What do you mainly use to get paid like cash or cash app and stuff like that?
Ответитьyou need a neutral, treated water source.
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ОтветитьYou need to get a detailing swivel gun. That extra long standard pressure washer gun is why you have to awkwardly hold it beside your body.
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ОтветитьFree Training. I need some advice on the type of products and different soaps you use and any towels you may recommend.
ОтветитьYour still beginner you need to learn more before you teach you just have a know it all attitude. You literally just washed the bumper and went straight to the body panel without dipping the spong so your also scratching vehicles.
ОтветитьJust your equipment alone shows how little experience you have. I would have replaced that cheap pressure washer hose a long time ago.
Ответитьbuddy out here botting subs 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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