Homes For Sale in Chicago: South Side

Homes For Sale in Chicago: South Side

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@rahyahebah955 - 07.03.2025 03:55

Great video. Beautiful homes..I Really liked the first ones layout..and the pricing seemed Good

@MikeyLikesIt89 - 04.03.2025 21:41

People who have something negative to say about Chicago don’t know anything about Chicago or have never truly been south of downtown. The south side always has been about blocks, some are terrible and many are absolutely quiet and beautiful. It’s the outer perimeter main streets that really gives the south side such a bad rap.

@KellyeG7 - 04.03.2025 16:20

The mirror over the toilet in the bathroom on the second floor of the second house 😤🤔

@EarthOceanMoon - 04.03.2025 09:17

I thought the second one would be about 410K until he said what neighborhood it was in lol. Still a great house though! I love bungalows. I went about 20k over on the first one. Beautiful homes!

@tt2much - 04.03.2025 07:21

Both houses were nice 👌🏽

@tt2much - 04.03.2025 07:09

I like the vertical tile in the 1st home's bathroom.

@TraceyBoyland - 04.03.2025 04:47

Both priced lower than i guessed

@Craigthomas322 - 04.03.2025 03:54

I think you have a good channel and i check out your videos all the time. I have one critique, you go too fast when showing the house. I feel like you show the house as if we're in the house with you. Can you slow down and span the room. Also, show different angles of each room to give a better viee of each room? Outside of that, you bave a good channel. Keep growing, Bro!

@turtlehead2 - 04.03.2025 03:24

Should’ve opened up the area in the first house. But I’m into the open concept now

@ultimatevixn - 04.03.2025 03:03

I like that curb appeal on the second house.

@stocksnips3159 - 04.03.2025 02:35

gray, gray, gray... both houses good price

@truetrucker9783 - 04.03.2025 02:33

Buy in chicago 😂😂.NO WAY
