Motobravo pt 1 complete

Motobravo pt 1 complete

French lessons

14 лет назад

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@MrAndrewleon - 12.02.2011 02:50

do you know anyone else that has baught this bike, i was interested but dont know enough about bikes to fix all that stuff

@reconfigurine - 28.03.2011 08:32

can you make more videos of your bike

@takumiscion - 04.05.2011 07:17

great video wish you can make more like a customer review or something

@MrOakcock - 02.06.2011 21:43

That is a good looking bike, much better looking than my rocketa. If they made one of these with a 250 it would sell faster than they could make them most likely.

@JLiprie - 11.06.2011 07:41

Scooter $1600 Parts $400 Quiet time working on my scooter and making it faster - priceless

@JLiprie - 13.06.2011 08:21

Definitely would not buy a new Chinese Scooter unless you are handy working on them. If you look at the first part of this video, their cylinder bore had a metal ridge in it and it shredded my piston instantly. But a replacement cylinder and piston was $70 and took a few hours to change out. The frame is quite stable and vibration free at 58 MPH. Change out the fuel and vacuum lines and you are good to go.

@Chinchilla5064 - 20.06.2011 07:40

where did you purchase this scooter?

@JLiprie - 22.06.2011 04:06

A 2009 model bought in 2010

@MrLovestospoog - 27.08.2011 21:03

My Kymco super 8 150 did 70 right out of the box.

@jarrodbaker45 - 20.09.2011 04:35

After you took the air intake off, what was the consequence for the 'two hoses' that were connected to it? I'm so ready to get rid of the ugly thing! Also, what diameter cone air filter did you use? Thanks for your 'pro' help, I'm totally not a mechanic!

@JLiprie - 23.09.2011 04:09

The smallest hose in the rear is a vent for the transmission. The larger hose in the front is likely from PCV valve (will come off the cylinder head.) OK to vent these to the outside. As for air filter, I ended up using a conical filter clamped onto a rubber pipe fitting (from Lowes) which was clamped to the carb. Actually worked and looked good. Do not remember size.

@FuuLLSpeeD - 22.02.2012 20:09

Man you did a great job on your bike. I also have problems with my speedometer. What's that digital speedometer name and price? Did you need big modifications to mount it? I'm sad you sold it and didn't continue reviewing it..

@MrLovestospoog - 20.03.2012 13:51

As far as buying a chinese scooter just dont bother buying one online because you wont get any service or a warranty, A warranty and a place of bussniess is what you want.

@rougecampos317 - 11.01.2014 01:30

I have a lky2motobravo and currently working on turning it into a 250cc chain driven ..engine is a honda lefan..much better than those scooter crap engines...that's what u should have done instead of spending money on the scooter engine..bro

@demon6shadow179 - 11.07.2014 08:15

where did u get that sweet dash board man

@santy5000 - 12.09.2014 19:53

Nice Scooter for get experience on motorcycles I would like to change CDI, Ignition oil, spark plug - Redarding the CDI is it AC or DC...??? I made the test recomended and I belive is AC. Could you confirm Please. Thanks.

@Next_day_air - 08.06.2016 03:40

what's the digital speedometer called and price??
