World of Warcraft   How To Use WoW Model Viewer to Extract a Character into a Image Editing Software

World of Warcraft How To Use WoW Model Viewer to Extract a Character into a Image Editing Software


13 лет назад

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@WhiteOutCinema - 13.06.2011 20:24

Thank you so much. Btw its Tithann From towelliees stream :P

@XxXSnazzyBananaXxX - 13.06.2011 20:55

You made Towliee!

@WhiteOutCinema - 13.06.2011 21:06

btw instead of going into photoshop and using magic wand tool to cut out thebackground you can just save the picture as a png and it will have no background ^^

@SmokeyHD - 13.06.2011 21:21

@WhiteOutCinema Tried this, once i saved it, and opened it in Photoshop some of the layering was missing and invisible, you see through the helmet and the weapon and it made look very bad. So i messed around and found this way. Like i said this isnt they way i do it, its just a simple way i found you can do it, so you guys can see it.

@XxXSnazzyBananaXxX - 13.06.2011 21:39

Hey Smokey how to you make your pictures to 1080ip? (HD)

@SmokeyHD - 13.06.2011 22:20

@XxXSnazzyBananaXxX When creating an image, make sure your starting layout is 1920 x 1080 pixels, this is currently the standard 1080p settings.

@makkuusen - 13.06.2011 22:21

You'r guides and arts is awesome, have i said that before? i probably have

@Manitze - 13.06.2011 23:01

Really good guide. Keep up the good work!

@Wtfboomdps - 14.06.2011 03:25

nice vid, but do u sleep? ur computer says u make this at 03:25 xD

@palaplague - 15.06.2011 22:53

Nice but i got an question, how do i put in more than one character on same picture. And how can u do an video with moves and stuff plz reply and make an video

@SmokeyHD - 15.06.2011 23:17

@palaplague You just do the same, with the other character make it so each character is on a separate layer, and with the movements its alot harder, you need to extract the model to another program, then 3d studio max and then create the animations in there, its very in depth and hard to explain.

@palaplague - 16.06.2011 00:54

whats your paint named?

@palaplague - 16.06.2011 13:38

Whats your paint named please reply fast i cant do all the stuff with my paints......

@SmokeyHD - 16.06.2011 15:48

@palaplague Photoshop CS5

@palaplague - 18.06.2011 12:12

Hey....again......i got photoshop cs5 trial. but it dont have paint bucket or magic wand tool :/.... or does it? reply if it got or not

@SmokeyHD - 18.06.2011 15:45

@palaplague Send me a screenshot to here and ill have a look

@XxXSnazzyBananaXxX - 20.06.2011 07:55

What about 4.2?

@dolerbom - 08.07.2011 13:13

i tried and it popped up with same error as my curse client o.O C:/documents and setting/compaq_ owner. YOUR-71A232D1a6/mydocuments/downloads/wmv_r582_32bit_devwork/wmv_r583_32bit_devwork/wowmodelview32.exe This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. reinstalling the application may fix this problem. it didn't.

@nusse51 - 04.09.2011 18:33

how do i get my own char on world of warcraft model viewer?

@nusse51 - 04.09.2011 18:41

@SmokeyMcDude how do i load my own character ?

@Sycorix9 - 05.09.2011 20:23

@nusse51 i think you can from the armory. :)

@myllarnyes - 13.09.2011 01:25

make one to me :)

@matej.mlakar - 18.09.2011 13:20

Very nice tutorial :). Tho I'd like to point out one thing: I use model viewer v0.7.1 r614 and if you go to Character menu in select ''Import armory character'' you just pase url link from (or. us) and it will load everything you need in 2 seconds, so you don't have to spend time and gearing up the char :). Btw, in photoshop you just have to duble click on layer and it won't be locked anymore :).

@OxxGabyxxO - 21.10.2011 12:06

thanks alot man for your video

@MrIzo10 - 28.01.2012 02:07

ty man help'd me alot :)

@TheVividProject - 07.02.2012 20:07

how do you record an animated model? not just a print screen,and import it in to sony vegas or other software. Thanks :)

@ayligerwolf - 21.02.2012 03:27

very clear info on your vid , good job. i myself been messing with photoshop CS4, i think, its one of the main programs i use at work along with Indesign.

@TheWingmanPro - 17.04.2012 06:06

"Hi guys! My name is SMD." I lol'd.

@YodragonWasTaken - 13.06.2012 08:30

Downloaded it, but WoWModelViewer won't open 'cause it says MSVCP100.dll isn't on my computer... But it's right above it... It suggested I download it again, but I already did... Like 5 times! What's goin on?! <:(

@lewisgoerlitz8796 - 05.07.2012 04:57

Saame!! haha

@Fiascope - 17.08.2012 23:29

"Hey guys, my name is SMD!" hahaha that earned you a like bro!

@Tylenish - 03.12.2012 02:43

which wow model viewer program did you download for the video?

@meebyonix - 10.02.2013 03:10

Cant Find World of Warcraft Data Files. HELP!!

@frostyliteon - 12.03.2013 13:23

When I open my wow model viewer and choose for example, human female.. the character is coming up but like going around in circle all the time, cant like have it stand in the middle.. please help fast

@FacingHell - 22.05.2013 01:49

If i get my character in WMV and try to add some trees or something it will only show the trees And my character will go away :s help plz

@ItsSp00finTime - 28.06.2013 01:33

Do you know how to export the 3D data? I am looking to export the 3D character so I can print him out with my 3D printer

@paratek_io - 27.01.2014 00:58

Change ur name bud

@FR3S8 - 27.12.2014 01:17

62 bit? bever heard about 62bit OS
