BTW today you cant ban somebody in a singleplayer you need a local server
ОтветитьAccess denied XD
ОтветитьDo you need to make sure you have the port forwarded before using the server commands? I made a server on Local Network without forwarding so well if it's local of course that obviously probably shouldn't work and it hasn't. Is it supposed to be possible without forwarding?
ОтветитьHello, just started a server. Can you teach me how to make it so post processing color modification can work on everyone who joins the server? I want everyone to see my preset colors. :0 Thanks.
ОтветитьI didn't get kicked whenever I did the last script...? Even though I put in true on the boolean value. Help? Anyone?
Ответитьmy lua_openscript isn't working, what should I do?
ОтветитьWhen you want to start the script, be carefull to enter lua_openscript and not lua_openscript_cl , like i did (stupid me)
Ответитьinstead of IsPlayer(), you could use "if type(entity) == 'Player' then"
ОтветитьHow do you get that coding website thingy. Where you do that coding stuff
ОтветитьHey boyos, my friend showed me a shorter way to do the ignite script, which also doesnt ignite the player.
for k, v in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_physics")) do
im haing trouble with a script wiht star wars RP where force heal is resetting health to 100 i don't know what i've done wrong can you anyone help me?
Whats ur font in npp
u cant ban the local host anymore ^^'
Ответитьlocal entities = ents.GetAll()
local players = player.GetAll()
for q, p in pairs(players) do
if p:IsPlayer() == true then
for k, v in pairs(entities) do
if v:IsPlayer() == false then
I made this so it strips the player but, it still makes them burn alive? y. Is it because the player model itself is considered an entity
you cant ban your self anymore lol
ОтветитьHow can I save the script on a Mac? When I go to downloads then to steam then I click steam it pops up and starts steam up? It doesn’t show any folders! Please help!
ОтветитьHey man, I know this is a really old video now but maybe you'll see this:
How do I target only a specific player? More specifically, what if I wanted to do LocalPlayer but instead on a server?
props and entities that I spawn personally arent buring with Ignite. Only some parts of the map im in. I myself am also not burning to death. Why?
Ответить[ERROR] lua/jakisskrypt.lua:3: attempt to call method 'isPlayer' (a nil value)
1. unknown - lua/jakisskrypt.lua:3
How do I unban myself? I banned myself for .5 which should be 30 seconds, and its been more the 3 minutes and I still banned
ОтветитьHow can I make code run all the time, I have made a rough lua for a certain job to ignite when out of water and not when in water but it only happens when I manually run the code. Is it possible to have it so the lua is always checking if they are out of the water or not and then ignite them accordingly without me having to run the script manually.
ОтветитьSo instead of "bind k suicide" I could make a script where the Player:Kill() is executed, then call it "Suicide" and then "bind k lua_openscript suicide.lua".
I thought my commands were broke... Then it took me 5 minutes to realise I still had "_cl" in "lua_openscript"
ОтветитьHi CodeBlue, can we get the link to the lexer in describtion? I've been trying to find it, but I fail miserably searching through google, as my google browser is retarded (got a lot of malware lol)
ОтветитьIf you do this:
local colour = Color(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255))
instead of a set colour and do bind "h" "lua_openscript test.lua" then spam it, it makes every prop a different colour and they all changed really quickly
Just in case anyone wanted to know
It says: attempt to call field 'GetALL' (a nil value)
why :o ???
How do i unban myself xD
ОтветитьSo if someone put 9001 minutes for the ban code for the lol is his gmod just broken forever?
ОтветитьAwesome :) Waits out his 2 minute ban time
ОтветитьBro thx alot, ive wanted to learn to code GMOD LUA for a long time. You have helped me out alot so far and you've been making my custom server's progress even quicker!