Giant piece of dogshit. I lost 500.- for an unuseable headset that litteraly couldn't function. I NEEDED that during lockdown you incompetent fucks
Ответитьwhere did halo headbands go on the quest 2? Isn't my headset supposed to be better?
ОтветитьNaaah, quest 3 is much better
Ответитьbad mic rift s
ОтветитьLittel Trail
ОтветитьAnd my laptop will handle these VRs?Specifications Lenovo V15 G4 AMN (82YU00Y9RA) Business Black Series
Screen diagonal
Screen refresh rate
60 Hz
Effective coating
MY RIFT S CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ответитьsold my quest 2 and i ordered a rift s (quest 2 link SUCKS)
ОтветитьSo, what now? "Meta" Rift S?
Ответитьclose i have cv1
ОтветитьShould’ve been Rift 2
ОтветитьCan you please fix the broken microphone
ОтветитьThis would've been a much better headset if it was actually reliable. The amazing comfort and easy setup fails to overcome the amount of software issues like robot mic and constant HMD blackouts. The amount of multiplayer lobbies I've been kicked out of because of my microphone glitching out every now and then is just sad.
I still love my Rift S, I just wish that I could use it without worrying about crashing. My Rift S is currently sitting at 4500+ hours of use and I have no cable damage and no history of dropping the HMD or controllers. Where did I go wrong?
No linux support? Bad controllers? Facebook?
ОтветитьMy rift s won’t work what happended?
Ответитьwow awsome
ОтветитьIt's the best! no diught.
ОтветитьDo you need a pc to play rift s?
ОтветитьIs it just me or the headset looks like a valve index
ОтветитьI'm a big PCVR player so I decided to sell my Quest 2 and get a Rift S instead because Q2 had many issues such as latency, poor image quality (even with the resolution bumped up) and was way too heavy. The Rift S on the other hand has no latency, is hella light, and has way better image quality despite the lower resolution.
ОтветитьWow the worst mic in the world’s first trailer
ОтветитьOk now I currently own a quest 2 and oculus link is garbage it lags and crashes and i don’t really care about the lower specs on rift s I just ordered one but yea this headset is the choice I made🙂 but that’s not to say that the quest is good for standalone vr games it’s really great but I’m getting into pcvr so that’s why I did it
ОтветитьWhy change your name to meta oculus seems so much better
Ответить:( rip the best vr
ОтветитьThe word "Oculus" is Latin, meaning "eye" in the singular, as in "one-eye". Seems odd that a device that uses two-eyed binocular stereoscopic 3D would be called one-eye. Oculi Rift would be more appropriate.
ОтветитьI miss you
ОтветитьOculus rift s is terrible lot issues in laptop oculis quest conect eny laptop.oculus quest best in VR
Ответитьi miss this
ОтветитьThe user interface is the worst UI in any vr headset. The tracking is also very questionable. Otherwise it’s very good but those to things I mentioned are kind of a deal breaker for me.
ОтветитьI bought a Rift S on 17 FEB 21. It worked flawlessly until Oculus released their software update. Three dots of death. Four unsuccessful hours on the chat with Oculus CS. Excuses ranged from incompatible CPUs (then why has it worked up to now?) to low power on USB 3.1 ports (they're powered directly from my 1100W PSU). It is now boxed up ready to be collected by the courier for return. Thankful for 30 day return policies! :)
Ответитьcool, but quest 2 way better.
ОтветитьI got the oculus quest and now I wanna get the oculus rift s
ОтветитьIt's a great VR headset!! Simple to install runs smooth best of all it keeps running 90% of the time! I have this one and reverb g2! Next Gen Rift S! I can't wait to see!!!
Ответитьjust got made fun of in vr chat for having one of these fine headsets
ОтветитьIs Quest older than Rift?
Ответитьplanning to buy for myself this. LOOKS DOPE
ОтветитьI have that
Ответитьgot this for christmas :D its really fun and i prefer you get it
Ответитьworks in roblox???
ОтветитьI hope my laptop can use this
ОтветитьIm getting mine in 4 days im so excited and i dont care about the mic because all of my games are gonna be singleplayer