Doing a lore channel must be getting difficult considering GW can't be arsed with making any lore anymore
ОтветитьYou should do a "what every primarch thought of fulgrim" to celebrate this
ОтветитьFabius Biles' work is far too important to be distracted by Legion shenanigans
ОтветитьFulgrim vs Abbadon confirmed.
ОтветитьHoping the novel will clear things up if this has not been explained in the Codex then. I can see Fulgrim not caring about a United Legion just traveling from Warband to Warband where it seems more fun. Like the other side of the coin Angron where they aren't caring about being in charge but while Angron unintentionally calls the World Eater Warbands, Fulgrim sees what the Emperor's Children ones are up to and if they seem something he believes is worth his time he joins.
I wonder with Eidolon is gathering a proper force in secret is why he is being silent, that this is all part of a plan. There is a chance his alliance with Abaddon is the Emperor's Children help for command of the Legion but I don't see him fully being part of the Black Legion, and it would feel weird to have another big named Emperor's Children character not be part of the army since as the mention of Bile.
Look at what Fulgrim did during the Horus Heresy.
He went off to butcher imperial forces rather than fight as a concentrated army.
Once he did that the forces of Chaos fell apart.
Angron fighting Sanguineous,
Mortarion and the Khan.
Perturabo seeing all this left the crusade.
Clonegrim return be like:" Alright! you, stop touching yourself, you, stop touching other people. You, Get your act together!!! We are a legion, this is not befitting of you."
Ответить“Fucked up”.
ОтветитьLack of lore in codexes is among the top reasons i dont buy them anymore and regret those i did in 9th
ОтветитьThanks for doing these as someone who doesn't play tabletop. I can't justify buying a codex just for the lore it gives ❤
Ответитьwhy is the UM bit surprising? Guilliam was revived 10k years later by pure miracle. Before that he wass effectivelñy killed. Just cause he came back doesn't mean he wasn't as good as dead
ОтветитьSo essentially the Codex is a big nothing burger and says that well Fulgrims back and he hasnt changed in 10k years, his legion hasnt changed. I mean whats the point?
ОтветитьI just wander what Fulgrim will say to Fabius???
ОтветитьWe NEED an update and Eidolon model!! He is way too important of a character for GW not to give an official release and lore for!
ОтветитьThe cut just after off surprised me a lot! Cheeky Rho!
ОтветитьReally loving the new models but yea, I have a similar feeling about the Codex being light on the lore
While they say that they're still scattered into warbands, they can't seem to be bothered to make any warbands for them. The book mentions a whole 5 by name, and gives colour schemes for a whopping 3. I was personally really looking to that book for some inspiration but, alas I suppose. Its doubly annoying to me because I like the single paragraphs we got for them, and I would just love more depths and breadth to it.
Hopefully some more warbands will appear in the book, as its apparently about Fulgrim calling a bunch of warbands to a single location to vie for his favou by taking down a Black Templars stronghold.
I'm the kind of guy who lies to himself by pretending GW will develop CLONE FULGRIM into a redemption arc
ОтветитьI'm betting Eidolon is coming in 2nd wave. I'm also betting that EC jump pack troops will come with him, and he can lead a squad.
ОтветитьThe third are my first army ever! I am coming from Gunpla and am really enjoying the build process. I've got all but one of my noise marines, Lord Exultant, Obsessionist, and 4 Tormentors put together. This has been an incredible building experience. Except with all the glue all over my fingers.
ОтветитьIs it only me or does half of the codex does indeed sound like it was written by an AI? Maybe it is a translation issue, but the texts in the German version are pretty meh.
ОтветитьFulgrim is exactly what he will always be - someone who wanked himself out of relevance. Undisciplined hedonism is anathema to achievement.
ОтветитьWoke no canon trash hammer
ОтветитьGuilliman was effectively dead in stasis for 10K years. That’s reason enough to hold a grudge.
ОтветитьMakes sense. End of day, chaos can't win, so keeping them as warbands lets the game stay viable.
One thing I don't understand, is can we allow any of the Demon Primarchs to grow as characters? 10k years as a 1 note trope doesn't give you much to work with story wise.
How do you write yourself out of the corner with these characters?
how many emperor children are there left in the current setting?
ОтветитьThe summary of this 10 minutes video: We know jacksh*t! Now stay tuned for the Fulgrim novel.
Almost like some news anchor sudden found out they got handed the wrong script so .. viewers, it's a nice weather today ain't it! For today's news, we're reviewing yesterday's news. That's all we got for today, folks! See you tomorrow for tomorrow's news (hopefully).
Fulgrim flicking his snake clitty.
ОтветитьIts not the first time i say this and i will say it again. The best play that GW could do is instead the release of clonegrim is the one and last clone of Ferrus Manus. It could go in two ways.
First - Trazyn release the clonegrim to the galaxy just to fuck up deamongrim it could create a "civil war" with in the EC legion but ultimately the "loyal" ones do lost and the clonegrim on a last effort to conter is original give is life to release one lost clone of is beloved brother Ferrus.
Second - On the news of deamongrim roming the galaxy again all the Iron Hands legion do a last "charge" on the ship where Fulgrim in the hopes to kill is hated enemy just to discover the last clone of is Primarch and isn't one glorious last charge is the bringing of a new hope to the IH chapter and once again fuck up Fulgrim by see is beloved brother alive again. You could create new lore branches with Ferrus understand of this new era and that he needs is necrodermis hands and what that do to is legion so he goes to the necrons like the silent king and creat some kind of bargin with it to defeat the Tyranids. To me that was the best road GW could do.
Clonegrim will come back, and ill love listening to his lore while i get some Ws in Titanfall 3.
I will will this into existence. Join me.