The Day In The Life Of A Freight Broker

The Day In The Life Of A Freight Broker

freight broker My Way

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@joeblackistone8557 - 13.02.2025 16:49

lmao no freight brokers are parasites to the industry. The go to shippers promising lower shipping rates.They lower the rates initially and cause the market in that entire area to lower. Because if company is shipping his freight to receiver b for this rate why would shipper c ship his freight to the same receiver for more if they are in same area. This lowers freight rates for the truckers who actually have an expense to move the freight. Which hurts them. Then slowly the broker lowers what he pays the trucking companies as much as they can and at same time increase what they charge the shipper who still thinks he is taking care of his truckers by paying them fair rates. Then the good trucking companies stop hauling the shippers freight because of low rates and brokers issues and now the loads aren’t delivered on time,there are more accidents and increased liability for the shipper all while the broker blames the truckers to the shipper and the shipper to the truckers when in fact the broker is the reason for the industry failure. When shipper or trucking company goes bankrupt broker just leaches off another shipper and trucking companies.

@ronnieyoung267 - 10.10.2024 20:52

Leonard Gateway

@user-sk1eh3pg6j - 11.07.2024 19:10

10% profit margin my ass. These new brokers take atleast 50%. Idk how they were trained but we don't pull their freight. Time to get rid of the middle man. We pull directly from the shipper. Fk a broker.

@gildamartinez4604 - 30.03.2024 21:30

Can we simplify shipper and carrier. Is the shipper the thing transporting the products? Is the carrier the company the broker is trying to do business with??

@WalletInvestUSA - 01.11.2023 04:36

So basically the broker is the middle guy between shipper and carrier. He's always trying to find a carrier to pick up a load and keep the difference correct? Ex: Shipper is paying $1000 for the load transportation. The Broker will pay the carrier $700 and keep $300. Right?

@tanakalottotexasprediction5512 - 20.04.2022 06:51

Much better the freight broker owns a truck and delivery and keep 90% and 10 % to driver

@iananderson8288 - 17.07.2021 23:48

Do trucking companies not have their own internal brokerage system to connect with shippers ? Why have a middle man?

@riobusinessdevelopment3210 - 22.03.2021 11:57

I saw it on Upwork and I'm trying to submit proposal however I don't have enough connects.

@mikebgood - 19.02.2021 08:33

What's the difference between a shipper and a carrier? It sounds like the same thing?

@stefanicastillo7023 - 22.10.2020 21:32

freight interesting points ,if anyone else needs to find out about freight broker agent training course try Dalz Freight Discovery (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my friend got great results with it.

@ysabelrojas5909 - 22.10.2020 21:07

interesting points ,if anyone else wants to discover freight broker agent school online try Dalz Freight Discovery (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my buddy got cool results with it.

@Lobos222 - 22.10.2020 15:27

This is mostly domestic truck\trailer loads in USA. Not international shipping of goods.

@loum614 - 12.05.2020 18:38

A day in the life of a no-good cheating asshole

@sakima9843 - 30.12.2019 12:03

hi everyone ,if anyone else wants to uncover freight broker agent school online try Dalz Freight Discovery (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some super things about it and my friend got cool success with it.

@tago7800 - 29.12.2019 20:01

I\'m not sure but ,if anyone else needs to find out about freight broker training try Dalz Freight Discovery (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my friend got excellent success with it.

@chidvipemula2953 - 16.12.2019 09:16

Does Freight brokers want to have their own loadbaord that they can share with owner-operators and other carriers?

@danielatomescu3487 - 13.11.2019 12:55

interesting points ,if anyone else wants to discover learn how to become a freight broker try Moorack Simple Freight Miracle (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some super things about it and my work buddy got cool success with it.

@hiramrosajr8231 - 12.08.2019 09:07

No one hires new brokers

@superlove1915 - 18.05.2019 20:05

Being a broker is bullshit..the shipper could save money if they wasn't so dam lazy.skip the broker ,post there own loads, let the trucks give them there info, put it in the system,then all the trucks would have to do,is book an roll.drivers could make the money it takes to run these trucks. I know drivers who can't even fix there trucks because the money is all gon once it get to the driver 😠

@SumanKumari-io7on - 22.01.2019 14:15

i like it
