJenkinz - 20.07.2023 03:41

This model is fully loaded. I just bought a 23 R- Line black, but it doesnt have HUD display, power folding mirrors, heated steering with paddles and the dash display isnt quite the same. You did a great in depth review. Liked

@jalepeno00 - 28.07.2023 22:32

really helpful - just got the life version, but having come from a 17 yr old Honda CRV its a bit different - and this video really helped

@pieterholwerda3335 - 05.08.2023 11:42

Help! I have the 2023 R Model. How do I go back to see my Odometer? I went to the Trip metre but now can't find how to see my odometer reading.

@elaineogden - 17.08.2023 00:34

Excellent video Jerry! It has been very helpful watching this while waiting for my new Tiguan to arrive and is a great reference point now I've taken delivery. Thank you!

@greggraziani1559 - 22.09.2023 06:03

A great video Jerry much appreciated very helpful in familarising me with the new R and similar to most VW vehicals in layout Agreat reference point if needed agaain Thank you Sir

@eileenmcmahon2373 - 22.10.2023 21:11

Did you say this is the base. S. Your going a little fast. Talk slower please. Can't understand what your saying. Your getting in on the left side?? Would of like a spare in the car. The fuel cover just open with your finger?? Can it stay locked??Good video..

@johnmatchett3548 - 25.11.2023 13:41

Thank you. I drive the 2023 R-line and after nearly a year, your video has improved my understanding of the VW systems. Day to day there are too many options and sub-menus, so unless you really take the time to drill down early on, I suspect a lot of owners hand their cars back after a few years, never having used a lot of the functions!


@pauliecrouchley6257 - 27.11.2023 22:54

My daughter has a 2020 VW Tiguan …her lights do not come on when she opens her doors..can you advise..thank you!

@pauliecrouchley6257 - 27.11.2023 22:54

My daughter has a 2020 VW Tiguan …her lights do not come on when she opens her doors..can you advise..thank you!

@mlcs179 - 06.12.2023 14:47

Thanks so much, really helpful. The most comprehensive guide on Utube.

@JeffreyGroves - 11.12.2023 11:08

Wow, you really stuck it out and did most of this video in one long take! Very informative even though the steering wheel is on the other side 🙂

@Brett.McMillin - 01.01.2024 02:37

My rear seats have the lever but no matter how hard I try, they won’t move forward or back. Is there an unlocking lever somewhere?

@admircarja5017 - 14.01.2024 20:04

Hello thanks for the video its helpfull.
I have a problem with my tiguan that when i lock with the keyfob i cant unlock the tailgate or the doors with hand gesture i must unlock it with keyfob again.
But if i lock it with the hand gesture it works to unlock as well.
Would be great if you could help please.
I think ive done some changes with the obd11 but cant find anything now

- 10.02.2024 00:13

gracias por la traducción al español fue de gran ayuda aprender de la tiguan

@lesleywilliams1210 - 15.05.2024 15:08

Thanks, I got this car as the replacement vehicle whilst my Toyota is getting repairs. It is quite alien to me and I'm unhappy that a similar or at least a small car wasn't available, as it's nerve-wracking getting in and out of my car space and long driveway in a block of flats, but at least it's clarified a few things for me.

@DavidHill-g2d - 29.05.2024 14:35

Tiguan R-Line has been a fantastic car. Upgraded to our 2nd one just a few months ago.

@grantcrenfeldt8588 - 25.06.2024 02:31

Excellent thank you. Very clear and very useful.

@MTRacing1 - 18.07.2024 23:46

Thank you heaps man legend

@MrGeek3983 - 23.07.2024 08:44

I got a 2024 vw tiguan sel r line n don't have heads up display must be cause I'm in New York there's alot of features u got that I don't have it's crazy

@michaelfitzgerald3371 - 30.07.2024 09:27

Just picked up a 2024 Tiguan R in Australia. This video explained everything I was unsure of - thanks Jerry; it's a cracker of a vid and car.

@A-moose1234 - 09.08.2024 04:47

Awesome video mate, very thorough.

@ndk4 - 05.09.2024 04:12


@LGdosantos - 12.09.2024 05:53

2022 tiguan with 26000 miles purchase new, burn oil like crazy

@j3rkk - 15.09.2024 23:27

Outstanding video mate

@hashimkadir3015 - 25.10.2024 12:21

Wow, you really done a good job on all the details mentioned. Appreciated it very much. Keep the good job Jerry.

@robertdudek4688 - 20.11.2024 00:20

is it similar for 2020?

@hakanbenli8169 - 08.12.2024 00:50

Thanks! this was great

@Firekid144 - 13.01.2025 23:07


@amyridgway6856 - 22.01.2025 18:35

Can I ask does anyone know the answer to this question, I have a 22 plate Tiguan R-Line and wanted to know when I go to unlock the car, should the DRL automatically come on even in the day time? I always thought they come on when you unlock your car even in day time but mine are not and don’t know if there meant to or not :(

@joeduthil8564 - 02.02.2025 05:48

