Basic things about android before learn coding.
Hello Friends.....
Today:- Basic things about android before learn coding.
1. working area for java code:-classes are the area we call
activity in android . eg.MainActivity
2. working area for android ui code:- we use xml for degin
eg. activity_main
3. packages information : app main package in side there
you will find all packages.
a. java classes : in java package you will get all
packages where activity classes are stored
all classes are there in this dir.
in my case in
b. android studio imges package : in res package
there is drawable.
all type images which are supported by
android are there.
c. android studio ui layout package : in res there
all xml file which are for desgin in
android are stored there .
d. menu package: in res there menu package
all action bar design are there
e. values package : in res
there are the files like strings,colour
,styles, dimens etc are there
4. Gradel :
this the main part of android there type of
project related defination .
like version and dependency etc see...
do not warry about are staff .
in start we use there main packages in android for basic code
main is activity for java code and xml layouts for
hope you like ......
5. thanks for watching........