Victrix Venus T Unboxing and Review

Victrix Venus T Unboxing and Review

Pew Pew Review

3 года назад

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@paullavallee1631 - 17.10.2024 02:44

Wonder how it stacks up against a blueprinted Remington 700 in an MDT chassis, definitely has awesome fit and finish,, nice rifle !

@richardwalker68 - 18.09.2023 05:43

The Venus X doesn't have m-lok on the side of the chassis and the older ones don't have the integrated arca rail, but you can a bolt on one from Victrix. The T does look better out-of-the-box for PRS, but the X is close. I'm looking forward to shooting mine!

@Pew_pewchronicles - 04.08.2022 08:41

Accuracy International AT-X it’s a better rifle

@haukes6294 - 28.06.2022 10:17

Great review. Thanks. I’m from Canada as well and I just bought the same rifle, except the Venus V. I was wondering how you get around inserting your cleaning rod straight into your bore guide so it slides smoothly down the barrel? I’m asking because whether the cheek is up or down it’s always a bit in the way to get my cleaning rod in nice and straight. I definitely love this gun. Love the action and the benchmark barrel (V version), but unless there is some trick I don’t see, I find this to be a real design flaw which you wouldn’t expect from a 6k+ gun. I figured to ask you how you got around that. Any help and advise would be really awesome and super appreciated. Thanks

@me200342 - 23.01.2022 01:22

looks like a shitter sako m10

@madebydoug - 10.01.2022 07:34

I'm not sure about bright orange

@johngoodwin2768 - 18.12.2021 05:43

For the guys wondering; Oh! they shoot. Triggers out if this world. I have the 2017's that were sent to Canada initially but didn't do well because they were made like Ferrari's and sold for $12k or so. They are a marvel of technology. I was in love with the PGW's until I handled and shot these things. The best I have ever handled and believe me I have had a few rifles come and go.
You should take a look at the 2017 in detail. The raised action to aid in smooth loading. The whole action is coated not just the bolt. I buy and sell all the time, but these 2 will never leave my safe. Lovely video by the way, need to check a bit more on the technical details as they're new on the market. Cheers

@johnbowman6764 - 01.12.2021 09:51

Would be nice to have a good review, rather then a soft porn orgasm....

@Jibbs88 - 19.11.2021 03:48

Absolutely curious what this rifle can do for accuracy... nice to see ifits a 1/4 or 1/2moa gun. Sure looks sharp!

@bavariasuhl - 18.11.2021 11:02

buy an AI

@adambeck5704 - 15.11.2021 01:32

A pretty rifle is useless. How does it shoot?? Only accurate rifles are interesting.

@EpikArms - 12.11.2021 20:55

Id love to see some shooting footage on this video and your observations afterwards.

@anthonymartini7064 - 10.11.2021 19:09

cries in poor

@okanaganprecisionshooters - 04.11.2021 04:12

Take notes Cadex on the swag in the bag!
