Nothing compared to the manga
ОтветитьIm gonna say the n word guts
ОтветитьGriffith: Imma kill you Guts
Also Griffith: We still friends right?
Was way more intense in the old version
ОтветитьShaggy’s son is one of my favorite rappers of all time
ОтветитьDid purple man bang the girl?
Ответить😢😢😢😢😢. Que horrível cara
ОтветитьGriffith: Okay guys, I think he's had enough. Let's let him go.
- How I thought the 1997 anime ended.
i can feel all the pain
ОтветитьThis version of the anime had the best soundtrack,just the sound music in this scene is fitting and makes the hair on my arms and neck stand up
ОтветитьAquele versículo que diz : se o seu parasita corkus o faz tropeçar então arranca-o . Pois é melhor entrar na vida com o espelho quebrado do que ser lançado na geena ardente. 99% ...resta só 1% para o fim cpm 22
Ответить"Anime is for kids"
Wath berserk
Guts screamed so loud it had a delay
ОтветитьIts so hypocritical how casca is crying of getting raped by Griffith even tho she was in love with him from the start
ОтветитьGriffith did nothing wrong!
ОтветитьWhat happend to the girl? And why is there a crazy guy in a purple suit
ОтветитьHe not even moving. How is he graping her?
ОтветитьManga was nightmare compared to the anime damn
ОтветитьThe most Japanese thing about this is making this scene look like Casca is enjoying it lmao
The manga is horrifying
I love the frame we get of guts' eyes right before he's about to cut off his arm. You can just tell from his gaze that he's like: Welp, fuck it this things going off.
Ответить"Bro really sacrificed his humanity and friends for a gay batman suit" 💀
ОтветитьWhat a god. Just 🪚 his arm like a bossman. GAWD TIER NIGGA
ОтветитьEven me... I scream his name...
Damn Apostles
You scary 😱
casca liked it
ОтветитьOne of the most painful 😣 scenes in anime history
ОтветитьBro needed to rape to get a demon sized di- i mean suit
ОтветитьAlguien sabe cómo se llama la melodía?
What's is the name melody?
ОтветитьEl ship de Didiwinx y Abrahaham desde la perspectiva de un simp
ОтветитьThe fact Griffith was the one to do it with her was crazy💀💀💀
ОтветитьI reject my humanity Gatsu!!!!
ОтветитьWhy does he rape her ???? I never understood that
ОтветитьLooks like she was enjoying that 120 foot chiken
ОтветитьOk, but why is Griffith regressing to an older model?
ОтветитьImagine Betraying and Sacrificeing All of Your Friends And Rapeing Your Best Best Best Friend's Girl friend Just For a Lameass Batman Suit.
Ответитьhow can the anime world even accept this sh
ОтветитьCan't blame Griffith..
There was a saying
Question does gut kill that dude
ОтветитьLittle did Griffith know fucking Casca would give Guts plot armor like Goku And durability like Asura.... And give him the strength of Baki, and Saitama combined.... Stay tuned next time for Beserk!
ОтветитьWho tf enjoys this shit?
ОтветитьThis was so much more graphic and horrific to watch in the 2013 version byt my god Guts still shot of his face is so haunting
ОтветитьSkill issue btw
ОтветитьI can't imagine another character in all of fiction that has suffered more than Guts. The "berserk" part of the anime isn't only about the sheer brutal nature of Guts to deal with his enemies but also the amount of horrible things he was put through since his childhood, with Griffith and the God Hand just making it far worse for him.
ОтветитьThe manga was so brutal and detailed, and it was longer too, you can really feel the pain Guts going through
ОтветитьFemto and Griffiths Armor is Literally peak character design