The Crust 1 - Perfect Start!  (If you love Factorio, Satisfactory or Dyson Sphere Program (DSP)....)

The Crust 1 - Perfect Start! (If you love Factorio, Satisfactory or Dyson Sphere Program (DSP)....)


7 месяцев назад

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@GimbleOnDew - 05.07.2024 22:52

How have you released 6 videos in the last twelve hours?!?

Great work you always find great games

@HighLigerBimBam - 06.07.2024 00:04

Pretty sure you would love Captain of Industry too.

@phantomdance - 06.07.2024 00:16

Perhaps an unpopular opinion but while i do enjoy preview videos on upcoming games, i find it frustrating when I cannot actually get the game myself as it's not available until the 15th. I'm glad you were able to get early access but by the time the game actually releases i've forgotton about it and have moved on. Can these videos come out the day before or even the day of release?
No bash on you KoS you do great videos...

@DrinktheVenom - 06.07.2024 02:52

This gives me “moon base” vibes from the early 90’s. I wish I could play that game today it was so challenging.

Ps. Holy Fuzzy Cats I love your content

@King_of_the_Beasts_MMA_News - 06.07.2024 03:42

This looks like it will be fun

@camstegames8437 - 06.07.2024 06:31

Admittedly I'm just assuming here, but just to point out for anyone interested in playing the game also. If you run into a similar challenging situation in your own playthrough that is slowing you down, yes....yes you could personally choose to just move the electric pole rather than wait all those days for underground belts. 😉

@arnoldwilliamson3543 - 06.07.2024 06:56

making me wonder if theres a new demo available lmao

@fast1nakus - 06.07.2024 15:12

feels like Captain of Industry,
but looks way better.

@mattplays1980 - 06.07.2024 17:44

You turned the voice to 0, is that why your not receiving notifications?

@KiteoHatto - 06.07.2024 18:46

Cant wait to play this, comes out near my bday lol😂

@demonjoker123 - 06.07.2024 18:58

i will LOVE this series !!, still have to wait till the 15e, is there a pre-release or ?

@chimmy_jim - 06.07.2024 21:05

This is so good to watch, looking forward to the series!

@PatrickMurphy2 - 06.07.2024 21:18

ah shit... goodbye summer im going dark

@user-ny4iq7rl3p - 07.07.2024 00:24

I never once found the mining extractor to be confusing.

@Grovesrussell - 07.07.2024 11:33

I truely hope this game will work on the steam deck as that way i could play this so much more than my laptop

@Keldrath - 07.07.2024 17:32

This game looks surprisingly cool. Looking forward to this new series and getting my hands on it myself.

@Kaminsod1 - 07.07.2024 19:50

Looks really interesting. Queestion tho how big is the map you can play on?

@athulas9642 - 07.07.2024 23:00

Might be late, but when ur wasting science points it does say on the top left side and will have an ! Mark on wasting science on icon top right bar

@DaniboyBR2 - 08.07.2024 00:14

Looks boring.

@alexpena4091 - 08.07.2024 04:33

game looks a little similar to Per Aspera

@molybdaen11 - 09.07.2024 00:06

Looks like the 3 science categories should each have the own waiting list.
Like in „Riftbreaker” for example.

@Misimpa - 09.07.2024 00:43

The crust, how to buy this game before release?
Awful that yt gets this game earlier than “regular” gamers.

@UnnLykley - 09.07.2024 14:11

if only can slap these damn robots to work faster. is how we do in russian space station

@hubertnnn - 09.07.2024 16:20

KOS: The voices are way too loud.
<disables voiceovers>
KOS: Why I don't hear any science notifications?

@Plystire - 09.07.2024 23:10

Game: "You can't build here -- You can't build here -- You can't build here -- You can't build here"
KoS: "Can't something... I can't quite tell what she's saying"
1 minute later without changing anything
KoS: "The voices, omg, they are way loud"

@SlimSlashie - 14.07.2024 05:18

For a "chill out and build stuff" game, there sure seems to be a lot of interruptions with NPCs yelling at you to do something. Like calm down, I'm building here. Sheesh!

@Empress_Theresa - 17.07.2024 10:09

My God! Can we just stop with the power lines and electric pillars or whatever! Even the terrible City Skylines 2 got rid of the damn things.

@flare242 - 21.07.2024 00:11

Most Steam reviews mentions how horrendously buggy this game is. Is that true? From what i've seen i think i'd like the gameplay.

@Gilgwathir - 23.07.2024 20:33

Uuh, I finally got a reason to come back to your channel 😁 hello agaih! Cat's doing fine?

@justinmclean5778 - 25.07.2024 06:49

so basically they revamped the game planetbase

@NdnxdidhhNndhxydh - 20.08.2024 05:05

Clark Scott Jones Kenneth Hernandez Betty

@bluethundered - 05.09.2024 04:48

Its your perfect start video and you are missing science. Perfect means you are all over it
