Wherever Palestinian refugees reside, problems follow.
ОтветитьDon't mess with Mossad or Israeli special forces.
ОтветитьEpically incapable...
ОтветитьThis is the kind of shit that makes people view Special Forces as being nearly invulnerable and able to pull off any feat of daring.
ОтветитьIsraeli boldness makes me tingle.
ОтветитьLanding 4 cargo planes with jeeps and armored cars stuffed with 200 special operations soldiers in complete darkness, completing the mission with minimal losses and extracting from the same planes sounds like something out of call of duty
ОтветитьTurns out the jews were the most serious threat the the Jewish hostages smh
ОтветитьThat didn't age well
ОтветитьThose commandos are some badass MFs. Respect.
ОтветитьFeigns = Pretending/False impression. If anyone wanted to know what the word Feign means lol.
ОтветитьIt’s insane people are so stupid to not listen to well trained soilders who are on there side to save them
Don’t get me wrong it’s sad and tragic no one deserve to die who’s innocent especially those that were there but like if there’s shooting going on and your told to lay down you should lay down especially as if someone’s shooting near or at me Iam gonna prone or run in the opposite direction naturally unless told otherwise by professionals
Am i the only one shocked that they shot so many hostage just for moving, despite the fact panic was expected and that they were with the other clearly identified hostages, but two mintue laters they just let two "civilians" stroll past because they didn't see any weapons?
ОтветитьExcellent video. I found out a couple things I'd never heard before. Like the storm over Lake Victoria drowned out the sounds of the planes. Love the animation. I could listen to the narrator all day.
ОтветитьI love Israel even more now wtf this is insane
ОтветитьWhats funny is that the Ugandan delegate accused Israel of 'aggression' during the UN Assembly that was convened in regards to this incident
ОтветитьWow isrealis shooting people before identifying them? I’m shocked
ОтветитьNow I understand how Israel won against 6 Arab countries in just a week. Israeli military doesn't fk around.
Ответить>holocaust survivor. All I needed to hear. 🤡
ОтветитьWas spider man and darth Vader there?
ОтветитьKids to 3rd worlders
The idfs opponents
perfect plan never exist
mean while Israel
So much information is outthere about this operation, you should have made it more accurate...
missing a lot of specific information about the details..
making some of the fact and timeline completly wrong
Even the holywood movie made about it is more accurate from this detailed video...
The commander of the GsG9 was around too gathering intelligence.
ОтветитьHall Kimberly Hernandez Jennifer Harris Lisa
ОтветитьApparently, Ulrich Wegener, the founder and first commander of the german GSG9 was part of the raid.
ОтветитьGod bless the elected people ❤.
ОтветитьYonatan Netanyahu - Hero.
ОтветитьMartinez Nancy Perez David Wilson Timothy
ОтветитьOne victim was hospitalized when this raid happened, Idi Amin killed her as a revenge.
ОтветитьWell made. I've been researching the Entebbe raid for many years. So far I have conflicting info which vehicles were used by the IDF. What is your source for stating that Landrovers were being used to transport the IDF?
ОтветитьThey thought fast and furious was badass for driving cars off a C-130 Hercules onto a runway in a movie whereas Israel did it for real.
ОтветитьPrisoners from 6 different countries...says all you need to know about the Palestinians and the monsters they are.
ОтветитьGermans helping Palestinian militants not a good look
ОтветитьIf it happens today they would use JDAM to flatten the airport, then gradually claim territory around it
Yonatan Netanyahu
To the four hostages who were killed in the Entebbe raid
To the 45 Ugandan soldiers and the seven hijackers (two from the Revolutionary Cells and five from the PFLP–EO) of Air France Flight 139 who were killed in the Entebbe raid
To add a little, they had planned to refuel the Hercules in Entebbe but ended up flying to Kenya for refueling instead. Only three hostages were killed during the rescue. One Israeli hostage had been taken to the hospital in Entebbe and so wasn’t rescued. She was murdered by Ugandan troops in the hospital after the raid. 245 Kenyans were killed in retaliation for Kenya assisting with the raid. 3000 Kenyans fled Uganda.
ОтветитьTheir tactics still haven't changed much. Attack the innocent and then pretend like Israel is the bad guy. I don't understand why people still have sympathy for them.
ОтветитьAn event from the time when israel was seen as a brave little country, rather than the murderous pariah state guilty of countless war crimes and crimes against humanity that it has become.
ОтветитьWhen will you do a situation room on the USS Liberty
ОтветитьPew pew Shortie
ОтветитьThanks for the detail in this video
ОтветитьI am pretty sure Chuck Norris was involved in this incident